Examples of the the word, distortion , in a Sentence Context
The word ( distortion ), is the 6502 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Format. Lower nitrate codecs allow more users, but they also have more, distortion , Beyond the initial increase in distortion , lower bit rate codecs also achieve
- Signal. It is difficult to approach 100 % modulation while maintaining low, distortion ,with this system. AM demodulation methods The simplest form of AM demodulator
- And refresh rate *Near zero color, saturation,contrast or brightness, distortion , Excellent viewing angle. Cons: *Large size and weight, especially for bigger
- Algorithms to correct it. Systems free of, distortion ,are called arthroscopic (oaths, right,slogan to look) or rectilinear (
- Rock. Hendrix was a skilled guitarist, and a pioneer in the innovative use of, distortion ,and feedback in his music. Through these artists and others, blues music
- And power level. Linear amplification must be used to prevent modulation, distortion , The low-level method for AM is used in many current Amateur Radio transceivers
- Is carried out - different patent rights in different countries presents a, distortion ,of this principle. In view of the difficulties in reaching an agreement on the
- A user with a low nitrate codec talks to a user with another codec, additional, distortion , is introduced by each transcoding. The notion of AVI being a codec is incorrect
- Invented dialogue to ridicule his adversaries ”, and used“ suppression and, distortion ,” to serve his own means. He often blamed charges and accusations leveled at
- The aircraft's structure during banks and turns. This caused twisting and the, distortion ,of the aircraft’s structure. In addition, there were concerns over maintaining
- And below its modulated level, and for h 1.0 it varies by 100 %. To avoid, distortion ,in the A3E transmission mode, modulation depth greater than 100 % must be
- Atomic hydrogen also provides a sensitive test of cosmology *Weak lending,the, distortion ,of a distant image by gravitational lending due to dark matter. These will help
- Definition of" objective scientific dishonesty" was not clear about whether ", distortion ,of statistical data" had to be deliberate or not; * The DCSD had not properly
- Field deflects the electron beams passing through it, causing color purity, distortion ,as the beams bend through the mask holes and hit some phosphors of a color
- And any deletion of or revision to (the descriptions) is a denial and, distortion ,of the many testimonies by those people who survived the incidents. " On
- Cello, flute and keyboards),'clean' or operatic vocals and guitars with less, distortion , *Viking metal are terms used to describe black metal bands who incorporate
- Is used as a pitch detection algorithm prior to vocal processing, as a, distortion ,effect or to eliminate undesired mistakes and inaccuracies. * Autocorrelation
- Together in one class; (3) astigmatism; (4) curvature of the field; (5), distortion , .: (1) Aberration of the third order of axis points is dealt with in all
- Such as coaxial or twisted pair. The effects of noise create signal loss and, distortion , This is impossible to recover, since amplifying the signal to recover
- Sprites with collision detection ***Hardware high-speed sprite scaling, distortion , and tilting effects ****160 × 102 standard resolution (16,320 addressable
- Design. The main advantage of the warping phenomenon is the absence of aliasing, distortion ,of the frequency response characteristic, such as observed with Impulse
- Or, equivalently,as a variation in magnification across the field. While ", distortion ," can include arbitrary deformation of an image, the most pronounced modes of
- His fourth wife) cost him an estimated $1 million in 1965. This was a gross, distortion ,of the truth. It was also falsely reported that Ms. Mussel sent over
- The earliest layers represent seabeds. These layers do not show the tilting and, distortion ,associated with mountain building, therefore,the likeliest explanation is a "
- The outward forces along its length and the net forces it experiences during a, distortion , A cello can be tuned by adjusting the tension in its strings using pegs in its
- Affected by salty air or large amounts of dust. Their main disadvantage is the, distortion ,of the flow itself by the structure supporting the transducers, which requires
- Of the sharpness of reproduction; in unsharp, reproduction,the question of, distortion ,arises if only parts of the object can be recognized in the figure. If, in an
- And cannot produce any more output; this is called clipping, and results in, distortion , In most amplifiers a reduction in gain takes place before hard clipping occurs
- Method requires little audio power, but special care must be taken to reduce, distortion , * Clamp Tube (Screen Grid) Modulation. The screen grid bias may be
- Which the perimeter is magnified more than the center, is known as" pincushion, distortion ," (figure 7b). This effect is called lens distortion or image distortion , and
- May mechanically deform bend the shadow mask, causing a permanent color, distortion ,on the display which looks very similar to a magnetization effect. ) The
- The Domain map. This was designed to show Earth's continents with minimum, distortion ,when projected or printed on a flat surface. Quirks Fuller was a frequent flier
- Modes of distortion produced by conventional imaging optics is" barrel, distortion ,", in which the center of the image is magnified more than the perimeter (
- Can include arbitrary deformation of an image, the most pronounced modes of, distortion ,produced by conventional imaging optics is" barrel distortion ", in which the
- Pitch. Shortening a string stiffens it by increasing its curvature during a, distortion ,and subjecting it to larger net forces. Shortening the string also reduces its
- A person drinks. This is believed to be due to alcohol causing physiological, distortion ,of brain chemistry, as well as social isolation. Suicide is also very common in
- Included engine stalls caused by rapid movements of the throttles and, distortion ,of the turbine casings after a short period of service. The problems delayed
- A means for preventing greater evils. " Shrewdly anticipating the interpretive, distortion ,on the part of the popular mind of his attempted scientific explanation of
- High efficiency but are impractical for audio work because of high levels of, distortion ,(See: Crossover distortion ). In practical design, the result of a tradeoff is
- Antipope Felix V. The Catholic Encyclopedia (1909) called this confusion a ", distortion ,of the true facts" and suggested that it arose because the" Fiber
- Upon the angle of the field of view, w: astigmatism, curvature of field and, distortion ,are eliminated for a definite value, w*, zones of astigmatism, curvature of
- Is known as" pincushion distortion " ( figure 7b). This effect is called lens, distortion ,or image distortion , and there are http://www.vassg.hu/pdf/vass_gg_2003_lo.pdf
- Distortion" ( figure 7b). This effect is called lens distortion or image, distortion , and there are http://www.vassg.hu/pdf/vass_gg_2003_lo.pdf algorithms to
- Level is limited by output noise, while the largest is limited most often by, distortion , The ratio of these two is quoted as the amplifier dynamic range. More
- Metal guitarists usually favor high-pitched guitar tones and a great deal of, distortion , The guitar is usually played with much use of fast tremolo picking and
- Angle lens; necessary corrections are — for astigmatism, curvature of field and, distortion ,; errors of the aperture only slightly regarded; examples — photographic widest
- For audio work because of high levels of distortion (See: Crossover, distortion ,). In practical design, the result of a tradeoff is the class AB design. Modern
- More users, but they also have more distortion . Beyond the initial increase in, distortion , lower bit rate codecs also achieve their lower bit rates by using more complex
- Weighs about) *Generates a considerable amount of heat when running *Geometric, distortion ,caused by variable beam travel distances *Small color displays, less than 7
- For a definite value, w*, zones of astigmatism, curvature of field and, distortion , attend smaller values of w. The practical optician names such systems:
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