Examples of the the word, exacerbate , in a Sentence Context
The word ( exacerbate ), is the 8050 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Structural deficit, reminiscent of previous crises, which will inevitably, exacerbate ,the situation and place the UK economy in an unfavorable position compared to
- Life expectancy. Inadequate case cooling and elevated temperatures easily, exacerbate ,this problem. It is possible, but tedious and time-consuming, to find and
- Of dispensing with democratic governance is unclear. Schneider maneuvered to, exacerbate ,a bitter dispute within the" Grand Coalition" government of the Social
- world's coral reefs are now endangered and predict that global warming could, exacerbate ,this trend. Open ocean The open ocean is relatively unproductive because of a
- By the fact that amphetamines, which trigger the release of dopamine, may, exacerbate , the psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia. The influential dopamine hypothesis of
- The classical wanted to balance the government budget. To Keynes, this would, exacerbate ,the underlying problem: following either the expansionary policy or the
- Not only incorporates horrific and humorous effects, but actually uses one to, exacerbate ,the other. " Post-release The Texas Chain Saw Massacre has appeared on various
- That" the finding lends strong support for the case that food additives, exacerbate ,hyperactive behaviors (inattention, impulsivity and overactivity) at least
- And populations of Central Europe, but may have done no more than seriously, exacerbate ,changes that had begun earlier. Pestilence of several kinds raged among
- By senior officers. The nature of warfare provides several factors which, exacerbate ,these effects; the fog of war means that information about the enemy forces is
- Of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors (MDA receptors). These receptors, exacerbate ,the damage from oxygen deprivation and xenon performs better as a
- Serum folate levels might not only mask vitamin B12 deficiency, but could also, exacerbate ,the anemia and worsen the cognitive symptoms associated with vitamin B12
- Production, adding a subsidy or otherwise artificially raising prices will only, exacerbate ,the problem by encouraging more supply and also encouraging workers into
- Studies, Environmental factors that have been claimed to contribute to or, exacerbate ,autism, or may be important in future research, include certain foods
- In speculating that they would. It was feared that the economic downturn might, exacerbate ,all these problems. On the whole, however,Potsdamer Platz seems to have
- Per year for established patients. Additionally, carbamazepine may, exacerbate ,preexisting cases of hypothyroidism, so yearly thyroid function tests are
- Is urged. Emotionally labile patients should avoid stimulants, as they, exacerbate ,mood shifting. Lithium remains the standard treatment for bipolar disorder and
- Through cuts in spending and/or increased taxes during downturns, tends to, exacerbate ,the negative effects of the business cycle. This effect is especially
- But aluminum emits neutrons when bombarded with alpha particles, which would, exacerbate ,the pre-ignition problem. The metallurgists then hit upon a plutonium-gallium
- The symptoms are minor and easily treated, or alleviate tension that could, exacerbate ,a preexisting condition. This caring engagement can prove particularly
- Have claimed that large families are caused by lack of contraception and, exacerbate ,Third World poverty and problems such as street children in South America.
- Other research asserts that survivor benefits, allegedly an offset, actually, exacerbate , the problem because survivor benefits are denied to single individuals
- Detection and recovery. Unskilled handling of the array at any stage may, exacerbate ,the consequences of a failure, and result in downtime and full or partial loss
- On PFC structure and function may help to explain how stress can cause or, exacerbate ,mental illness. Neural maintenance Much has been learned over the last two
- Higher prices in order to maintain their level of demand. The central bank may, exacerbate ,this by increasing the money supply, by lowering interest rates for example, in
- Inefficient utilization of any thiamine that does reach the cells will further, exacerbate ,the thiamine deficiency. * Ethanol per se inhibits thiamine transport in the
- The immune response during early virus infection, and mosquito feeding can, exacerbate ,WNV infection leading to higher viremia and more severe forms of disease.
- Says that fluoroquinolones due to their neuromuscular blocking activity may, exacerbate ,muscle weakness in persons with myasthenia graves. Serious adverse events
- That an increase in slave holding states created out of the new territory would, exacerbate ,divisions between north and south, as well. A group of northern Federalists
- S nuclear power program and, reportedly,with missile technology, which, exacerbate , Indian concerns. In particular, Pakistan is aided by China's People's
- Is argued that the predominant use of the English language may have served to, exacerbate ,the Troubles. The erection by some district councils of legal bilingual street
- Bomber Force Study, the DOD determined that additional B-2 procurement would, exacerbate ,efforts to develop and implement long term recapitalization plans for the U. S.
- As merely Yahoos endowed with some semblance of reason which they only use to, exacerbate ,and add to the vices Nature gave them. However, an Assembly of the Houyhnhnm's
- For example, sequences like ‹ er › were replaced with, as in for master and for, exacerbate , While this may seem trivial, it was symptomatic of an attempt by people
- Sockets, fearing that the massive dose of radio iodine 131 needed will only, exacerbate ,the patient's symptoms. Radio iodine In iodine-131 (radio iodine) radioisotope
- Of the lung such as pathology in the major airways (bronchiectasis) further, exacerbate ,difficulties in breathing. Other symptoms include coughing up blood (
- To their energy expenditure for quite some time. Diuretics such as alcohol may, exacerbate ,these risks further. Although one study argues that MDMA itself causes fluid
- Often the result of living with a highly stigmatized disability and, in turn, exacerbate ,the problem in the manner of a positive feedback system (the proposed name for
- Ability to block the inflammatory actions of iodides known to precipitate or, exacerbate ,inflammatory acne. Nicotine is the name of an acne medication and, in its
- May reduce GFR, a marker of renal function. To be specific, they can induce or, exacerbate ,renal impairment in patients with renal artery stenosis. This is especially a
- Took to fighting (1923 Kraków riot,1937 peasant strike in Poland). As if to, exacerbate ,the desperate situation, Lesser Poland witnessed a catastrophic flood in 1934
- Concerns that nutrients carried with the re-introduced sediments could, exacerbate ,nutrient and sediment pollution locally and downstream in the northern Gulf of
- That the products of genetic engineering may well ameliorate rather than, exacerbate ,human inequality, giving to the many what were once the privileges of the few.
- Benefit. Physical exertion such as lifting, prolonged standing or running does, exacerbate ,pelvic pain. Use of heating pads on the lower back area, may provide some
- Governments intervene through monetary policy to lower interest rates this will, exacerbate ,unemployment by preventing the market from responding effectively. Keynesian
- Improve it, but may rather make the digital images inconveniently large and/or, exacerbate ,image noise. Many digital compact cameras are criticized for having excessive
- Forces cause microeconomic unemployment which can boomerang back and, exacerbate ,these macroeconomic forces. Classical unemployment Classical or real-wage
- Because it inhibits the kidneys' ability to excrete uric acid, and thus may, exacerbate ,these conditions. Aspirin should not be given to children or adolescents to
- With mood stabilizers, in the treatment of bipolar disorder, as they can, exacerbate ,symptoms of mania. They can also trigger mania or hypomania in some patients
- Atrophy). A tremor can develop as muscles waste. Pregnancy has been known to, exacerbate ,CMT, as well as extreme emotional stress. Patients with CMT must avoid periods
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