Examples of the the word, apt , in a Sentence Context

The word ( apt ), is the 8051 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Managing language If, in the USA, a politician or organization can use an, apt ,phrase in relation to an issue in interviews or news releases, the news media
  2. Name, Philocomasium, translates to“ lover of a good party”—which is quite, apt ,when we learn about the tricks and wild ways of this prostitute. Character
  3. Underneath. These can produce a vigorous and favorable boil, but are also, apt ,to scorch the wort where the flame touches the kettle, causing caramelization
  4. Luvisols, cambisols, and aerosols, and are in general very fertile and, apt ,for agriculture and pasture (always presumed that responsible and sustainable
  5. Into subsequent holes in a motion wrapping around the board. Sowing is an, apt ,name for this activity, since not only are many games traditionally played with
  6. But, even so, the human mind--either individually or as a group consensus--is, apt ,to draw the wrong implications for the future. Thus, online conversations often
  7. And Ubuntu Linux distributions provide the" hello world" program through the, apt ,packaging system; this allows users to simply type" apt -get install hello "
  8. Dominate a third individual when they could not by themselves, as politically, apt ,chimps can exert power over aggressive interactions regardless of their rank.
  9. Then raw material. " Scottish philosopher and economist David Hume said," I am, apt ,to suspect the Negroes to be naturally inferior to the Whites. There scarcely
  10. Been brewing on the island since the 1840s in. By some accounts Mews beer was, apt ,to be rather cloudy and dark. They pioneered the use of cans in the 19th
  11. Found the political subtext of Heracleidae, never far to seek, so particularly, apt ,in Athens towards the end of the peace of Nicolas, in 419 BCE, that he suggested
  12. In the absence of any external energy source. Electron-hole pairs are also, apt ,to recombine. Conservation of energy demands that these recombination events
  13. Into flat designs via recursive algorithms. " Explosion" can be a very, apt ,term; if the design were highly folded (as in the previous example),this
  14. In the modern world. Wisdom in folk society meant the ability to provide an, apt ,adage for any occasion, and Franklin's readers became well-prepared. He sold
  15. It is no more dependent only upon agriculture, using this term would not be, apt , However, a record-setting drought severely damaged the sugar crop in 1999. The
  16. S Son, revisiting the Anita Hill controversy. He describes her as touchy and, apt ,to overreact and her work at the EEOC as mediocre. He wrote: On Sunday morning
  17. Vel NVIDIA calculus specter" ) the person exposed thereto. Any act, apt ,to bring another person into disrepute gave rise to an action injurious. In such
  18. Each other collectively about as much as the Romance languages. This is an, apt ,comparison in a number of ways. The period of divergence from a single spoken
  19. Is perfectly ordered on either side. The analogy with a stack of paper is, apt ,: if a half a piece of paper is inserted in a stack of paper, the defect in the
  20. Vacuous than" maximizing utility" and the like, rational choice theory is, apt , Although models used in rational choice theory are diverse, all assume
  21. Against the Marconi and their allies, to the Punic Wars. The comparison was, apt ,in that this war marked a turning point and had significant Roman defeats; it
  22. The 1909 book The Wayfarer in New York, by Edward Martin, writing:" Kansas is, apt ,to see in New York a greedy city.... It inclines to think that the big apple
  23. Are very resistant to humidity and heat, as well to the physical abuse they are, apt ,to encounter in a school environment (or, for blues and folk musicians, to the
  24. The half of the state south of Little Rock gets less snow, and is more, apt ,to see ice storms, however,sleet and freezing rain are expected throughout the
  25. Son, because they are part of themselves' ( the reason is that great love is, apt ,to occur between people who go through the rites together. ) They go on to say:
  26. Of absorption, distribution,elimination, and clearance that make it more, apt ,to abuse compared to many other benzodiazepines. Veterinary use Benzodiazepines
  27. In the Old World. It is based primarily on statistics and is particularly, apt ,for prehistoric sites where the social evidence is relatively scant compared to
  28. Abdul'Baha was" one more eloquent of speech, more ready of argument, more, apt , of illustration, more intimately acquainted with the sacred books of the Jews
  29. Napoleon, and allowing for different societies and customs, the comparison is, apt , Shaka is without doubt the greatest commander to come out of Africa.
  30. The nonverbal signals from foreign partners are different, negotiators are most, apt ,to misinterpret them without even being conscious of the mistake. For example
  31. The morals of the city (" ad versus bonds mores hooks imitates" ) something, apt ,to bring in disrepute or contempt (" quad ... ad infamies Del NVIDIA
  32. Butterfly. It may well have been the failure of Edgar that made Puccini so, apt ,to change his mind. Edgar nearly cost him his career. Puccini had eloped with
  33. Talus, or Calls, under his charge to be taught the mechanical arts. He was an, apt ,scholar and showed striking evidence of ingenuity. Walking on the seashore, he
  34. The cruel, sadistic Satanist, Quinn Dexter - despite his evil nature is an, apt ,leader. He organizes a campaign of murder in order to steal enough money to
  35. Entropy and thermodynamic entropy are not evident. Physicists and chemists are, apt ,to be more interested in changes in entropy as a system spontaneously evolves
  36. And petroleum reservoirs. Fine-grained aquifers, such as sandstones, are more, apt ,to filter out pollutants from the surface than are rocks with cracks and
  37. Orthodox beliefs concerning death and resurrection. Greeks in particular are, apt ,to refer to the deceased as" the blessed "," the forgiven ", or " the
  38. Reliefs, persist in performing their respective earthly duties. The subject was, apt ,for a papal state seeking clout, since it depicts the historical legend when
  39. At from afar:" Mara ", which is May (Masai language) for" spotted," an, apt ,description for the circles of trees, scrub,savanna, and cloud shadows that
  40. Signal to the spinal cord (via outgoing neurons) that it should be more, apt ,to interpret nerve impulses from that body part as pain and pass them on to the
  41. Music is the area which has the richest influence from The Kalevala, which is, apt ,considering the way that the folk poetry and songs were originally performed.
  42. Polish foreign policy pursues close cooperation with a strong partner, one, apt , enough to give strong military support in times of critical situations. This
  43. Ambiguous. To quote Sir Donald Francis Today (1935,p. 195),“ Theorists are, apt ,to vex themselves with vain efforts to remove uncertainty just where it has a
  44. Marietta was a most restless person and carnal in the affairs of love and, apt ,to the art of living, and,taking a dislike to the studies and brain-wracking
  45. Embellishments. This austerity is further emphasized in the cloisters with its, apt ,name of" Cloister of Silence ". In contrast, within the Abbey is the massive
  46. Turks, the youngest Abbasid Caliph to assume power. Al-Mu'jazz proved but too, apt ,a pupil of his Turkish masters and was surrounded by parties each jealous of
  47. What an actor was feeling and portraying on screen. Much silent film acting is, apt ,to strike modern-day audiences as simplistic or campy. The melodramatic acting
  48. In defending this view, reliabilists (and eternalists generally) are, apt ,to point to examples from simple acts of perception: if one sees a bird in the
  49. Husband of one wife, vigilant,sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt ,to teach" ( ch apt er 3,verse 2; see also verse 12 regarding deacons having
  50. His people were when an off-world philosopher told them:" Unjust treatment is, apt ,to produce paranoia in the victim. Your race has outlived its oppressors, but

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