Examples of the the word, defer , in a Sentence Context

The word ( defer ), is the 8034 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Indebted governments. In other cases, the central bank may try to avoid or, defer ,the widespread bankruptcies and insolvencies which cause economic recessions or
  2. Wisdoms as various pieces of Bob's wisdom (that is,don't run with scissors, defer ,to those with greater knowledge),deceits as a series of instances of
  3. He doesn’t care what society thinks of him. He doesn’t feel the need to, defer ,to what society expects to be or thinks of him. This is why Somersault is
  4. Do not immediately increment the corresponding reference count, but instead, defer ,this until it is necessary. If such a reference is destroyed quickly, then
  5. Manager Ron Bowman told most of the cast and crew that he would have to, defer ,part of their salaries until after it was sold to a distributor. Vortex made
  6. Is in contrast to an LL (k) (or even worse, an LL (*) parser) which may, defer ,error detection to a different branch of the grammar due to backtracking, often
  7. s) objectives? There are some scholars who do partial rhetorical analysis and, defer ,judgments about rhetorical success. In other words, some analysts attempt to
  8. Almost universally, academics,economists,policymakers, and businesses, defer ,to the determination by the BER for the precise dating of a recession's onset
  9. Barred from donating blood. As of 1999,Health Canada announced a policy to, defer ,individuals from donating blood if they have lived within the United Kingdom
  10. Federal courts deciding issues that arise under state law are required to, defer ,to state court interpretations of state statutes, or reason what a state's
  11. Clean hands. Fraser and the Liberal-CP senators ... lacked the numbers to, defer ,the Budget until the arrival in the Senate of Albert Patrick Field, whose
  12. Slaveholder, while in the North they highlighted his Whitish willingness to, defer ,to Congress on major issues (which he subsequently did not do). Democrats
  13. Of moral value, is the only species entitled to rights. " To demand that man, defer ,to the" rights" of other species ", it is argued," is to deprive man himself
  14. For credit by issuing paper currency (Henry Clay's American System); to, defer ,to the judgment of Congress on legislative matters, with sparing use of his
  15. As a requirement without funding. On 30 November 1979,the decision was made to, defer ,development of an advanced scout helicopter in favor of pursuing modification
  16. Other treaties involving a subnational jurisdiction, all other documents would, defer ,to the constitution. The 1993 constitution presents a daunting list of powers
  17. Was an opportunity to take the Old City of Jerusalem, but Sheol decided to, defer ,any decision until Moshe Dayan and Yitzhak Rabin could be consulted. Uzi Nark is
  18. One Vulcan year before conducting off-world travel, though it is possible to, defer ,this requirement until a later date, upon negotiation with the male's family.
  19. These applications, the Authority's Legal and Technical Commission decided to, defer ,action, probably until 2009. The Authority's main legislative accomplishment
  20. Queen. For her part, Mary did not wish to be Queen, believing that women should, defer ,to their husbands, and " knowing my heart is not made for a kingdom and my
  21. Members of the commons must still express their loyalty to the monarch and, defer ,to her authority, as the Oath of Allegiance must be recited by all new
  22. The Lausanne agreement was contingent upon the United States agreeing to also, defer ,payment of the war debt owed them by the Western European governments. The plan
  23. One member will be more experienced than the other. There is a temptation to, defer ,to the more senior member, and the less senior will be relegated to observer
  24. Musical climax with a series of chords building in tension—only to deliberately, defer ,the anticipated resolution. One particular example of this technique occurs at
  25. Sort of a libertarian. People should be able to do what they want. I ultimately, defer ,the wisdom to an adult to make their own choices. If someone wants to do drugs
  26. The London Stock Exchange, backwardation was a fee paid by a seller wishing to, defer ,delivering stock they had sold. This fee was paid either to the buyer, or to a
  27. In the mountains of Amanda when Period and Marion light the sky up. They all, defer ,to" The king of Hell" a major demon. Some of them are" demon lords' so when
  28. Life insurance can invest their premium payments in the stock market and, defer ,or eliminate paying any taxes on their investments until withdrawals are made.
  29. Strong public opposition to these reforms led the government in July 2005 to, defer ,the 10 percent GST for 18 months, adopting instead a hybrid 5 percent GST, and
  30. She decided to rely on her father's advice to retain his councillors and, defer ,to her husband, whom she considered to be more experienced, on other matters.
  31. Australian Coalition opposition parties using their senate majority, vote to, defer ,the decision to grant supply of funds for the Whitley Government's annual
  32. In the Hall of Fame as a Devil Ray. ) The Hall decided that it would no longer, defer ,to the inductee, though the player's wishes would be considered, when deciding
  33. Of the frequent flyer program. However, in September 2008,it stated it would, defer ,the float, citing volatile market conditions. The Qantas Club The Qantas Club
  34. Draft constitution, saying that the document" violates federal law, fails to, defer ,to federal sovereignty and disregards basic civil rights ". However, a lawsuit
  35. In October 1975,the Opposition used its control of the Senate to, defer ,passage of appropriation bills, or supply, which finance governmental
  36. Control structure to be expressed using messages and polymorphism, since blocks, defer ,computation and polymorphism can be used to select alternatives. So
  37. Negotiate and don’t do it unless warranted. When negotiating, avoiders tend to, defer ,and dodge the confrontational aspects of negotiating; however, they may be
  38. State parties). Article 16 allows the Security Council to require the Court to, defer ,from investigating a case for a period of 12 months. Such a defer ral may be
  39. There were practicing surgeons in Ancient Greece to whom physicians were to, defer ,for dichotomies. The Roman medical treatise De Medicine by Zulus Cornelius
  40. Frank artifact transports him to a San Francisco city where white folk do not, defer ,to the Japanese, possibly the world of The Grasshopper Lies Heavy. In this
  41. Emergence of a parliament with some degree of power to which the throne had to, defer ,no later than the rule of Edward I. (Keeper, Richard W., War Justice and
  42. Assist them in repatriating funds to the country of origin; tax holidays which, defer ,taxes for a period of years; and duty-free access for machinery and raw
  43. Within two years and" bear rule as other kings do "; but Edward, schooled to, defer ,to the Council, failed to co-operate. In April, using Edward's support to
  44. Of the land boundary with Russia is incomplete, but the parties have agreed to, defer ,demarcation. The maritime boundary through the Sea of Azov and the Perch Strait
  45. Tried to meet the target of 6.1 % of growth but failed. Brezhnev was able to, defer ,the economic collapse by trading with Western Europe and the Arab World.
  46. Be recruited to combat units. Hardin Men in the Hard community may choose to, defer ,service while enrolled in yeshiva (see Tail committee),a practice that has
  47. He has said that the decision to direct it was influenced by his having had to, defer ,some of his salary on the low-budgeted Spider, but it is one of his most
  48. Treatment, but are sometimes infrequent enough to allow physicians to, defer ,treatment. * Benign occipital epilepsy of childhood (BOER) is an idiopathic
  49. Or Habsburg lines, despite the willingness of both Leopold I and Louis XIV to, defer ,their claims onto a junior branch of their Houses: Leopold to his younger son
  50. Us,don't cause a panic and don't disturb Comrade Stalin! " This decision to, defer ,calling a doctor for a full 12 hours after Stalin was rendered paralyzed

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