Examples of the the word, centralized , in a Sentence Context

The word ( centralized ), is the 8045 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ming Dynasty. The other major contributions of the Qin include the concept of a, centralized ,government, the unification of the legal code, development of the written
  2. Of muscle activity or by driving secretion of chemicals called hormones. This, centralized ,control allows rapid and coordinated responses to changes in the environment.
  3. The use of bicycles. For over a century, the conventional rail network has been, centralized ,on the regional capital, Seville,and the national capital, Madrid; in general
  4. Opportunity to develop a settled agricultural economy and a more sophisticated, centralized ,society that became a cornerstone in the history of human civilization. Nomadic
  5. Been created over time. This interpretation of inflation implies that, within a, centralized ,banking system, inflation is usually the result of action taken by the central
  6. Into 2006,Berkeley began to phase out mechanical meters in favor of more, centralized ,electronic meters. Transportation past The first commuter service to San
  7. Of these armies required a large supporting force of administrators. The newly, centralized ,states were forced to set up vast organized bureaucracies to manage these
  8. Economic power of the pharaoh, who could no longer afford to support a large, centralized ,administration. As the power of the pharaoh diminished, regional governors
  9. Capitalism is a requisite of political freedom. Friedman argued that, centralized ,control of economic activity is always accompanied by political repression. In
  10. Constitution, enacted by DOM Pedro I. It was monarchic, hereditary and highly, centralized , permitting the vote only to property-holders. * Constitution of 1891 – the
  11. Under the threat of being invalidated. Right after the Kingdom of France,the, centralized ,French Republic prohibited official use of, and enacted discriminating policies
  12. These two operating systems. AmigaOS also influenced Beds, which featured a, centralized ,system of Datatype, similar to that present in AmigaOS. Likewise, DragonFlyBSD
  13. On force and fraud, supports the establishment of a mutually agreed-upon, centralized ,libertarian legal code which private courts would pledge to follow. Such a code
  14. Ice-making machine to regulate the temperature of buildings. He even envisioned, centralized ,air conditioning that could cool entire cities. Though his prototype leaked and
  15. East Bulgarian) dialect feature; instead, unstressed is both raised and, centralized , approaching. The vowel itself does not exist as a phoneme in other Slavic
  16. In minority in Yugoslav parliament. Basic believed that Yugoslavia should be as, centralized ,as possible, creating in place of distinct regional governments and identities
  17. Print culture). As the" menace" of printing spread, governments established, centralized ,control mechanisms and in 1557 the British Crown thought to stem the flow of
  18. Would be descended partly from the most ancient settlers). No elaborate, centralized , sedentary civilization reigned supreme. The Araucanians, a fragmented society
  19. Sentiment, admitted that the Cuban model based on the old Soviet model of, centralized ,planning was no longer sustainable for the Cuban economy. While both leaders
  20. The Andes Mountains, and to the west by the ocean, Chile became one of the most, centralized , homogeneous colonies in Spanish America. Serving as a sort of frontier
  21. By extensive landscape (with parking mainly underground and the rest, centralized ,in a parking structure). There will be additional buildings such as an
  22. Somewhat in emphatic neighborhoods as well, with generally more back and/or, centralized ,allophones, but the differences are less great than for the low vowels. The
  23. That confronts the other former Soviet republics as they emerge from the, centralized ,planning system's disastrous approach to resource management. By 1980 the
  24. Of the Warring States Period (476-221 BC),ancient Chinese scholars saw the, centralized ,rule of the Zhou as an ideal model for the new Han empire to emulate. The
  25. Partnership with Citation Technologies, AAMI, ASTM,and DIN, created a single, centralized ,database for medical device standards on September 9,2009. *In early 2009
  26. Britain, the Founding Fathers were divided between those seeking a powerful, centralized ,national government, and those seeking a loosely structured one. Jealously
  27. Not a government priority, Afonso established the state's administration and, centralized ,power on himself. He designed the first set of Portuguese written laws. These
  28. A unified front when dealing with the European powers. As a tool to build a, centralized ,war-making government, they were largely a failure: Historian Bruce Chadwick
  29. Ar-Rahman showed a firm resolve to quash the rebels of Landaus, consolidate, centralized , power,and reestablish internal order within the emirate. To accomplish his
  30. Of compulsory direct taxation power was objectionable to those wanting a strong, centralized ,state or expecting to benefit from such power. It could not collect customs
  31. Gentrify DirectControl (Gentrify Corporation) – Active Directory-compatible, centralized ,authentication and access control The schema additions shipped with Windows
  32. Publication practices coming from the open access movement. Some authors see a, centralized ,peer-review process as less relevant and publish on their home pages or on
  33. The core of the Han Chinese homeland and to unite them under a tightly, centralized ,Legalist government seated at Xian yang (close to modern Xi'an). The doctrine
  34. An evolutionary-biological point of view, the function of the brain is to exert, centralized ,control over the other organs of the body. The brain acts on the rest of the
  35. Of a total membership. Following government pledges to reform the strongly, centralized ,1972 constitution, the National Assembly adopted a number of amendments in
  36. Diego Mendes, who claimed the command of the expedition. Albuquerque eventually, centralized ,the Portuguese government in the Indian Ocean. After the conquest of Malacca he
  37. Navigation. Aircraft management systems There has been a progression towards, centralized ,control of the multiple complex systems fitted to aircraft, including engine
  38. Forestry, and fishing In the communist era, Bulgaria’s agriculture was heavily, centralized , integrated with agriculture-related industries, and state-run. In the
  39. Of the Swarovski firm. Czech glass beads are made in the Czech Republic, centralized ,around an area called Alone NAD Ni sou. Production of glass beads in the area
  40. Peasantry began to be the central recruiting tool. England was one of the most, centralized ,states in the Middle Ages, and the armies that fought in the Hundred Years '
  41. On complex sensory input requires the information-integrating capabilities of a, centralized ,brain. From a philosophical point of view, what makes the brain special in
  42. Abdul Rahman, the first ruler to bring the country of Afghanistan under a, centralized ,Afghan government. Consequent on this unsuccessful revolt, numbers of Hazards
  43. The scenes from 1830 to 1837. He installed the" autocratic republic ", which, centralized , authority in the national government. His political program enjoyed support
  44. Program was successful by organizing tremendous public resources within a vast, centralized ,bureaucracy under government direction. Apollo 11 broadcast data restoration
  45. West by the Zhou, who ruled from the 12th to the 5th century BC, until their, centralized ,authority was slowly eroded by feudal warlords. Many independent states
  46. Of the brain is to provide coherent control over the actions of an animal. A, centralized ,brain allows groups of muscles to be coactivated in complex patterns; it also
  47. Voluntary nature of organization within anarcho-capitalism contrasted with a, centralized ,ideology and a paired enforcement mechanism which would be necessary under a
  48. By the New York City Charter that provides for a mayor-council system. The, centralized ,New York City government is responsible for all municipal functions. The office
  49. Relied on improvements of computer technology, avoided problems with overly, centralized ,command and control and risky, expensive development of large, complicated
  50. Developed a writing system, invented the potter's wheel, created a, centralized ,government, law codes, and empires, and introduced social stratification

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