Examples of the the word, environmentally , in a Sentence Context

The word ( environmentally ), is the 6497 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Exceed the benefits for individual farmers, even while they are socially and, environmentally ,beneficial. Another issue is a lack of political will, and lack of funding to
  2. Importance of the Antarctic region and to show that biofuel can be a viable and, environmentally ,friendly option. Water transport Antarctica's only harbor is at McCurdy
  3. Residential projects are underway, including LEED buildings which cater to the, environmentally ,conscious. Construction history: *1980s: 13 buildings,9 residential and 4
  4. Finds of the Minoan era. Environmentally protected areas There are a number of, environmentally ,protected areas. One such area is located at the island of Platonism on the
  5. Improve and protect the quality of the natural environment through changes to, environmentally ,harmful human activities ". An environmentalist is engaged in or believes in
  6. And Suicide. Because of their specificity, these pesticides are regarded as, environmentally ,friendly, with little or no effect on humans, wildlife,pollinators, and most
  7. Of a range of biodegradable polymers. These materials have applications as, environmentally ,friendly packaging and in medicine in drug delivery and the construction of
  8. In its cautious expansion of the tourist sector, encourages visits by upscale, environmentally ,conscientious tourists. Detailed controls and uncertain policies in such areas
  9. For around 35 %. The overproduction has also been criticized for encouraging, environmentally ,unfriendly intensive farming methods. Education and science Education and
  10. By developed countries have been noted as protectionist, inefficient,and, environmentally ,damaging. In the past century agriculture has been characterized by enhanced
  11. To the introduction of petroleum alternatives such as bioasphalt that are more, environmentally ,friendly and less toxic. Bitumen can now be made from non-petroleum based
  12. From support systems is associated with, but not identical to, other goals of, environmentally ,responsible green building. However, autonomous buildings also usually include
  13. Sweden, Skåne county. ) Environment Copenhagen is recognized as one of the most, environmentally ,friendly cities in the world. Much of the city's success can be attributed to
  14. To minimize the amount and toxicity of wastes generated, to ensure their, environmentally ,sound management as closely as possible to the source of generation, and to
  15. And the seven-time Tour de France champion cyclist Lance Armstrong, as well as, environmentally ,and economically minded bicycle commuters. Combining these three disciplines is
  16. And are usually made from dissolving pulp via viscose. A more recent and, environmentally ,friendly method to produce rayon is the Lowell process. Cellulose is the raw
  17. In its cautious expansion of the tourist sector, encourages visits by upscale, environmentally ,conscientious tourists. Detailed controls and uncertain policies in areas such
  18. Like oysters, clams,mussels and scallops, are relatively benign and even, environmentally ,restorative. Seaweeds extract nutrients such as inorganic nitrogen and
  19. And the dynamics of the ozone hole. Catalytic reactions are preferred in, environmentally ,friendly green chemistry due to the reduced amount of waste generated, as
  20. Absence) of chemicals. One hope is that green biotechnology might produce more, environmentally ,friendly solutions than traditional industrial agriculture. An example of this
  21. By tourists, some are visited only by archaeologists and biologists. Some are, environmentally ,protected. A small sample of the islands include: *Gracious (Kisses, Chania
  22. Failure to comply may result in criminal and civil sanctions. Newer and more, environmentally ,safe refrigerants such as HC FCs (R-22,used in most homes today) and FCS (
  23. On February 17, 2007 the wreckage of CM-012 was moved approximately to a newer, environmentally ,controlled warehouse. Only a few weeks earlier, Gus Grissom's brother Lowell
  24. And elevation changes to make the course challenging. Keeping the raw and, environmentally ,conscience elements gives each course its own personality and strategy. Safety
  25. Of Around (Ag. Nikolas, Lasithi). *Dionysus islands which are in an, environmentally ,protected region together the Palm Beach Forest of Vie in the municipality of
  26. Super sports. This new Bentley is a supercar combining extreme power with, environmentally ,friendly Flexible technology. A muscular two-seater with distinctive exterior
  27. As closely as possible to the source of generation, and to assist LDCs in, environmentally ,sound management of the hazardous and other wastes they generate. The
  28. 1958 with seemingly no ill effects on the environment. BT toxins are considered, environmentally ,friendly by many farmers, and may be a potential alternative to broad-spectrum
  29. The symbionts switching between hosts with apparent ease. When reefs become, environmentally ,stressed, this distribution of symbionts is related to the observed pattern of
  30. 8 ". Plans call for the new design to be quieter, more economical and more, environmentally ,friendly. The 747-8's fuselage was lengthened from 232 to 251 feet (70.8 to
  31. Scale and are most often taken in the wild. Issues Aquaculture can be more, environmentally ,damaging than exploiting wild fisheries on a local area basis but has
  32. As a factor of efficiency) of air conditioning is often considered an, environmentally ,unfriendly mitigation to poor thermal design. There have been a number of
  33. Mitigation to poor thermal design. There have been a number of advances in more, environmentally ,friendly technologies, including insulation advancement, geothermal cooling
  34. Program and is on the Dow Jones Sustainability Group Index, which rates, environmentally ,friendly companies. BMW has taken measures to reduce the impact the company has
  35. Plant as primary source of electricity (powered by natural gas and other more, environmentally ,sound means). Advertising Since the introduction of the Macintosh in 1984 with
  36. Ongoing. Generally, natural tree growers contend that artificial trees are more, environmentally ,harmful than their natural counterpart. In the past, lead was often used as a
  37. Tend to concur with free-market environmentalists regarding the, environmentally ,destructive tendencies of the state and other communal arrangements. Air, water
  38. Used as a parricide against mosquito larvae, where it is also considered an, environmentally ,friendly method of mosquito control. Genetic engineering for pest control Usage
  39. Employed in the logging industry, with ecotourism emerging as a sustainable and, environmentally ,friendly alternative. Elephantiasis is a local INGO aiming to reconvert logging
  40. The process uses cheap raw materials, proceeds in high yield, and is considered, environmentally ,green.: U. S. production capacity is estimated to be 126,000 tonnes per year (
  41. To refer to the islands as a whole. The very large tidal variation provides an, environmentally ,rich inter-tidal zone around the islands, and some sites have received Ramsay
  42. Ballantine,1972). The bicycle is an inexpensive, fast,healthy and, environmentally ,friendly mode of transport (Tillich,1974) Manufacturing The global bicycle
  43. Returns in extreme conservation. An autonomous structure is not always, environmentally ,friendly. The goal of independence from support systems is associated with, but
  44. Cellulose insulation made from recycled paper is becoming popular as an, environmentally ,preferable material for building insulation. It can be treated with boric acid
  45. Cars by making existing models more efficient, as well as developing, environmentally ,friendly fuels for future vehicles. Possibilities include: electric power
  46. With the best quality of life. It is also considered one of the world's most, environmentally ,friendly cities. The water in the inner harbor is clean and safe for swimming.
  47. Smelting, which require sufficient concentrations of elements in ores and are, environmentally ,unfriendly. Low concentrations are not a problem for bacteria because they
  48. Solar power. 1990s architects such as William McDonough and Ken Yang applied, environmentally ,responsible building design to large commercial buildings, such as office
  49. As it attempts to move away from petroleum based plastics and utilize more, environmentally ,friendly alternatives. In statistics, analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a
  50. Whether green biotechnology products such as this are ultimately more, environmentally ,friendly is a topic of considerable debate. * Red biotechnology is applied to

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