Examples of the the word, contempt , in a Sentence Context

The word ( contempt ), is the 8046 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 472,a person who is accused of Contempt needs to be first served with a, contempt ,order and then appear in court to answer the charges. Convictions can only be
  2. And threatened Aristotle in letters. Aristotle had made no secret of his, contempt ,for Alexander's pretense of divinity, and the king had executed Aristotle's
  3. Denial of a request for an interim injunction, or an order holding a person in, contempt ,of court, can be appealed immediately although the case may otherwise not have
  4. Of the parties involved rather than at the court directly. A person found in, contempt ,of court is called a" contemn or. " To prove contempt , the prosecutor or
  5. In supporting the war. Chomsky asserted that these leaders" showed their, contempt ,for democracy ". Critics of this type of argument have tended to point out that
  6. From indirect contempt , wherein another individual may file papers alleging, contempt ,against a person who has willfully violated a lawful court order. Criminal
  7. Later historians. For example, James Forum stated: Sumerian expressed a hearty, contempt ,for General Ludwig Beck, chief of the General Staff from 1935 to 1938,whom he
  8. Was at the time to destroy the land outside the walls. A good example of the, contempt ,the first democrats felt for those who did not participate in politics can be
  9. And Coroner's Court all have the power to impose immediate punishments for, contempt ,in the face of the court, derived from legislation or through common law: *
  10. Of Mt. Carmel Center. While waiting for the trial, George was put in jail under, contempt ,of court charges on March 21, 1988 because of his use of foul language in some
  11. Is not actively interested in politics; such characters were talked about with, contempt ,and the word eventually acquired its modern meaning. According to Thucydides;
  12. The earth will awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting, contempt , " Dan 12:2 Isaiah says:" Your dead will live. Together with my dead body
  13. Beyond a reasonable doubt is achieved. If it's a matter of urgency or the, contempt ,was done in front of a judge, that person can be punished immediately.
  14. A Crown colony, Spotswood viewed the proprietary colony of North Carolina with, contempt ,; he had little faith in the ability of the Carolinians to control the pirates
  15. Altered. In a subsequent hearing the BNP leadership was found not guilty of the, contempt ,of court. The ERC said:" Eighteen months and seven court hearings later Mr
  16. Occurs near the town of Over. *1999 – US President Bill Clinton is cited for, contempt ,of court for giving" intentionally false statements" in a sexual harassment
  17. For contempt in front of these boards, the chairperson will certify the act of, contempt ,to the Court of First Instance who will then proceed with a hearing and
  18. Prove contempt , the prosecutor or complainant must prove the four elements of, contempt ,: Australia In Australia a judge may impose a fine or jail. The latter is
  19. Person in contempt by describing the behavior observed on the record. Direct, contempt ,is distinctly different from indirect contempt , wherein another individual may
  20. Of Persian power and glory. In return the Persian regarded the Arab with, contempt , It was important not to suffer a defeat, for that would confirm and strengthen
  21. Home, Hotel and Guesthouse Accommodation, Air Pollution Control, etc.). For, contempt ,in front of these boards, the chairperson will certify the act of contempt to
  22. Been altered. The new generation of cardinals regarded German investiture with, contempt ,and as an embarrassing vestige of the past. They were willing to make
  23. REM simplifies this definition to the contemporary concept of" insolence, contempt , and excessive violence ". Álfheimr (," elf home" ) is one of the Nine Worlds
  24. Contempt. The term" direct" means that the court itself cites the person in, contempt ,by describing the behavior observed on the record. Direct contempt is
  25. Authority. Often referred to simply as" contempt ," such as a person" held in, contempt ," it is the judge's strongest power to impose sanctions for acts which
  26. Of a bachelor. During visits to his sister at Port-Royal in 1654,he displayed, contempt ,for affairs of the world but was not drawn to God. Brush with death On 23
  27. Indifference to philosophy, overconfidence in his preternatural gifts,a, contempt ,for inexact learning, and enjoyment of idling away his time with Jackson
  28. These attitudes persisted in Christian preaching, art and popular teaching of, contempt ,for Jews over the centuries. In many Christian countries, it led to civil and
  29. Contempt may be a criminal or civil offense. The maximum sentence for criminal, contempt ,is two years. Disorderly, contempt uous,or insolent behavior toward the judge
  30. Of Canada Rules of Tax Court of Canada Act, a person who is found to be in, contempt ,may be imprisoned for a period of less than two years or fined. Similar
  31. Of in order to gain use of the church's identity and property, and to bring, contempt ,charges against George, causing him to leave the church's property. Their
  32. The punishment. England In English law (a common law jurisdiction) the law on, contempt ,is partly set out in case law, and partly specified in the Contempt of Court
  33. The Act had no effect on illegal practices: five clergy were imprisoned for, contempt ,of court and after the trial of the much loved Bishop Edward King of Lincoln
  34. A judge may impose sanctions such as a fine or jail for someone found guilty of, contempt ,of court. Judges in common law systems usually have more extensive power to
  35. Code of Canada or other federal/provincial laws, with the exception that, contempt ,of court is the only remaining common law offense in Canada. Contempt of Court
  36. In common law systems usually have more extensive power to declare someone in, contempt ,than judges in civil law systems. The client or person must be proven to be
  37. Gas field at an onshore refinery. In 2005,five local men were jailed for, contempt ,of court after refusing to facilitate Shell's work. Subsequent protests
  38. Sanctions for acts which disrupt the court's normal process. A finding of, contempt ,of court may result from a failure to obey a lawful order of a court, showing
  39. In addition, certain appeal boards are given the statutory authority for, contempt ,by them (i.e. Residential Care Home, Hotel and Guesthouse Accommodation, Air
  40. Who had been murdered along with his mother by his own guards—and as a mark of, contempt , had their remains cast into the Tiber river. He and his cousin were both
  41. Of repentance, and translates Job 42:6 as" Therefore I feel loathing, contempt ,and revulsion (toward you, O God); and I am sorry for frail man. " Talmudic
  42. Before enlisting in the war. He is a power-hungry corporal with special, contempt ,for Paul and his friends, taking sadistic pleasure in punishing the minor
  43. Against a person who has willfully violated a lawful court order. Criminal, contempt ,of court The Crown Court is a court of record under the Supreme Court Act 1981
  44. A person found in contempt of court is called a" contemn or. " To prove, contempt , the prosecutor or complainant must prove the four elements of contempt :
  45. Or been disrespectful of the court's authority. Often referred to simply as ", contempt ," such as a person" held in contempt ," it is the judge's strongest power to
  46. Institution at Terminal Island in California, to serve the one-year, contempt ,of court term he was originally sentenced to serve in Chicago's Cook County
  47. The earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting, contempt , " The intermediate state Some traditions, notably the Seventh Day Adventists
  48. Observed on the record. Direct contempt is distinctly different from indirect, contempt , wherein another individual may file papers alleging contempt against a person
  49. Course of a trial or other judicial proceeding, may be prosecuted as" direct ", contempt , The term" direct" means that the court itself cites the person in contempt
  50. He embarked on a career of comic playwright warily after witnessing the public, contempt ,and ridicule that other dramatists had incurred. Aristophanes survived The

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