Examples of the the word, visualization , in a Sentence Context

The word ( visualization ), is the 8038 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By yogic austerities such as Panama, or breath control, physical exercises, visualization , and chanting. Patanjali emphasized a firm ethical and moral foundation to
  2. Of microscopy by being the first to observe microorganisms, allowing for easy, visualization ,of bacteria. In the mid-19th century John Snow and William Bud did important
  3. Involves systematic physical exercises and techniques of concentration, visualization , Panama and meditation under the guidance of a competent teacher. These
  4. VMS, Windows 3. X, and Windows 9x. Gopher was a client designed for 3D, visualization , and there is even a Gopher client MOO object. The majority of these clients
  5. The sample. Labelling multiple antibodies with different fluoroscopes allows, visualization ,of multiple targets within a single image (multiple channels). DNA
  6. As earthquakes. Analytic instruments such as the Spectrum analyzer facilitate, visualization ,and measurement of acoustic signals and their properties. The Spectrogram
  7. Subtraction is defined by: (a+bi) - (c+DI) = (a-c) + (b-d)i. \ Using the, visualization ,of complex numbers in the complex plane, the addition has the following
  8. Factors (verbal comprehension, word fluency, number facility, spatial, visualization , associative memory, perceptual speed, reasoning,and induction). While not
  9. To picture a wormhole" bridge ". (Please note, though,that this is merely a, visualization ,displayed to convey an essentially visualizable structure existing in 4 or
  10. Omega 2 \pi F (F is the digital frequency). This is useful for providing a, visualization ,of the frequency response of a digital system or signal. Wavelet In numerical
  11. Of the abdomen. The abdomen is inflated with carbon dioxide gas to facilitate, visualization ,and, often,a small video camera is used to show the procedure on a monitor in
  12. By preparation of thin and thick blood smears stained with Gains, for direct, visualization ,of parasites. Microscopically’T. Cruzi can be confused with Trypanosoma
  13. That meet functional, performance,and cost goals. Computer graphics and, visualization ,Computer graphics is the study of digital visual contents, and involves
  14. Hell to be both the inevitable outcome of human behavior and the appropriate, visualization ,of his own bitterness and disappointment. " Criticisms Despite the
  15. Center of the ellipse, and have fairly simple equations of motion. Phase, visualization ,In electronics, the relative phase of two sinusoidal signals can be compared by
  16. As an ordinary Java application, including regions with user specific, visualization , The first implementations involved downloading an applet class by class. While
  17. Such as one of the SBR Green or Gel Green stains. Blue light is also better for, visualization ,since it is safer than UV (eye-protection is not such a critical requirement)
  18. Of simple rules, and is one of the best-known examples of mathematical, visualization , History The Mandelbrot set has its place in complex dynamics, a field first
  19. Analysis" ( IEEE Transactions on Computers) was the first proposal for, visualization ,interface to an IR system. *: :* First online systems—NLM's AIM-TWX, MEDLINE;
  20. And document) and analytic stereo plotters, along with computer programs for, visualization , image processing, spatial analysis, and database management, have democratized
  21. Architectures * Ben Spearman – human-computer interaction, information, visualization , * Edward H. Shoreline – MAIN (Medical diagnostic expert system) * Brian
  22. KOH dissolves the skin cells but leaves the Candida cells intact, permitting, visualization , of pseudohyphae and budding yeast cells typical of many Candida species. For
  23. In active research there, primarily in virtual environments and scientific, visualization , In a 2010 interview by Kevin Kelly for an article in Wired Magazine, Brooks
  24. Figure 1 is an animation of the classic illustration of Coriolis force. Another, visualization ,of the Coriolis and centrifugal forces is http://www.youtube.com/watch?
  25. Publication of Korfhage's Information Storage and Retrieval with emphasis on, visualization ,and multi-reference point systems. *: late 1990s: Web search engines
  26. Provided graphic content. This makes applets well suited for demonstration, visualization ,and teaching. There are online applet collections for studying various subjects
  27. Camera, surgical instruments, and gases into the cavity for direct or indirect, visualization ,and treatment of the abdomen. The abdomen is inflated with carbon dioxide gas
  28. IRIS was widely used in the computer animation industry and for scientific, visualization ,due to its once-large application base. IRIS was a leader in Symmetric
  29. Steel – Architectural style – Architectural theory – Architectural, visualization ,– Architecture - Architecture of Bengal – Architecture of Normandy –
  30. e. g., pattern recognition, data mining, machine learning algorithms, and, visualization , ) to achieve this goal. Major research efforts in the field include sequence
  31. IR systems. *:: 1985–1993: Key papers on and experimental systems for, visualization ,interfaces. *:: Work by Donald B. Crouch, Robert R. Mortgage, Matthew Chalmers
  32. Expertise * http://www.sorama.eu/index_en.html Soraya sound and vibration, visualization ,* http://www.uxsuite.com Suite product usage mapping software *
  33. Graphically as Feynman diagrams. A Feynman diagram allows for a simple, visualization ,of what would otherwise be a rather arcane and abstract formula. More precisely
  34. Microsoft Xbox 360. Direct3D is also used by other software applications for, visualization ,and graphics tasks such as CAD/CAM engineering. As Direct3D is the most widely
  35. To procure specific cell populations from a tissue section under microscopic, visualization , Additional laser microscopy techniques include harmonic microscopy, four-wave
  36. Of Capricorns has been influential. H. A. Rey has suggested an alternative, visualization , which graphically shows a goat. The goat's head is formed by the triangle of
  37. If the name of one of the methods contains a hyphen itself. Microscopy The, visualization ,of single molecules, single cells, biological tissues and nanomaterials is an
  38. Element such as green fluorescent protein (GFP) that will allow easy, visualization ,of the products of the genetic modification. While this is a useful technique
  39. CAD). This method has many benefits, including easier and more exhaustive, visualization ,of products, the ability to create virtual assemblies of parts, and the ease of
  40. Floral patterns into western art. Note that despite the taboo of figurative, visualization , some Muslim countries did cultivate a rich tradition in painting, though not
  41. Problem domains (math, science,engineering, computer design, robotics,data, visualization , actuarial science, traditional DP, etc.) APL is an extremely powerful
  42. The invention of the transmission electron microscope (TEM) allowed direct, visualization ,of these structures. Carbon nanotubes have been produced and observed under a
  43. Architecture, video games, simulators,movie or TV visual effects, and design, visualization , each employing a different balance of features and techniques. As a product, a
  44. J. Watson Research Center in upstate New York, Benoît Mandelbrot first saw a, visualization ,of the set. Mandelbrot studied the parameter space of quadratic polynomials in
  45. To labeled cDNA. This cDNA is then hybridized to the fragments on the array and, visualization ,of the hybridization can be done. Since multiple arrays can be made with
  46. Mol·L−1. Semilog (log-linear) graphs use the logarithmic scale concept for, visualization ,: one axis, typically the vertical one, is scaled logarithmically. For example
  47. CSF obstructive lesions such as normal pressure hydrocephalus. It also allows, visualization ,of both arterial and venous pulsatile blood flow in vessels without use of
  48. Two main types of diffraction-limited microscopy. The first provides optical, visualization ,plus IR spectroscopic data collection. The second (more recent and more
  49. Digital cinema projectors; next to this Marco designs and develops, visualization ,products for a variety of selected professional markets. NEC currently
  50. Named Casper, whose adult bodies were transparent. This allows for detailed, visualization ,of cellular activity, circulation,metastasis and many other phenomena. Because

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