Examples of the the word, surpass , in a Sentence Context

The word ( surpass ), is the 8052 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. At between $1.5 billion and $2 billion, and the devastation thought to equal or, surpass ,that of the 1986 quake that struck San Salvador. Given the magnitude of the
  2. That comes up the result is considered one step lower. The goal is to match or, surpass ,the difficulty level, also on the adjective scale, of the test. Thus, a Good
  3. With the USAF team that was working on the X-1A,an aircraft designed to, surpass ,Mach 2 in level flight. That year, he flew a chase plane for the female
  4. Brand until the release of the Atari Flashback in 2004. It was designed to, surpass ,the Mega Drive/Genesis, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and the Panasonic
  5. Cost of electricity). In many cases, the lifetime energy savings are likely to, surpass ,the higher initial cost of a high-efficiency unit. As an example, the annual
  6. But what is there to live for? Don't blame me for complaining. My afflictions, surpass ,any you ever heard of earlier ". After the intervention of recently elected
  7. Became quite as well known and successful in politics as his father. He did, surpass ,his father's talents as a writer, writing over 400 books. One of the most
  8. When they reached college, the experimental students were found to equal or, surpass ,traditionally educated students on all outcomes: grades, extracurricular
  9. 1823,he wrote:" This is the last picture I want to paint, but I want to, surpass ,myself in it. I will put the date of my seventy-five years on it and afterwards
  10. By 250 %. By the NFL was larger than the AFC in 1946,but the AFC would, surpass ,the NFL in 1947,and 1948. However after the end of 1948 NFL season, the NFL
  11. It took decades following Armstrong's death for FM broadcasting to meet and, surpass ,the saturation of the AM band, and longer still for FM radio to become
  12. Large volumes of water. In the open ocean the distance between wave crests can, surpass , and the wave periods can vary from five minutes to one hour. Such tsunamis
  13. It was the highest structure in Frankfurt until 1974, and it was the first to, surpass ,the 95-metre-high St. Bartholomew Cathedral. The Cunninger Tower has two
  14. Though Computer A is ostensibly a faster machine, Computer B will inevitably, surpass ,Computer A in run-time because it's running an algorithm with a much slower
  15. In making them; exceptions occurring when inflation causes the metal value to, surpass ,the face value, causing the minting authority to change the composition and the
  16. This number has steadily grown, especially since the early 1980s and may soon, surpass ,pre-war totals. The overwhelming majority of cannons show multiple phases of
  17. The excellence of this system as" ... valuable methods of calculation which, surpass ,description ". The Arabs also learned this new method and called it hesab.
  18. For the Aurora building. At 37 stories and 358 ft (109 m) high, this will, surpass ,both previous buildings. The ornately decorated Crown Liquor Saloon, designed
  19. Memory" for its inventors. In 1957,Simon predicted that computer chess would, surpass ,human chess abilities within" 10 years" when, in reality, that transition
  20. That will manufacture on a small scale jacketed bullets that can rival or, surpass ,the quality of commercial jacketed bullets. Two staging equipment manufacturers
  21. To feed, which caused Hercules to be partially immortal, thus,allowing him to, surpass ,all mortal men in strength, size and skill. Juno held a spiteful grudge against
  22. Enable the creation of what he terms" artificial brains" which would quickly, surpass ,human levels of intelligence. He has more recently been noted for his belief
  23. Or SCA. Accordingly, for a proposal to pass, the supporting side needs to, surpass ,three criteria: # 50 % (if proposal was made by the Commission) or 67 % (all
  24. Analog resolution to such an extent that the performance of digital systems may, surpass ,it. Similarly, as digital systems become more complex, errors can occur in the
  25. To, while nighttime lows drop to below, often to. In summer, the highs rarely, surpass , and lows drop to about. Rainfall is sparse, but sudden showers do cause harsh
  26. Specifying that no building within 500 feet (152 m) of the capitol would, surpass ,it in height. This plan prohibited future high-rise development in the center
  27. Meritorious" scores" for each Category of tournament. A player must meet or, surpass ,the relevant score to demonstrate that they had performed at Grand master (GM)
  28. Amounts of total land that the military will control or tenant may grow to or, surpass ,40 % of the entire landmass of Guam. In January 2011,the Ike Skeleton National
  29. Own cause, Campbell was not an easy man and seemed driven to emulate, if not, surpass , his father's achievements. Water speed records Campbell began his speed
  30. Other countries. Industry experts estimate distribution losses for 2006 will, surpass ,40 %, primarily due to low collection rates, theft,infrastructure problems and
  31. All-time low for the Georgian President - whilst no other individual managed to, surpass ,double-digit levels of support. Georgia's Way has said it intends to have
  32. From 232 to 251 feet (70.8 to 76.4 m). When the 747-8 enters service, it will, surpass ,the Airbus A340-600 as the world's the longest airliner. The 747-8 is equipped
  33. S rapid development during and after the Industrial Revolution enabled it to, surpass ,China. After Han's collapse, another period of disunion followed, including
  34. Its November 2008 peak,Zimbabwe's rate of inflation approached, but failed to, surpass , Hungary's July 1946 world record. But hyperinflation waned by then as
  35. Of the World Wide Web. In 2009, it became the first web server software to, surpass ,the 100 million website milestones. Apache was the first viable alternative to
  36. In Eritrea (built by the Italians as a model colonial city)," none ..., surpass ,Napier in style and coherence. Hastings was also rebuilt in Art Deco style
  37. Of Lilliput and Litton, where shade temperatures on summer afternoons often, surpass ,but with very low humidity. Much of the western part of Vancouver Island and
  38. Advancements in LCD and plasma flat-panels which allow them to easily, surpass ,as well as being thin and wall-mountable, two key features that were
  39. And plywood attached to a steel tube frame. Geoffrey de Havilland strived to, surpass ,the original P.13/36 specifications, and at first considered the adaptation of
  40. When the United States began to expand her navy in the 1930s,she would, surpass ,Britain as the world's premier naval power. After 1924 Beatty, supported by
  41. At Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium, Hank Aaron hits his 715th career home run to, surpass ,Babe Ruth's 39-year-old record. *1975 – Frank Robinson manages the Cleveland
  42. Singularity (the hypothetical moment at which artificial intelligence will, surpass ,human intelligence),Hofstadter has both organized and participated in several
  43. Costner, the Costa Internal has a hot and humid climate. Temperatures can, surpass , and the vegetation and cloud cover tend to retain and augment the heat. Rain
  44. Southern Italy, but the majority of Italo-Albanians have arrived since 1991 to, surpass ,that of the older populations of Arbëreshë. Turkey According to a 2008 report
  45. Augustine did not develop an independent Mariology, his statements on Mary, surpass ,in number and depth those of other early writers. Even before the Council of
  46. Some of these crests have heights exceeding 100 meters and their lengths, surpass ,100 km. Less deposits Very fine glacial sediments or rock flour is often
  47. A 1992 growth rate of 3.2 percent, the country's population was projected to, surpass ,20 million by the year 2000 and 35 million by 2025. Increasing population is
  48. Of which we have at least from the mid 19th century). Temperatures often, surpass ,during the city's notorious heatwaves. The city of Athens is affected by the
  49. Bronze or steel),weave density (a tighter weave needs a thinner weapon to, surpass ,), and ring thickness (generally ranging from 18 to 14 gauge in most examples
  50. From abroad in 2009; the government stated earlier in 2010 that the figure will, surpass ,620,000 in 2010. Mining 40 percent of Armenia's exports in 2009 were mining

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