Examples of the the word, pragmatic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pragmatic ), is the 8161 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And Machiavellian search for mercenary or political advantage. Instead, the, pragmatic ,maxim is the heart of his pragmatism as a method of experimentation mental
  2. And, later, pragmatic ism, is recapitulated in several versions of the so-called, pragmatic ,maxim. Here is one of his more emphatic reiterations of it: As a movement
  3. Economic explanations of why he thinks anarcho-capitalism is preferable on, pragmatic ,grounds. Friedman says he is not an absolutist rights theorist but is also "
  4. Adapt their experiences of things to perform experiments upon and test the, pragmatic ,values of such experience. The value of such experience is measured by
  5. It became the Ministry of Environment and the Legal Amazon and took a more, pragmatic ,approach than had the combative Luxemburger. However, because of turnover in
  6. Definition of artificial intelligence research is changing over time. One, pragmatic ,definition is:" AI research is that which computing scientists do not know how
  7. Ruled in the East, from Comedian (Izmir, Turkey ). The division was merely, pragmatic ,: the Empire was called" indivisible" in official panegyric, and both emperors
  8. Regarded as the original idea with the name of" pragmatic ism ". Along with its, pragmatic ,theory of truth, this perspective integrates the basic insights of empirical (
  9. On" How to Restore Agricultural Production ". In this speech Deng argued for a, pragmatic ,break with the People's Commune system -- boosting peasant incentives by
  10. The right to near-sovereignty as Protector ". Warwick's war policies were more, pragmatic ,than Somerset's, and they have earned him criticism for weakness. In 1550,he
  11. Deep insight to virtually all aspects of databases, though not always has been, pragmatic , effective (and cannot and should not always be: research is exploratory in
  12. And his house as his overlords, which Do did formally at once. Charles was, pragmatic ,; while most commanders would never use their enemies in battle, Odo and his
  13. On reforming society by reforming education on more scientific, humanistic, pragmatic , or democratic principles. John Dewey, and Anton Sukarno are prominent
  14. Without Parts) to discuss the promotion of Free Software to business from, pragmatic ,terms, rather than the moral terms preferred by Richard Stallman. Christine
  15. Made concessions to the socialist policies of the Left. This compromise was a, pragmatic ,measure to regain power, but also the result of the early successes of central
  16. Stressing the importance of reason over passion and urging the public to be, pragmatic ,in their choices. In addition, he demanded that ministers leave the practice of
  17. And war. Moi was strongly against Confucian ritual, instead emphasizing, pragmatic ,survival through farming, fortification,and statecraft. Tradition is
  18. Fry in a small amount of oil.;: those who is a can should save themselves. Used as a, pragmatic ,response to an accident. Equivalent to the English" every man for himself. ";
  19. German, and French. Topologically, Esperanto has prepositions and a free, pragmatic ,word order that by default is subject–verb–object. Adjectives can be freely
  20. Whether with housework, handiwork,or academics, Grandma Levitt offered a, pragmatic ,framework, stressing that“ everything undertaken must be completed, conquered.
  21. Pragmatism In the late 19th and early 20th century several forms of, pragmatic ,philosophy arose. The ideas of pragmatism, in its various forms, developed
  22. Because some considered it inopportune to take that step at that time. From a, pragmatic ,perspective, they feared that defining papal infallibility would alienate some
  23. Wind ”, Liu and Deng shift from an“ ultra-leftist” approach to a “, pragmatic ,” or right opportunist approach. Both Liu and Deng had supported Mao in mass
  24. In returning profits to shareholders by way of dividend. However, the more, pragmatic ,approach illustrated in the Australian case of Mills v Mills (1938) 60 CLR
  25. And Hypothesis (1878) *Pragmatism (1907 MS in EP 2) Peirce's recipe for, pragmatic ,thinking, which he called pragmatism and, later, pragmatic ism, is recapitulated
  26. Not a word I would use to describe myself" and his approach to government was, pragmatic , He concerned himself with making improvements to workers' lives from within
  27. From 30-80 %. Dusk views Friedman's argument as consequentialism rather than, pragmatic , implying that unrestrained corporate freedom would benefit the most in long
  28. Can be validated through experimentation. The constructivist point of view is, pragmatic ,; as Vice said:" The norm of the truth is to have made it. " It originated in
  29. 1970). Both Bruno de Finetti and Frank P. Ramsey acknowledge their debts to, pragmatic ,philosophy, particularly (for Ramsey) to Charles S. Pace. The" Ramsey test
  30. Or breaking the ground for Peirce's" architectonic ", his blueprint for a, pragmatic ,philosophy. In the categories one will discern, concentrated,the pattern that
  31. With the members of his/her race or community. Conceptual content, Content as, pragmatic ,role Embodied content In cognitive linguistics, abstract concepts are
  32. Allows for a flexible word order that reflects information flow and other, pragmatic ,concerns, as in Russian, Greek,and Latin. These concepts are illustrated below
  33. Consciousness are created. This includes: * Whether it is through universal, pragmatic ,principles through which mutual understanding is achieved (Haber mas). * The
  34. The work of Immanuel Kant. This is also the era associated with the origin of, pragmatic ,ethics, especially in the work of John Dewey. Consequentialism
  35. Of enlightenment in the early texts is not ontological. Mahayana often adopts a, pragmatic ,concept of truth: doctrines are" true" in the sense of being spiritually
  36. The soil. These parallel sign-mediated interactions are governed by syntactic, pragmatic ,and semantic rules, and are possible because of the decentralized" nervous
  37. On difficult problems. Here he introduced that which he later called the, pragmatic ,maxim. By way of example of how to clarify conceptions, he addressed
  38. The early Muslim communities. In this period, jurists were more concerned with, pragmatic ,issues of authority and teaching than with theory. Progress in theory happened
  39. Bureau. The final decision denied the relief sought by the plaintiffs for, pragmatic ,reasons—the dam was already standing—but the decision was nonetheless heralded
  40. However, met with criticisms from various schools of ethical philosophy. Some, pragmatic ,ethicists, found these claims to falsifiable and a priori, although neither
  41. After that needful but confined step, next in clearness's third grade (the, pragmatic , practice-oriented grade) he defined truth as that opinion which would be
  42. Incorrect in this matter. This may be the philosophical equivalent of the more, pragmatic ,arguments made by some scientists. Moral nihilism Moral nihilists maintain that
  43. Today. For decades, it has been the unofficial global standard, adopted for, pragmatic ,interests of international communication, transportation and commercial
  44. Polity (Joseph Smith's original title in 1830 was" First Elder" ) for, pragmatic ,and doctrinal reasons, reaching a full episcopacy during the Navies period (
  45. By a collaborative, consensus-based development process and an open and, pragmatic ,software license. Each project is managed by a self-selected team of technical
  46. Guaranteed the finite right to print and reprint those works. It established a, pragmatic ,bargain involving authors, the booksellers and the public. The Statute of Anne
  47. Men such as Joseph de Maistre and Louis de Bonald. Latin conservatism was less, pragmatic ,and more reactionary than the conservatism of Burke. Eventually conservatives
  48. Process that develops Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis but which pursues a more, pragmatic , experimental, and collective approach rooted in reality. In 1996 another
  49. Concept of AHIMA as unrealistic and not universally applicable; he adopted a, pragmatic ,non-pacifist position, saying that the justification of violence depends on the
  50. Worse. Therefore, it is better to strive for harmony. Legalism is a, pragmatic ,political philosophy synthesized by Shang Yang and Han FEI. With an essential

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