Examples of the the word, famously , in a Sentence Context
The word ( famously ), is the 12936 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- For his philosophy of" Reverence for Life ", expressed in many ways, but most, famously ,in founding and sustaining the Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Nazarene, now in
- The banjo mandolin, the Mandolin, and the banjo ukulele or bandoleer, most, famously , played by the English comedian George Form by. These were especially popular in
- It is, to speak more exactly, the search after the secret of life. ". Wilde, famously ,toured the United States in 1882. He travelled across the United States
- Couplets were used by Michael Dayton in his Poly-Olbion. Alexander Pope, famously ,characterized the alexandrine's potential to slow or speed the flow of a poem
- Michael Howard, under whom she had served when he was Home Secretary. She, famously ,remarked" there is something of the night about him ". The remark was
- Seemingly unbothered by the surrounding damage. It was at this time the Queen, famously ,declared:" I'm glad we have been bombed. Now I can look the East End in the
- Nitrogen) of the developed world to the developing world. Thomas Malthus, famously ,predicted that the Earth would not be able to support its growing population
- In 1980, he starred opposite Shirley MacLaine in A Change of Seasons and, famously ,said“ she was the most obnoxious actress I have ever worked with. " Hopkins
- Delivering annual lectures at the Ford Hall Forum, responding afterward in her, famously ,spirited form to questions from the audience. During these speeches and QA
- Of income. It dispensed with the labor theory of value of which Smith was most, famously ,identified with in classical economics, in favor of a marginal utility theory
- A second and lesser-known technique is the" delayed" steal. This technique, famously ,practiced by Eddie Stinky of the Brooklyn Dodgers, is where the runner does not
- Wanted to use Body line in retaliation, but Woodhull flatly refused. He, famously ,told England manager Pelham Warner," There are two teams out there. One is
- Atmosphere (series),also known as Nightmare, a video oriented board game, famously ,known for introducing" The Gatekeeper" * Atmospheres (TV show),a former
- A huge ovation before her very first line at a recent preview, brings her, famously ,salty, acerbic style to the role of Madame Armed. " The New York Times
- Several surface experiments, including seismic studies, were performed. Shepard, famously ,hit two golf balls on the lunar surface with a make-shift club he had brought
- Alive for six months after the death of Allah's Apostle. Imam Afar all Sadiq, famously ,narrated how the title Kiddie was given to Abu Bakr from Muhammad. He was also
- Known as" the Rural Purge. " Pat But tram, who played Mr Haney on Green Acres, famously ,remarked that," It was the year CBS killed everything with a tree in it. " In
- Rousseau who argue that a woman does not need a rational education. (Rousseau, famously ,argues in to them... they might, also,study politics... Business of various
- Oxidative cleavage of alkanes proceeds via cycloaddition to metal oxides. Most, famously , potassium permanganate converts alkanes to a pair of carboxylic acids.
- Argument. Ayer's sense-data theory in Foundations of Empirical Knowledge was, famously ,criticized by fellow Oxonian J. L. Austin in Sense and Sensibility, a landmark
- Against San Fernando de Omoa in 1779 and San Juan in 1780 (the latter, famously ,led by a young Horatio Nelson) met with only temporary success before being
- Through the valves in veins toward the right atrium. The blood circulation was, famously ,described by William Harvey in 1628. Production and degradation of blood cells
- Is also the founding city for several mainstream bands and musicians, most, famously , Rick James, Billy Sheehan and The Goo Dolls. Vincent Gallo, Buffalo-born
- Of drawing a throw which might allow a runner on third to score (a tactic, famously ,employed by Germany Schaefer). However, such a tactic was not recorded as a
- Important novels on the dehumanizing aspects of scientific progress, most, famously , Brave New World, and on pacifist themes (for example, Eyeless in Gaza). In
- Some small species can rely solely on cutaneous gas exchange, most, famously , the plethodontid salamanders, which have neither lungs nor gills. Many aquatics
- Amines are ubiquitous in biology. The breakdown of amino acids releases amines, famously ,in the case of decaying fish which smell of dimethylamine. Many
- Been converted into apartments. William Bennie, the organizer of the project, famously ,used the Art Deco style in the final design which was considered one of the
- Protagonists and the chorus. A pattern to be imitated by later composers, most, famously , and successfully by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in Don Giovanni. Salary would also
- Flat surface. Quirks Fuller was a frequent flier, often crossing time zones. He, famously ,wore three watches; one for the current zone, one for the zone he had departed
- And Tomboyish Murat and the computer animation of Satoshi Tamika (most, famously ,Saving). Story themes A wide variety of stories have been adapted into anime.
- In Science. His skillful use of literary allusions and humor helped make these, famously ,difficult subjects quite accessible. Eddington's books and lectures were
- Respecting the superiority of masculine strength and valor. Wollstonecraft, famously ,and ambiguously states: Let it not be concluded, that I wish to invert the
- The microphone from Samir, who was addressing the Liked central committee, and, famously , exclaimed:" Who's for wiping out terrorism? " The incident was widely viewed
- Employ" ), quit (" to stop," which spawned quitter in the U. S.),I guess (, famously ,criticized by H. W. Fowler),baggage, hit (a place),and the adverbs overly
- And magnitude can be accurately calculated. Some comets are predictable, most, famously ,Halley's Comet. Yet as a class of object they remain unpredictable and can
- Of self-directed psychedelic drug use" in a search for enlightenment ", famously ,taking 100 micrograms of LSD as he lay dying. His psychedelic drug experiences
- Occurs wherever deciduous trees are found, coloured autumn foliage is most, famously ,noted in three regions of the world: most of Canada and North America, Eastern
- Left with 15 runs to get, and duly got them. When Rhodes joined him, Hirst is, famously ,supposed to have said:" We'll get them in singles, Wilfred. " The story is
- Individual," for the whole must of necessity be prior to the part ". He also, famously ,stated that" man is by nature a political animal. " Aristotle conceived of
- Be about 60 years earlier than current estimates. At his death, the Buddha is, famously ,believed to have told his disciples to follow no leader. Mahakasyapa was chosen
- Albums worldwide ". Barbara Ellen of The Observer has reported:" Spears is, famously ,one of the 'oldest' teenagers pop has ever produced, almost middle-aged in
- The height of fences or other structures at the edge of the outfield. The most, famously ,idiosyncratic outfield boundary is the left-field wall at Boston's Fenway Park
- S 1958 book, The Computer and the Brain. Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts, famously ,wrote a mathematical proof that simple neuron-like units are capable of
- Changed to Abracadabra, which he called the new formula of the Eon. He also, famously ,spelled magic in the archaic manner, as magic, to differentiate" the true
- Robinson was also renowned for the thrilling feat of stealing home, which he, famously ,accomplished in Game 1 of the 1955 World Series. On August 22, 1982,Glenn
- Such as Blanchard AMLA Matt and Tulip Nanak in true folk recordings and then, famously ,mastered by Camila, a famous Punjabi folk singer (not bhangra singer),is a
- Entrusted with responsibility for settling any loans the Muslims had taken, and, famously , slept in the bed of Muhammad when the Quraish led by Irma attempted to murder
- To actors (such as Earl Cameron, Diana Dill, Lena Headed, Will Tempe, and most, famously , Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones). Noted musicians have included
- Albums worldwide ". Barbara Ellen of The Observer has reported:" Spears is, famously ,one of the 'oldest' teenagers pop has ever produced, almost middle-aged in
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