Examples of the the word, guides , in a Sentence Context

The word ( guides ), is the 8039 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Gate, where he wrote this book. That cavern is still pointed out by tour, guides , " In the face of a rocky hill, on the western side of the city, the local
  2. Are accepted, it is the barrister (rather than the solicitor) who advises and, guides ,the client through the relevant legal procedure or litigation. Before a
  3. A memorial plaque was erected in the crypt of St Paul's Cathedral. The tour, guides ,relate how in 1979,as plaques for the other great Second World War military
  4. Several style guides now prefer or mandate its usage. Even some style, guides ,for Christian churches prefer its use: for example, the Episcopal Diocese
  5. Archipelago is referred to simply as" these islands ". Some publishers' style, guides , such as the Economic History Society's and the Guardian newspaper's, suggest
  6. And pronounce what we deem expedient in resolutions which may serve as safe, guides ,to future action. " Chicago Lambert Quadrilateral One of the enduringly
  7. Team, he memorized scenarios and looked at drafts of commercial player's, guides ,to put dialogue in context. Nintendo of America censored certain dialogue
  8. On many aspects of writing British English for publication is included in style, guides ,issued by various publishers including The Times newspaper, the Oxford
  9. Will help achieve this goal. The instructor's acceptance of being a mentor who, guides ,rather than the expert who tells is instrumental to student-centered
  10. In terms of a birth story. They are the basis of a worldview that reaffirms and, guides ,how people relate to both the spiritual and natural world as well as to each
  11. Commissions. He worked at great speed, from live models, scoring basic, guides ,directly onto the canvas with the end of the brush handle; very few of
  12. Land around the Bosporus, Pontic and Caucasus mountain ranges acting as wave, guides , limiting the speed and paths of cyclones passing through the region
  13. For example, in formal languages like mathematics, a 'stimulative' definition, guides ,a specific discussion. A descriptive definition can be shown to be" right" or
  14. Since the early 20th century, numerous books by British authors intended as, guides ,to English grammar and usage have been published, a few of which have achieved
  15. Both the West and a third Japanese side. In the Civilization Series, the player, guides ,a civilization from prehistory to the present day, creating radically altered
  16. The year number (if context requires that it be written at all). Style, guides ,for academic texts on religion generally prefer BCE/CE to BC/AD. The common era
  17. In green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters. # He restores my soul. He, guides ,me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. # Even though I walk through
  18. To" deny the historical basis" of the dating system. Conventions in style, guides ,The abbreviation BCE, just as with BC, always follows the year number. Unlike
  19. To the very strict graphical layouts required by the published Bliss reference, guides ,(which would not accept the glyph variations allowed in existing compliant
  20. Diverted from an immediate engagement; who, declaring that they would be the, guides ,of his journey and the companions of his dangers, gave it as their opinion
  21. Father Daedalus, upon receiving the wings, to fly using the Boötes and Orion as, guides , Icarus ignores the advice to run this" middle path" and subsequently drowns.
  22. Use the newspapers in the classroom along with frameworks-compatible teacher, guides ,and in-paper educational series. Each day, the Boston Herald distributes
  23. It rigorously. Over the years, however,the lack of convention in some style, guides ,has made it difficult to determine which two-word abbreviations should be
  24. To be supplied by the native speaker. These glyphs were used as pronunciation, guides ,for logo grams, to write grammatical inflections, and,later, to transcribe loan
  25. 12 petaled lotuses, and it is associated with the Guru, that higher force that, guides ,us through our spiritual journey. Lower chakras There are said to be a series
  26. Of the aircraft. Once the missile closes in on the target, its active radar, guides ,it to intercept. This feature, known as" fire-and-forget ", frees the aircrew
  27. And pronounce what we deem expedient in resolutions which may serve as safe, guides ,to future action. " Since then, it has been held roughly every ten years.
  28. Economy has proven to be difficult; in particular, there were no theoretical, guides ,for doing so before the 1990s. One transition from a command economy to a
  29. The city. Hoover Dam is a somewhat unusual example of Art Deco design. Many dam, guides ,state that the design was to be Gothic Revival, including the installation of
  30. Medial capitals are rarely used in formal written English and most style, guides ,recommend against their use. Variations and synonyms The first letter of a
  31. ASCII art is used in the making of DOS-based ZZT games. Many game walkthrough, guides ,come as part of a basic. Txt file; this file often contains the name of the
  32. On this issue as well, publicly requesting that Prince Charles recall two, guides ,to alternative medicine published by the Foundation for Integrated Health, on
  33. Was bound up with the concept, and gentlemen were expected to act as moral, guides ,to the rest of society. They were to: * show filial piety and loyalty where
  34. Individual museums are not required to use it. Furthermore, several style, guides ,now prefer or mandate its usage. Even some style guides for Christian churches
  35. Weather conditions, but travelled anyway. Alexander became separated from his, guides ,and it is assumed that in the dark his horse lost its footing. The 44-year-old
  36. Such as chemistry and computer programming, use the British form in their style, guides ,(see ACS Style Guide). According to the Jargon File, American hackers
  37. In a split, both the" win" and" loss" flags are flown. Past Cubs media, guides ,show that originally the flags were blue with a white" W" and white with a
  38. And grammar. The Macquarie Dictionary is used by universities and style, guides ,as a standard for Australian English spelling. Australian spelling generally
  39. Steve Rogers' final minutes, at S. H. I.e. L. D. headquarters, as his spirit, guides ,James Newman, a young American marine fighting in Afghanistan. The Chosen is
  40. The port of embarkation for Jeddah. From time immemorial, they have acted as, guides ,to caravans through the Nubian desert and up the Nile valley as far as Senna.
  41. To chemical and mechanical processes, but that there is a directive force which, guides ,energy without altering its amount. An entirely different class of ideas, also
  42. Called the" Franconian Rome" — although a running joke among Bamberg's tour, guides ,is to refer to Rome instead as the" Italian Bamberg ". The seven hills of
  43. Ranked Belgian restaurants can be found in the most influential restaurant, guides , such as the Michelin Guide. Belgium is famous for beer, chocolate,waffles and
  44. That helped shape hip hop culture and has the pioneers of hip hop as tour, guides , The recent recognition of the Bronx as an important center of African-American
  45. The side frame of the bogie was usually of bar construction, with simple horn, guides ,attached, allowing the axle boxes vertical movements between them. The axle boxes
  46. Treasury. Immediately adjacent to the exit (and overlooked by most tour, guides ,) is the inscription that mentions the Roman proconsul Gallic. Entries to the
  47. Revised some of its graphical rules and made minor corrections to its reference, guides , in order to comply with the future character-glyph model wanted by Unicode and
  48. Of a point or object on a surface, using two intersecting axes as measuring, guides , In La Geometric, he further explores the above-mentioned concepts. The
  49. Necessary because parties cannot rely on written statements of law as reliable, guides , In jurisdictions that do not have a strong allegiance to a large body of
  50. Star Renoir, SIR Video co-founder. As an accomplished author of numerous sex, guides ,and informational books on various sexual taboos, Violet Blue wrote and

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