Examples of the the word, calf , in a Sentence Context

The word ( calf ), is the 8163 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Manuscripts, illuminated or not, were written on parchment (most commonly of, calf , sheep, or goat skin),but most manuscripts important enough to illuminate
  2. Farming, cows can easily be bred and fed to produce far more milk than one, calf ,can drink. In the multi-suckler system, several calves are fostered onto one
  3. Maneuvers required in reining, cutting,working cow horse, barrel racing, calf ,roping, and other western riding events, especially those involving live cattle
  4. Mothers, who visit them several times a day to suckle them. By a week old the, calf ,is able to follow the mother all the time. Some calves are ear tagged soon
  5. By the Great Salt Lake in Utah File: Bison Cow and Calf. JPG|Bison cow and, calf ,File: Bison fight in Grand Teton NP. jpg|Bison fighting in Grand Teton National
  6. Dolphins. This mating was later repeated in captivity, producing a hybrid, calf , In captivity, a bottle nose and a rough-toothed dolphin produced hybrid
  7. Absence. However, the moment Moses left, an evil man, Samiri, fashioned an idol, calf ,out of the people's gold and jewelry, and he made the Israelites succumb to
  8. Calves which are to be slaughtered for human consumption. A dealer is a fat, calf ,weighing less than about which is at about eight to nine months of age. A young
  9. Less than about which is at about eight to nine months of age. A young female, calf ,from birth until she has had a calf of her own is called a heifer (). In the
  10. Reading into silent reading. The first books used parchment or vellum (, calf ,skin) for the pages. The book covers were made of wood and covered with
  11. S biggest rodeo festival and features various races and competitions, such as, calf ,roping and bull riding. In line with the western tradition of rodeo are the
  12. By Diego Simeone, kicked Someone whilst lying on the floor, striking him on the, calf ,muscle. Someone later admitted to trying to get Beckham sent off by
  13. Of a calf is known as calving. A calf that has lost its mother is an orphan, calf , also known as a paddy or poddy- calf in British English. Bobby calves are young
  14. Experts had identified the skull as the deformed fetal skull of a foal or, calf , At the same time, however,the so-called bun yip skull was put on display in
  15. Milk after having calved, and so every dairy cow is allowed to produce one, calf ,each year throughout her productive life. On average one of these calves will
  16. Feathers of a dusky gray color. It seemed to be about the size of a full-grown, calf ,... I could never learn from any of the natives that they had seen either the
  17. Horse. Quarter horses compete well in rodeo events such as barrel racing, calf ,roping and team roping; and gymkhana or Look-see. Other stock horse events
  18. Will dwell with the lamb; the leopard will lie down with the young goat; the, calf , and the young lion, and the yearling together, and a little child will lead
  19. Weaners, yearling steers and other young, non-orphaned animals. The term ", calf ," is also used for some other species. See" Other animals" below. Early
  20. Named Bessie gave birth to a cloned Asian Gaul, an endangered species, but the, calf ,died after two days. In 2003,a Banting was successfully cloned, followed by
  21. The term" calf " may be used until the animal is a yearling. The birth of a, calf ,is known as calving. A calf that has lost its mother is an orphan calf , also
  22. By Dr. Christos Songs, who gave him antibiotics for a small gash on his left, calf , While he told staff that he had bumped into a suitcase, the media briefly
  23. Traditions, still use the terms" codex" and" case ". Calves (or; singular, calf ,or) are the young of domestic cattle. Calves are reared to become adult cattle
  24. Term used from birth to weaning, when it becomes known as a weaker or weaker, calf , though in some areas the term" calf " may be used until the animal is a
  25. Calves is similar to that occurring naturally in wild cattle, where each, calf ,is suckled by its own mother until it is weaned at about nine months old. This
  26. Eight to nine months of age. A young female calf from birth until she has had a, calf ,of her own is called a heifer (). In the American Old West, a motherless or
  27. None for human consumption. For dairy production under such circumstances,the, calf ,'s access to the cow must be limited, for example by penning the calf and
  28. Meat for human consumption is called veal; also eaten are calf 's brains and, calf ,liver. The hide is used to make calf skin, or tanned into leather and called "
  29. Is called a heifer (). In the American Old West, a motherless or small, runty, calf , was sometimes referred to as a dogie, ( pronounced with a long" o" ) though
  30. Purple jersey made the Ravens the first NFL team to wear dark colors head to, calf , A number of NFL teams have since donned the look, beginning with the all-black
  31. Beach, California features a life-size model of a mother blue whale with her, calf ,suspended from the ceiling of its main hall. The Beat Biodiversity Museum at
  32. Must have observed in the Park with what Ease and Agility a cow, heavy with, calf , has risen up at the command of the milkwoman's foot: thus from the mossy bank
  33. Korea can calculate with a (highly subsidized) sales price of US$1300 for a, calf ,produced. A South American Mercosur country rancher calculates with a calf 's
  34. Instructions: *Like, on Deuteronomy 7-11: Obedience, taking the land, golden, calf , Aaron’s death, Levites ’ duties: *Re'eh, on Deuteronomy 11-16: Centralized
  35. The calf 's access to the cow must be limited, for example by penning the, calf ,and bringing the mother to it once a day after partly milking her. The small
  36. In areas (such as the EU) where tagging is a legal requirement for cattle. A, calf ,must have the very best of everything until it is at least eight months old if
  37. Known in any animal. During the first seven months of its life, a blue whale, calf ,drinks approximately 400 liters (100 U. S. gallons) of milk every day. Blue
  38. Used until the animal is a yearling. The birth of a calf is known as calving. A, calf ,that has lost its mother is an orphan calf , also known as a paddy or poddy- calf
  39. Solely to allow the cow to produce milk. Other animals In English the term ", calf ," is used by extension for the young of various other large species of mammal.
  40. Cow that is found to be pregnant, then he is the owner both of the cow and the, calf ,that is born from it. Another states that if a pregnant woman converts to
  41. Zealand has been observed guiding a female Pygmy Sperm Whale together with her, calf ,out of shallow water where they had stranded several times. They have also been
  42. Once a day after partly milking her. The small amount of milk available for the, calf ,under such systems may mean that it takes a longer time to rear, and in
  43. It becomes known as a weaker or weaker calf , though in some areas the term ", calf ," may be used until the animal is a yearling. The birth of a calf is known as
  44. A calf produced. A South American Mercosur country rancher calculates with a, calf ,'s sales price of US$120–200 (both 2008 figures). With the former, scarcity
  45. To make calf skin, or tanned into leather and called" Novella ", or Spanish for, calf , The fourth compartment of the stomach of slaughtered milk-fed calves is the
  46. Cytosine was discovered by Albrecht Kassel in 1894 when it was hydrolyzed from, calf ,thymus tissues. A structure was proposed in 1903,and was synthesized (and
  47. 22 to 35 weeks to produce red or pink veal. Growth A commercial steer or bull, calf ,is expected to put on about per month. A nine-month-old steer or bull is
  48. Uses of calves Calf meat for human consumption is called veal; also eaten are, calf ,'s brains and calf liver. The hide is used to make calf skin, or tanned into
  49. As is typical in subsistence farming) produce a limited amount of milk. A, calf ,left with such a mother all the time can easily drink all the milk, leaving
  50. Contrasts with the Biblical story, which blames Aaron for making the golden, calf , Aaron was overpowered and was threatened with being killed by his people. When

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