Examples of the the word, gem , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gem ), is the 6483 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And was known to both the Sumerians and the Egyptians, both who used the, gem ,for decoration and for playing important parts in their religious ceremonies
  2. This stanza::" She shall ever claim our duty, : For she shines—the brightest, gem ,: That has ever decked with beauty: Dear Ohio's diadem. " Another explanation
  3. Every September the Colorado Convention Center at 451 E. 58th Avenue hosts a, gem ,and mineral show. While Denver may not be as recognized for historical musical
  4. Improve gem stone color or clarity. The heating process has been well known to, gem ,miners and cutters for centuries, and in many stone types heating is a common
  5. Master of his own mind, will conduct himself without effort, will be like a, gem ,reflecting a variety of colors, will be able to assume the body of
  6. As most precious metals, there is a substantial mark-up in the retail sale of, gem ,diamonds. There is a well-established market for resale of polished diamonds (
  7. University * Gemology Institute of Southern Africa,Africa's premium, gem ,laboratory. * Asian Institute of Gemmological Sciences (AIDS),the oldest
  8. Diaphaneity. Before the 20th century, jewelers used the term water as in" a, gem ,of the finest water" to express the combination of two qualities, color and
  9. And Swiss consortium, began production in 1984 and mined diamonds that are 90 %, gem ,quality. Production stopped from 1993 until 1996,when First City Mining, of
  10. Described below, but also a high degree of transparency to be considered a top, gem , In the 1960s the American jewelry industry changed the definition of 'emerald
  11. Varieties can be distinguished from their difference in refractive index. While, gem ,beryls are ordinarily found in pegmatites and certain metamorphic rocks, red
  12. And later games would 'understand' multiple sentence input: 'pick up the, gem ,and put it in my bag. Take the newspaper clipping out of my bag then burn it
  13. That these impurities can be" manipulated ", thus changing the color of the, gem , Treatments applied to gem stones are often treated to enhance the
  14. As its hardness and toughness are poor. Name "/NP"> GREG"/> The main sources for, gem ,material are Brazil and the U. S. Australia, France,Germany, Namibia,Norway
  15. 5,110 m Natural resources: cobalt, copper,cadmium, petroleum,industrial and, gem ,diamonds, gold,silver, zinc,manganese, tin,germanium, uranium,radium
  16. Privately from the sellers. Maharajah and other royal family members value, gem ,as Hindu God. They exchanged gem s with people whom they were very close to
  17. At the proper angles, which varies depending on the optical properties of the, gem , If the angles are too steep or too shallow, the light will pass through and
  18. Be classified in terms of their" water ". This is a recognized grading of the, gem ,'s luster and/or transparency and/or" brilliance ". Very transparent gem s are
  19. Visible inclusions. Laboratories tend to apply these criteria differently. Some, gem ,labs consider the mere presence of oil or polymers to constitute enhancement.
  20. Hypothesis. To aid the seed in germination, botanists now use turkeys and, gem ,polishers to erode the endear to allow germination. This tree is highly
  21. S. Australia, France,Germany, Namibia,Norway, and Spain have also produced, gem ,quality amblygonite. Name "/NP"> GREG"/> Amygdala (from Greek:“ almond” )
  22. Like all other former Illuminati members, Xavier has sworn to never use the, gem ,and to keep its location hidden. Xavier Protocols The Xavier Protocols are a
  23. Note that these categories reflect levels of enhancement not clarity. A, gem ,graded none on the enhancement scale may still exhibit visible inclusions.
  24. Footage and organized around a new commentary (Film Comment). **Note: This, gem ,was written by Marker. It feels like a Marker film. **Note: Marker apparently
  25. The value of the stone. Some treatments are used widely because the resulting, gem ,is stable, while others are not accepted most commonly because the gem color is
  26. a thousand dollars from the sale of his papers, of which the notes were the, gem , " Madison's financial troubles and deteriorating mental and physical health
  27. Construction, rice milling, fishing,wood and wood products, rubber,cement, gem ,mining, textiles Industrial production growth rate: 5.7 % (2011 est. )
  28. Used for gem stone purposes and also considered as a source of beryllium. The, gem ,value of Yosemite is relatively low. However, goshenite can be colored yellow
  29. By ion implantation. Nitrogen is by far the most common impurity found in, gem ,diamonds and is responsible for the yellow and brown color in diamonds. Boron
  30. To scratching—perhaps contributing to its popularity as the preferred, gem ,in enga gem ent or wedding rings, which are often worn every day. The hardest
  31. Of more perishable nature, such as skin, papyrus,etc.; engraved gem s and, gem ,impressions; legends written with pigment on pottery (rare); characters
  32. Colorado; the Kelsey Lake Diamond Mine operated for several years, recovering, gem , quality diamonds. Colorado's high Rocky Mountain ridges and eastern plains
  33. Natural or synthetic diamonds (usually those already cut and polished into a, gem ,), which are designed to better the gem ological characteristics of the stone in
  34. To the south, Cincinnati,is known as the" Queen City ", which makes Dayton a, gem ,in the queen's crown. The city was advertised as" The Gem City, the Cleanest
  35. Fyodorovna (former Princess Alex of Hesse). Notes and citations A gem stone or, gem ,(also called a precious or semi-precious stone, or jewel) is a piece of
  36. Esmeralda) from Latin asparagus from Greek marauds – σμάραγδος (" green, gem ,"),its original source being a Semitic word imaged (אזמרגד) or the
  37. Gemological institute in South East Asia, involved in gem ological education and, gem ,testing * Swiss Gemmological Institute (SSE),founded by Prof. Henry Hanna
  38. When word-final and before the back vowels ‹ a, o,u ›. It symbolizes as in, gem ,before the front vowels ‹ e, i ›. French, Spanish,Romanian and, to a lesser
  39. That it is heat treated. Gem dealers are aware of the differences between, gem ,laboratories and will make use of the discrepancies to obtain the best possible
  40. That Gnosticism was derived from Buddhism was first proposed by the Victorian, gem ,collector and numismatist Charles William King (1864). Manuel (1875,
  41. That hailed from Dayton, or from descriptions of the city likening it to a, gem , The most likely origin appears to be an 1845 article in the Cincinnati Daily
  42. Be fairly said, without infringing on the rights of others, that Dayton is the, gem ,of all our interior towns. It possesses wealth, refinement,enterprise, and a
  43. Gem is stable, while others are not accepted most commonly because the, gem ,color is unstable and may revert to the original tone. Heat can improve
  44. Finger, while others wore none. Roman men and women wore rings with an engraved, gem ,on it that was used with wax to seal documents, a practice that continued into
  45. Are found in China, Germany,India, Morocco,and in the United States. A rare, gem ,containing barium is known, called bentonite. Production Because barium quickly
  46. Of the tree of thy hope? " In the estimation of the wise, the world is a false, gem ,that passes each moment from one hand to another. (the fort was sacked by the
  47. The highest prices. The use of oil is traditional and largely accepted by the, gem ,trade. Other treatments, for example the use of green-tinted oil, are not
  48. Nine gem s all together. Among all the gem stones, diamond is the most powerful, gem ,among nine stones. There were various cuts for the gem stone. Indian Kings
  49. From a Shoshone language term meaning" the sun comes from the mountains" or ", gem ,of the mountains ". Willing later claimed that he had made up the name himself.
  50. As cubic or trigonal or monoclinic. Another term used is habit, the form the, gem ,is usually found in. For example diamonds, which have a cubic crystal system

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