Examples of the the word, trans , in a Sentence Context

The word ( trans ), is the 8049 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1867–71,rev. 1907/8) *The Severn Suite, Op. 87 (1930) (for brass band, trans , For orchestra 1932) Cantatas and Oratorios *The Black Knight
  2. Atoms after it, for some n, and all are cis bonds. Most fatty acids in the, trans ,configuration ( trans fats) are not found in nature and are the result of
  3. On surgical infections; 1895) * Chiruigische Operationslehre (1894; Eng., trans , As Textbook of Operative Surgery,2 vols.,1911) The eight queens puzzle is
  4. Constantin hers notlarından, Language and Communication series, volume. 12, trans , And ed. E. Korematsu and R. Harris, Oxford: Bergamo. Fats consist of a wide
  5. The Golgi apparatus sends off its products by budding vesicles from its, trans ,face. Vacuoles, like vesicles, are membrane-bounded sacs within the
  6. Was trans lated into English (by the marquess of But in 1879; new ed. with a, trans , of the Martyrology,1908),French and German. Bute's version is noteworthy
  7. Most Christian Majesty, and approved by the Royal Academy of Sciences (1784), trans , By Charles Williams of L'art de sobriquet LE Stalin et la posse * (with
  8. Is assigned a Z or Dustmen configuration. If, by contrast they are in a, trans ,configuration, then the stereo isomer is assigned an E or Entered configuration
  9. 6 Å, rather than the 7.6 Å (2 × 3.8 Å) expected from two fully extended, trans ,peptide virtual bonds. The" sideways" distance between adjacent CD atoms in
  10. Transmembrane region, while antibodies are the secreted form of IG and lack the, trans ,membrane region so that antibodies can be secreted into the bloodstream and
  11. Can be considered as a combination of a trans and a cis, since it contains both, trans ,and cis pairs of identical ligands.
  12. Sechehaye, with the collaboration of A. Raiding, Lausanne and Paris: Payout;, trans , W. Basin, Course in General Linguistics, Glasgow: Fontana/Collins,1977. * (
  13. Strife and hatred and the violent fiends of death. "; Orphic Hymn 65 to Ares (, trans , Taylor) (Greek hymns CRD B. C. to 2nd A. D.)::" To Ares, Fumigation from
  14. Siphon (possibly) ## Tears Hymns to Ares; Homeric Hymn 8 to Ares (, trans , Evelyn-White) (Greek epic CTH to 4th B. C.)::" Ares, exceeding in
  15. Reprinted: New York: Norton,1969. ) *Andreas Capella nus: On Love, ed. and, trans , P. G. Walsh. London: Duckworth,1982. *Paolo Church: Andreas and the
  16. International telephone calls, especially in non-UK chains. A long range, trans ,North Atlantic system was in operation from the mid 1950s. It was called
  17. Side of the double bond (cis or Z) or on the opposite sides from each other (, trans ,or E). Polymers For polymers, parentheses are placed around the repeating unit
  18. Epic Beowulf as Browsing men. The brief mention in Beowulf is as follows (, trans , By Howell Checkering,1977): ... since Ham bore off to the shining city the
  19. Of endothelial dysfunction, a precursor to atherosclerosis. The consumption of, trans ,fatty acids has been shown to increase the risk of coronary artery disease
  20. Of the same Academy. (New York: Neal Watson Academic Publications,1982), trans , By Henry Guerra of Memoir SUR la chalet * http://books.google.com/books?
  21. Formula for the rotation angle Ω per residue of any polypeptide helix with, trans ,isomers is given by the equation: 3 \cos \Omega = 1 - 4 \cost \left\left (\phi
  22. Note References (Works cited) *Derrida, J. 1967 (1978) Of Traumatology, trans , By Atari Chakraborty Speak. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University
  23. a thousand men of their company therewith as guard and garrison" ( Gall. 2.29, trans , Edwards). They founded the city of Aquatic in the land of the Begin
  24. Partial hydrogenation, unsaturated fatty acids can be isomerized from cis to, trans ,configuration. More forcing hydrogenation,i.e. using higher pressures of H₂
  25. Then a single covalent bond (611 kJ/MOL for C=C vs. 347 kJ/MOL for C—C) The, trans ,isomer of cycloheptene is only stable at low temperatures. Shape As predicted
  26. Could affect the melting temperature of the membrane or of the fat.; trans : A, trans ,configuration, by contrast, means that the next two hydrogen atoms are bound to
  27. Therefore could affect the melting temperature of the membrane or of the fat.;, trans ,: A trans configuration, by contrast, means that the next two hydrogen atoms are
  28. A Study in Anglo-Egyptian Relations. London: John Murray,1968. *Symbol, Amira, trans , & ed., The Last Derive of Egypt: Memoirs of Abbas Him II. Reading, UK:
  29. And trobairitz. Bibliography *Andreas Capella nus: The Art of Courtly Love, trans , John Jay Parry. New York: Columbia University Press,1941. (Reprinted: New
  30. Is minister; when the father is father, and the son is son. (Analects XII,11, trans , Legged) Mencius says:" When being a child, yearn for and love your parents;
  31. Are mutually adjacent they are said to be cis, when opposite each other, trans , When three identical ligands occupy one face of an octahedron, the isomer is
  32. Animal fats with partially hydrogenated oil reduces cholesterol but adds, trans ,fat, which has been shown to both raise LDL cholesterol and lower HDL
  33. Levels are treated with a strict diet consisting of low saturated fat, trans ,fat-free, low cholesterol foods, often followed by one of various hyperlipidemia
  34. On medicine. * Surat al-Sheikh alpha’is (The Life of In Sing),ed. and, trans , WE. Goldman, Albany,NY: State University of New York Press,1974. (The only
  35. Press,1952 *William of Tyre, A History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea, trans , E. A. Babcock and A. C. Era. Columbia University Press,1943 * Amalia II of
  36. Can be further divided into cis fats, which are the most common in nature, and, trans , fats,which are rare in nature but present in partially-hydrogenated vegetable
  37. Air; With A Particular View To An Investigation Of The Constitution Of Acids, trans , Thomas Henry (London: Warrington,1783) collects these essays: # "
  38. Another region of Greece, which had higher death rates. The consumption of, trans ,fat (commonly found in hydrogenated products such as margarine) has been
  39. Lower serum cholesterol levels. Total fat intake, especially saturated fat and, trans ,fat, plays a larger role in blood cholesterol than intake of cholesterol itself
  40. That are bound next to either side of the double bond can occur in a cis or, trans ,configuration.; cis: A cis configuration means that adjacent hydrogen atoms are
  41. Sketch of the Analytical Engine Invented by Charles Babbage, Esq. With notes by, trans , Ada Lovelace, in Scientific Memoirs, Vol 3 (1842) August William Delete (
  42. People and her own:" rise up from my bones, avenging spirit" ( 4.625, trans , Fitzgerald) she says, an invocation of Hannibal. The details of Virgil's
  43. Lobe Classical Library,1935–1940 with many reprinting. * Walter Hamilton (, trans , ) The Later Roman Empire (AD 354–378). Penguin Classics,1986. An abridged
  44. Of language many of these have no name. W. Went, Outlines of Psychology (, trans , C. H. Judd, Leipzig,1897),maintains that we may group under three main
  45. Some n, and all are cis bonds. Most fatty acids in the trans configuration (, trans ,fats) are not found in nature and are the result of human processing (e.g.
  46. Or lecithin are said to lower cholesterol levels. Foods high in grease, salt, trans , fat,or saturated fat are said to raise cholesterol levels. Aspirin, in
  47. To be meridional, or MER. A MER isomer can be considered as a combination of a, trans ,and a cis, since it contains both trans and cis pairs of identical ligands.
  48. Prepositions such as" per" ( through)," ad" ( to/toward),and ", trans ," (across). * in exclamations, such as me miser am," wretched me" ( spoken
  49. Anomer, the -OH substituent on the anomeric carbon rests on the opposite side (, trans ,) of the ring from the CH2OH side branch. The alternative form, in which the
  50. The double bond (the trans -isomer). Most trans -isomer fats (commonly called, trans ,fats) are commercially produced. Trans fatty acids are rare in nature. The

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