Examples of the the word, disruption , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disruption ), is the 6231 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Been held in preseason, with only the 1972 stoppage – over benefits – causing, disruption ,to the regular season from April 1 to April 13. Also, in 1976 the owners had
  2. Of N30,law enforcement agencies have since reacted worldwide to prevent the, disruption ,of future events by a variety of tactics, including sheer weight of numbers
  3. The blue whale's migratory patterns are based on ocean temperature,a, disruption ,in this circulation, which moves warm and cold water around the world, would be
  4. Weapon is useful to terrorists mainly as a method of creating mass panic and, disruption ,to a state or a country. However, technologists such as Bill Joy have warned of
  5. COINTELPRO began in 1956 and was designed to" increase factionalism, cause, disruption , and win defections" inside the Communist Party U. S. A. (CPU SA). However
  6. The Earth crosses the orbit of Biela's Comet. Another significant cometary, disruption ,was that of Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9,which was discovered in 1993. At the time
  7. It will induce apoptosis if damage is extensive and repair efforts fail. Any, disruption ,to the regulation of the p53 or interferon genes will result in impaired
  8. Had maintained faith in their defenders despite material hardship and social, disruption ,similarly recognized that the end had come .... Most Confederates knew that as
  9. Engine of Northern Ireland. The city suffered greatly during the period of, disruption , conflict, and destruction called the Troubles, but latterly has undergone a
  10. Which was opposed to Allende's government, unanimously denounced the Allende, disruption ,of the legality of the nation. Although illegal under the Chilean constitution
  11. Nationwide track replacement program. The consequent severe operational, disruption ,to the national network and the company's spiraling costs set in motion the
  12. Were arranged during The Great Exhibition of 1851. In spite of dirt and, disruption ,the collections grew, outpacing the new building.; Archaeological excavations
  13. Afford additional children, desire to provide schooling for existing children, disruption ,of education, relationship problems with a husband or partner, the perception
  14. Worm and My doom showed, even these" payload free" worms can cause major, disruption ,by increasing network traffic and other unintended effects. A" payload" is
  15. Area of biomedical research. Finally, brain death results in an irreversible, disruption ,of consciousness. While other conditions may cause a
  16. Conceivably result in large numbers of civilian fatalities and cause severe, disruption ,to economic and societal infrastructure. Many countries, including signatories
  17. And civil wars, migrations,towns and forts choked with refugees, economic, disruption , breaking of ancient traditions, losses in battle and to disease and hunger
  18. As a rat poison. Circadian disruption " Shift work that involves circadian, disruption ," was listed, in 2007,as a probable carcinogen by the World Health
  19. Second German ship, Derfflinger, was left unengaged and free to fire without, disruption , Drew fire from two of Beatty's battlecruisers, but still fired with deadly
  20. Causing cancer. This may be due to the ability to damage the genome or to the, disruption ,of cellular metabolic processes. Several radioactive substances are considered
  21. May have reduced sunlight and hindered photosynthesis, leading to a massive, disruption ,in Earth's ecology. Many researchers believe the extinction was more gradual
  22. Source. Other accidental and intentional faults have caused significant, disruption ,of safety critical systems throughout the last few decades and dependence on
  23. To concerns over the large number of people opposing the meeting and possible, disruption ,it could cause. In October 2010,a Democratic Unionist Party councillor in
  24. And in Wellington; Snowstorms are infrequent but can cause significant, disruption ,when they occur. Snowfalls are more frequent in the northern suburbs of the
  25. To" the end of the age ". According to this interpretation, a complete, disruption ,or end of such apostolic succession would mean that these promises were not
  26. Slaves (30 % of the enslaved population) fled, migrated or died during the, disruption ,of the war. This greatly disrupted plantation production during and after the
  27. Their numbers have dwindled to about 2,000 as a consequence of disease and, disruption ,of traditional lifestyles, though people with partial Aleut descent may number
  28. As observed behavior. Episodes of abnormality are associated with distress and, disruption ,and an elevated risk of suicide, especially during depressive episodes. In some
  29. Distracting in interactive applications. Incremental collection avoided this, disruption , but at the cost of decreased efficiency due to the need for barriers.
  30. Whose objective includes protection of information from unauthorized access, disruption , or modification while maintaining the accessibility and usability of the
  31. Otherwise toxic. One of these is a compound marketed as a rat poison. Circadian, disruption ," Shift work that involves circadian disruption " was listed, in 2007,as a
  32. Incremental and concurrent garbage collectors are designed to reduce this, disruption ,by interleaving their work with activity from the main program. Incremental
  33. An exchange of movements has reached a conclusion, or after there has been a, disruption ,in the harmony of the game. In either of these situations, one player will
  34. Of irrationality. Both dream and non-dream states are associated with severe, disruption ,of memory: it usually disappears in seconds during the non-dream state, and in
  35. Night shift work and the increased incidence of breast cancer. Circadian, disruption ,by exposure to light at night suppresses the production of the hormone
  36. Be performed using the following methods: **Release of cellular organelles by, disruption ,of cells. **Separation of different organelles by centrifugation. *Proteins
  37. Has advantages over other forms of genetic transfer including minimal, disruption ,of the target's cellular envelope and the ability to transfer relatively large
  38. Tells us that decease and growth only mean a new aggregation (synthesis) and, disruption ,(diarists). Thus, Anaxagoras distrusted the senses, and gave the preference
  39. Iron was found to be sufficiently strong. Archaeologists suspect that a serious, disruption ,of the tin trade precipitated the transition. The population migrations around
  40. The United States. " Episodes of abnormality are associated with distress and, disruption , and an elevated risk of suicide, especially during depressive episodes.
  41. electroconvulsive therapy, acupuncture ) or process (e.g., sleep, disruption , increased light levels, regular exercise) found to improve a clinically
  42. Extinction event. Terrestrial plants There is overwhelming evidence of global, disruption ,of plant communities at the K–T boundary. However, there were important
  43. Trade routes leading to a decline in the European economy. Such continued, disruption ,would have meant complete disaster except for Charles Martel's halting of
  44. Some diseases, including certain types of cancer. Some people experience sleep, disruption ,if they consume caffeine, especially during the evening hours, but other people
  45. Party U. S. A. (CPU SA). However, the program was soon enlarged to include, disruption ,of the Socialist Workers Party (1961),the Ku Klux Klan (1964),the Nation
  46. Pocket battleships were deployed alone and sank a number of vessels, causing, disruption , to the trade routes that supplied the UK. They were pursued by the Royal Navy
  47. Was no systematic conscription of women for the armed forces, but the severe, disruption ,of normal life and the high proportion of civilians affected by World War II
  48. Elevated to the Ministry of Communication in 1934. Civil war caused a, disruption ,in issuing official stamps during the 1980s-90s war but in 1999 postal service
  49. A failure to obey a lawful order of a court, showing disrespect for the judge, disruption ,of the proceedings through poor behavior, or publication of material deemed
  50. It is estimated that the strike cost British Airways £30 million and caused, disruption ,to 100,000 passengers. In October 2006,dispute over the right of a Christian

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