Examples of the the word, outfit , in a Sentence Context

The word ( outfit ), is the 6486 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As Al-Fayed has come to realize how expensive it is to subsidize a Premiership, outfit , Fulham appears to be committed to a gradual increase of the ground's capacity
  2. Had the best cloth from the local tailor, but was equally happy in his tramping, outfit , His attire in the Spanish Civil War, along with his size 12 boots was a source
  3. Of the court) by on Nassau. This honor included a stipend, an annual court, outfit , as well as 2,180 liters of grain and 2,000 liters of wine tax-free. It is
  4. To change their colors because Sparta Rotterdam already had exactly the same, outfit , Special kits for away fixtures did not exist at the time and according to
  5. Fighting against city rivals Bentwood to become the city's premier football, outfit , By the 1907–1908 season, Hellas was playing against regional teams and an
  6. Lacking lapels or buttons) that differs little from the classical oriental, outfit ,consisting of the caftan, white undershirt, sash,knee-breeches (halbe-hoyzn)
  7. Including an officially sanctioned studio version by the popular thrash metal, outfit ,Megadeath. Another version of the song was recorded by Chris Kline in August
  8. Acts I Killed The Prom Queen and Double Dragon, popular Australian hip-hop, outfit ,Hilltop Hoods, pop acts, Orianthi, Guy Sebastian, and Was Carr, as well as
  9. Turks, who brought it to Europe. The Polish nobility adopted its 16th century, outfit ,from the Turks, hence (allegedly) the similarity between the Hasidic outfit
  10. Outfit from the Turks, hence (allegedly) the similarity between the Hasidic, outfit ,and Polish nobles' clothing. (Similarly, Hasidic dress has a vague connection
  11. In the late 19th century in an attempt to induce younger Jews to abandon the, outfit , ) Interestingly, secular Yiddish writers of old, living in Eastern Europe (
  12. Located inside the DIS track. Delaware has been home to professional wrestling, outfit ,Combat Zone Wrestling (CZW). CZW has been affiliated with the annual
  13. Titled song was available on advance copies of the album. The experimental rock, outfit ,PINKISH released an EP in 2010 titled The Dance Of The Diaspora, expressing
  14. With a broad, vertical red stripe over chest and back, which still is Ajax's, outfit , Ajax's shirts have been sponsored by TDK, and by ABN AFRO from 1991 to 2008.
  15. York based multiracial Afro beat Orchestra *Chop teeth, an international 14 piece, outfit ,based in Washington D. C. In number theory, an arithmetic (or arithmetical)
  16. S debut album was provided by American West Coast band Clover, a country, outfit ,living in England whose members would later go on to join Huey Lewis and the
  17. Numerous pictures of Hasidim in the mid-19th century show a far more Byzantine, outfit ,(i.e. a caftan lacking lapels or buttons) that differs little from the
  18. The name of Lorelei in league with the villains. Driven alcoholic, Superman,his, outfit ,dirty and neglected, eventually goes to a car wrecking yard where Kent, in a
  19. Sound are Siege, a hardcore punk group, and Repulsion, an early death metal, outfit , Siege, from Weymouth, Massachusetts,were influenced by classic American
  20. Sweater over a white shirt; another was that he was inspired by a similar, outfit ,worn by the cartoonist Tom Webster, with whom Chapman played golf. Regardless
  21. But for" strength" and weight loss, as well—and many of his friends in the, outfit ,joined him in indulging. The Army also introduced Presley to karate, which he
  22. Most prominent fashion designers of the day. Black tie dress is the most common, outfit ,for men, although fashion may dictate not wearing a bow-tie, and musical
  23. 東京婦人子供服組合) promoted Western clothes. Between 1920 and 1930 the sailor, outfit ,replaced the undivided hakama in school uniforms for girls. The 1932 fire at
  24. Cubs have no official physical mascot, though a man in a 'polar bear' looking, outfit , called" The Bee man" ( or Baseman, B-man ), which was not very popular with
  25. Is a hip- or thigh-length kimono-like jacket, which adds formality to an, outfit , Maori were originally worn only by men, until it became a fashion for women in
  26. From across the nation compete to come up with the wildest Hillbilly, outfit , The event has earned its name as the Mardi Gras of the Mountains. Fans of "
  27. Actor and a lion skin cloak that usually characterized Heracles - an absurd, outfit ,that provokes the character Heracles (as no doubt it provoked the audience)
  28. With long trailing sleeves, culminating in his African-styled" Fire Angel ", outfit ,that he wore throughout most of his final" Cry Of Love" tour, until it began
  29. The same time, the band made a more complete switch over from a punk rock, outfit ,to a three-man rap trio, each adopting their own hip hop monikers in the vein
  30. And how the world came under the rule of Wily. Also in the 2000s,pop punk, outfit ,Green Day abandoned the pop punk scene and turned to more alternative and
  31. In the city in 1906. Music Popular music groups such as the 1970s soul-funk, outfit ,Average White Band, the Associates, the band Spare Snare, Danny Wilson and the
  32. TV sets for the base, and bought an extra set of fatigues for everyone in his, outfit , While in Friedberg, Presley met 14-year-old Priscilla Beau lieu. They would
  33. In the 1930s as a cheap, disposable accessory meant to be worn with a specific, outfit , It was intended to be fashionable for a short period of time, outdate itself
  34. The movies, the general style and profile remained the same. Elements of the, outfit ,include: * The fedora was supplied by Herbert Johnson Hatters in England for
  35. It reflects the use of the word" costume" to refer to what is now called an ", outfit ,"; for example, a " handsome street costume of maroon brown velvet ". Costume
  36. Knee-breeches (halbe-hoyzn),white socks and slippers (Shabbat). This, outfit ,allegedly had a Babylonian origin before its later adoption by Jews, Persians
  37. Combining music, film,slide projections and even Gerard Malaga in an S&M, outfit ,cracking a whip. The Exploding Plastic Inevitable in 1966 was the culmination
  38. Bow instead of red. Disney's House of Mouse got her a waitress look-alike, outfit , with a blue bow, and a long ponytail. In Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Daisy
  39. It began to come apart during the Isle of Wight concert. He appeared in this, outfit ,only once more (in just the jacket) at the disastrous concert in Aarhus
  40. Designs dyed over the whole surface or along the hem. A complete kimono, outfit , with kimono, undergarments,obi, ties,socks, sandals,and accessories, can
  41. Quit the band less than a month later to join the Danish Boys, another blues, outfit , who incorporated folk and soul —" I used to dream of being their Mick Jagger
  42. The group" Love station. " Mark O'Toole moved to Florida and played with Punk, outfit ," Trapped By Mormons. " The band's name lived on to the extent that re-issues
  43. Who rebels against all norms, stands for anarchism, devoid of the prejudices of, outfit ,imposed by our money-oriented society. ” ". The Italian Renzo Nova tore, the
  44. Short period of time, outdate itself, and then be repurchased to fit with a new, outfit ,or new fashion style. Its main use is in fashion, as opposed to" real" ( fine
  45. Did appear on the cover of Playboys October 1978 issue wearing a Playboy bunny, outfit , complete with ears (the October 1978 Playboy issue also featured Lawrence
  46. Songwriter, musician and former frontman of Pedro The Lion, an indie rock, outfit ,associated with Christian rock that was controversial among Christians for
  47. Beginning of episode 44," Mr. Neutron ", Adams is dressed in a" pepper pot ", outfit ,and loads a missile on to a cart driven by Terry Jones, who is calling for
  48. Graham Goldman, who had also written hit songs for teen pop, outfit ,Herman's Hermits and The Hollies. Still musically devoted to the blues
  49. Premiership. Unlike two seasons ago, Geelong proved no match against an Eagle, outfit ,superior to its 1992 premiership team, losing by 80 points. Billy Brownness
  50. New York Times reported that Goldman asked to change into a more appropriate, outfit , and emerged in a gown of" royal purple ". The pair were charged with

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