Examples of the the word, wording , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wording ), is the 8040 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of Madeleine L'Angle’s Newberry Medal-winning novel A Wrinkle in Time. Similar, wording ,appears in Edgar Allan Poe's 1831 short story, The Bargain Lost, although not
  2. For comic effect) * The rhyme structure is AAB; the subject and, wording ,are often humorously contrived in order to achieve a rhyme * The first line
  3. Of A Prayer Book for Australia which departed from both the structure and, wording ,of the BCP. The process was accompanied by numerous objections, notably from
  4. Cases to reveal confusion as to the facts such as time, dates,people, places, wording , etc. More often than not a cross-examiner will also attempt to undermine the
  5. By colonists and Americans of European ancestry. The terms were included in the, wording ,of various laws and legal decisions which some thought were being used as tools
  6. Choose the form of government under which they live" should be respected. This, wording ,was ambiguous whether it referred to European countries invaded by
  7. Of the event and even handwritten copies by Lincoln himself differ in their, wording , punctuation, and structure. Of these versions, the Bliss version, written well
  8. Text of the Council Texts of the First Lateran Council may vary in both, wording ,and numbering of the canons depending on source. In this translation, the
  9. Or PIA, the defendant is allowed to enter a plea. Form of the arraignment The, wording ,of the arraignment varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. However, it
  10. Such a body in a law code he enacted at Vantage in 997,which states: But the, wording ,here suggests that Æthelred was perhaps revamping or re-confirming a custom
  11. Place in the history and popular culture of the United States, the exact, wording ,of the speech is disputed. The five known manuscripts of the Gettysburg Address
  12. Which are not yet created. However, local law may not always recognize that the, wording ,in licensing agreements does cover new uses permitted by subsequently developed
  13. Are normally opposites in Aristotle, other commentators either suggest that the, wording ,which has come down to us is erroneous, or that the addition of the" as such "
  14. In a theoretical sense, is not discussed and given the Nātyashāstra's pithy, wording ,it is unlikely the exact understanding of the original author (s) will be
  15. Not appear in Pravda until three days after his death, apparently because the, wording ,had to be approved at the highest level, by Leonid Brezhnev and the rest of the
  16. By state legislatures, was also being drafted by the Department of Justice; its, wording ,closely mirrored the Controlled Substances Act. Requests from HHS a scientific
  17. Vehicles and/or any other real or personal property. Some injunctions contain, wording ,that restricts damaging or vandalizing the property of another, both public and
  18. His death approached and possibly persuaded by Northumberland, he altered the, wording ,so that Jane and her sisters themselves should be able to succeed. Yet Edward
  19. One like a son of Man" ( Dan. 7:13),and Jesus is presented using the same, wording ,in the Book of Revelation in 1:13-15. The connection with Daniel's vision (as
  20. Some kind of media which fulfills these criteria. Critics also object to the, wording ,of the law which puts sadomasochists in the same category as pedophiles and
  21. Gene expresses itself twice in the same are of the coat. The DCA excluded the, wording ," double-dapple" from the standard in 2007 and now strictly use the wording "
  22. Be reconciled with Cyril's Formula of Reunion, it was not compatible in its, wording ,with Cyril's Twelve Anathemas. In particular, the third anathema reads:" If
  23. Issue a determination continuing the Groom exception. This, and similarly tacit, wording ,used in other government communications, is the only formal recognition the U.
  24. The King approved Scullin's choice, albeit with some displeasure. The usual, wording ,of official announcements of this nature was" The King has been pleased to
  25. Is quite useful in its own right. In any case, their failure to read the actual, wording ,of the theory they so vociferously attack, and to grasp its deep relevance to
  26. Up to the final text of the Balfour Declaration clarifies some details of its, wording , The phrase" national home" was intentionally used instead of" state "
  27. The Father and the Son. It was Macedonia' position that caused the specific, wording ,of the section on the Holy Spirit in the finalized Nicene creed.
  28. Considered objectionable. Others have considered this unlikely, and take the, wording ,of Zachary's response to indicate at most an objection to belief in the
  29. Then the contact is not penalized. Although there has been a change in the, wording ,of this rule from 1 January 2007,the current FISH umpires' briefing instructs
  30. Deeply conservatively evangelical Diocese of Sydney which noted the loss of BCP, wording ,and of an explicit 'biblical doctrine of substitutionary atonement '. The
  31. except 13 Egyptian bishops) that this was an issue of, wording ,and not of doctrine; a committee of bishops appointed to study the orthodoxy of
  32. Seconds' hesitation, Schabowski assumed it would be the same day based on the, wording ,of the note and replied," As far as I know effective immediately, without
  33. Is guarded:" shall do unto thee for these what he rightfully should" was the, wording ,of the privileging granted by Calculus. The Emperor's right to a substantial
  34. Land expropriation and made a number of arguments. The first one attacked the, wording ,of the Law. The Agrarian Reform Law focused on land development and agriculture
  35. And 'possible' allusions. A clear allusion is one with almost the same, wording ,as its source, the same general meaning and which could not reasonably have
  36. In large part followed Arius' teachings and, in another attempted compromise, wording , described the Son as being like (Comoros) the Father. A third group
  37. 34 and 37,Ezekiel describes the Davidic Messiah as the“ one shepherd ”: this, wording ,is the same used in Eccles 12:11,and it is unique to these three passages. So
  38. It. By citing the poem directly, Cuthbert seems to imply that its particular, wording ,was somehow important, either since it was a vernacular poem endorsed by a
  39. UK remains fully responsible for Gibraltar’s external relations. Based on this, wording ,and the Statement of the Minister for Europe in the House of Commons, the
  40. That adopted the block structure and lexical scope of ALGOL, also adopted the, wording ," Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme" for its standards
  41. Government has declined to sign Protocol 12 on the basis that they believe the, wording ,of protocol is too wide and would result in a flood of new cases testing the
  42. To 53. On 5 February the Commons voted 282 to 151 for maintaining the original, wording ,of the resolution. The next day, the two Houses entered into a conference but
  43. Of the argument in 2:14-26 one impossible in Judaism, but the details of its, wording ,show that the argument is directed against a non-Jewish opponent – an opponent
  44. In early 2008,it was reported that National Geographic said it would use the, wording ,British and Irish Isles instead. In 2006,Fol ens, an Irish publisher of school
  45. Significance of Lincoln's speech, modern scholars disagree as to its exact, wording , and contemporary transcriptions published in newspaper accounts of the event
  46. Was often considerable procedural jousting at the outset of a case over minor, wording ,issues. One of the major reforms of the late 19th century and early 20th
  47. Inquiry, but instead begins with the conclusion, one taken from a literal, wording ,of the Book of Genesis, and seeks only scientific evidence to support it. The
  48. Is homoousios with his mother Mary, according to his human nature. The Creed's, wording ,thus excludes not only Sabellianism and Arianism, but the Histological
  49. Wording" double-dapple" from the standard in 2007 and now strictly use the, wording ," dapple" as the double dapple gene is commonly responsible for blindness and
  50. Was a legal instrument resulting from a diplomatic compromise. As such the, wording ,of the treaty is not intended to be a definition suitable as a research tool

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