Examples of the the word, fluctuation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fluctuation ), is the 8047 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Independent Michaelis-Menten-like reaction pathways that are connected through, fluctuation ,rates. Protein motions are vital to many enzymes, but whether small and fast
  2. Known as a set of bearings. Tempering an interval causes it to beat, which is a, fluctuation ,in perceived sound intensity due to interference between close (but unequal)
  3. Colorado. * The geomagnetic activity levels of the Earth are measured by the, fluctuation ,of the Earth's magnetic field in SI units called Teslas (or in non-SI Gauss
  4. Have suspended relations The relations of the SADR are subject to continuous, fluctuation , depending on different factors and the diplomatic activity of Morocco, the
  5. Of paper and book material. Good air circulation is important to keep, fluctuation ,in climate stable. The HVAC system should be up-to-date and functioning
  6. 50 °C (122 °F),the honey sugars caramelize. Generally, any large temperature, fluctuation ,causes decay. Regardless of preservation, honey may crystallize over time.
  7. Measured every two years. The interpretation that the heatwave had caused this, fluctuation ,is disputed, because the heatwave is known not to have significantly affected
  8. Which make the population particularly vulnerable to unemployment, price, fluctuation , and other variables that negatively affect income. The economy continues to be
  9. Increase in entropy are not impossible, just improbable (see for example the, fluctuation ,theorem). In addition, the second law of thermodynamics only states that
  10. Peak flow is approximately in October and minimum flow is about in April. This, fluctuation ,is due the substantial variation in the flow of the So bat, which has a minimum
  11. The extended failure of monsoon rains. The question is whether this is a random, fluctuation ,or a normal instance of variation for that phenomenon or the result of global
  12. Or learning. However, most personality theories emphasize stability over, fluctuation , The definition of personality that is most widely supported to date is
  13. With n photons, each of energy h\nu. This approach gives the correct energy, fluctuation ,formula. Dirac took this one step further. In fact, such photon-photon
  14. Since the fluctuation s are assumed to be small, products of the, fluctuation ,terms can be neglected (to first order) and we have: \begin
  15. Commodity often has hindered the development of diversified economies. The, fluctuation ,in the price of commodities in the international markets has led historically
  16. Through labor ". The number of slaves cannot be calculated due to constant, fluctuation ,but is estimated at 100,000,at a time when the free employees of Krupp
  17. The observed mixed dark matter spectrum, at that time referred to as the ", fluctuation ,spectrum. " As an example, Davis et al. wrote in 1985: Candidate particles can
  18. Would be more accurate and appropriate to call it a vibrato bar. Tremolo is a, fluctuation ,of volume. Vibrato is a fluctuation of pitch, which is what the whammy bar
  19. Body * Bond graph, a graphical description of a physical dynamic system * Bond, fluctuation ,model, a lattice model for simulating the conformation and dynamics of polymer
  20. Climate Guinea-Bissau is warm all year around and there is little temperature, fluctuation ,; it averages. The average rainfall for Bissau is although this is almost
  21. Mechanics described by the Schrödinger equation. Zitterbewegung: apparent, fluctuation ,(at the speed of light) of the position of an electron around the median.
  22. Can be grouped into three categories on the basis of their effect on the, fluctuation ,spectrum (Bond et al. 1983). If the dark matter is composed of abundant light
  23. Einstein relates this to Raleigh scattering, which is what happens when the, fluctuation ,size is much smaller than the wavelength, and which explains why the sky is
  24. Decline through 1978 and remained relatively constant through 1987. One major, fluctuation ,was reported in a computer reconstruction of China's population trends from
  25. Costs of the good, a change in the price of money which then was usually a, fluctuation ,in the commodity price of the metallic content in the currency, and currency
  26. Arc welding. In these processes, arc length is kept constant, since any, fluctuation ,in the distance between the wire and the base material is quickly rectified by
  27. However, it seems that Indonesian inflation has been affected by the global, fluctuation ,and domestic market competition. As of 2010,the inflation rate was
  28. This number will randomly vary by several billion in any given second, such a, fluctuation ,is minuscule compared to the current itself. But with very small currents and
  29. State. Scientific dispute The argument against the hypothesis is evidence of, fluctuation ,in ice cover and melting during" Snowball Earth" deposits. Evidence for such
  30. They are fed by rainfall and melting snow, which causes considerable, fluctuation ,in discharge and occasionally catastrophic flooding. In the east, river waters
  31. The foreign relations of Libya under Gaddafi (1969–2011) have undergone much, fluctuation ,and change. They have been marked by severe tension with the West (especially
  32. Do have an equivalent to menopause, it is called Andromache which is a hormone, fluctuation ,with physical and psychological effects similar to menopause. Lowered
  33. Mid-1960s,and has been steadily eroding away for the last 40 years. The sharp, fluctuation ,between 1959 and 1960 was due to the combined effects of the Great Leap Forward
  34. Sedimentation and glacial advance or recession at 100,000-year intervals and to, fluctuation ,of sea level. An advance began after the Last Glacial Maximum around 20,000
  35. It secures the community against dearth and famine, and against excessive, fluctuation ,in the prices of the necessaries of life. # It promotes the spirit of the
  36. And in practice, there are always risks in arbitrage, some minor (such as, fluctuation ,of prices decreasing profit margins),some major (such as devaluation of a
  37. To call it a vibrato bar. Tremolo is a fluctuation of volume. Vibrato is a, fluctuation ,of pitch, which is what the whammy bar produces. Early vibrato systems, such as
  38. Cosmos, consistent with today's observations, emerging by a random, fluctuation ,from some pre-existent state, compared with a non-inflationary cosmos
  39. Futures contracts are traded in units of 5,000 bushels of oats and the minimum, fluctuation ,is 1⁄4 cent per bushel ($12.50 per contract),including spreads. There are
  40. The reduction of the dynamic range of a sound to avoid unintentional, fluctuation ,in the dynamics. Level compression is not to be confused with audio data
  41. But is actually nonradioactive relaxation of the atoms or molecules caused by the, fluctuation ,of the surrounding molecules present inside the bulk. Rate of spontaneous
  42. Winds. Guinea-Bissau is warm all year around and there is little temperature, fluctuation ,; it averages. The average rainfall for Bissau is although this is almost
  43. As an is also important in the process. An alternative hypothesis for Mn/Fe, fluctuation ,has been proposed that consider Mn-rich and Fe-rich varnishes to be related to
  44. Gains as means to promote long term investment horizons and damp speculative, fluctuation , Thus claims that flat taxes are cheaper/simpler to administer than others may
  45. Major earthquakes per year has decreased, though this is probably a statistical, fluctuation ,rather than a systematic trend. More detailed statistics on the size and
  46. In temperature between the winter and summer months as well as the limited, fluctuation ,in precipitation levels during the summer, Moscow is considered to be within a
  47. X, t)DT where q' is the heat release rate perturbation and p' is the pressure, fluctuation , When the heat release oscillations are in phase with the pressure oscillations
  48. All having distinct configurations but energy differences within the thermal, fluctuation ,range). As such the enzymes will enter a biochemical reaction sequence with an
  49. Satellites for details). The near resonances may be maintained by a 15 % local, fluctuation ,in the Pluto-Charon gravitational field. Thus, these near resonances may not be
  50. Energy, this model was a good fit for the cosmic microwave background spectrum, fluctuation ,data that were just coming in at that time. The highly relativistic hot dark

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