Examples of the the word, freeman , in a Sentence Context

The word ( freeman ), is the 8036 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. But the Massachusetts General Court considered such a request from a common, freeman ,presumptuous, given that at that time, not even a governor had held the honor
  2. Suburbs of Middlesbrough. Latency was the village belonging to a Lasing – a, freeman ,; Normandy, a Norseman's village and Darby, a Dane's village. The name
  3. A slave's identification mark, are very similar. The slave who struck a, freeman ,or denied his master lost an ear, the organ of hearing and symbol of obedience.
  4. In Russia and główszczyzna in Poland. Amount The standard were geld for a, freeman ,appears to have been 200 solidi (shillings) in the Migration period, an
  5. Stationers' Register. *November 8 - Publisher Thomas Millington becomes a ", freeman ," (full member) of the Stationers' Company. New books *John Greenwood - A
  6. And brigand (fiber) is no more than that due to a board (an ordinary, freeman ,). Another law-text, Uraicecht Beck (‘ Small primer’ ), gives the druid a
  7. To sell them except for a serious offense, such as adultery with the wife of a, freeman , Small plots of land were given to them for their own use, and they might
  8. הוא, ומי שכל חייו הם רק במה שטוב ויפה בעיני אחרים – הוא עבד. There could be a, freeman ,with the spirit of the slave, and there could be a slave with a spirit full of
  9. Appointed as a Royal Society Research Professor. * 26 November 1992 – Honorary, freeman ,of the City of Leicester. Jointly with Edwin Southern of the University of
  10. To carry a naked sword in public; or that if the City of London Police finds a, freeman ,drunk and incapable, they will bundle him or her into a taxi and send them home
  11. Sultan hadn't this kind of power over other people, even simple peasants. If a, freeman ,was promoted to one of Kikuyu Sinai divisions, he considered automatically
  12. Excellent parts ", and by the following month he had already been admitted as a, freeman ,in the colony. He began playing a role in its judicial administration, deciding
  13. Also a member of the Royal Irish Academy from 1948. In March 1975 he was made a, freeman ,of the city of Dublin, along with his old political opponent Damon de Valeria.
  14. Permission, nor did he possess a salable title in them. Becoming a serf A, freeman , that is to say one whose feudal land tenure was freehold, became a serf
  15. The freedom is passed through 'servitude' i.e. apprenticeship to a working, freeman , The annual ceremonial beating of the bounds on the river takes place after the
  16. Commanded us to ... ", but women are not commanded in this mitzvah). *Only a, freeman ,(not even a slave who will become free in the next month) can be a Ba'all
  17. Ensemble of a helmet, shield,chain mail shirt, and sword. A typical bond (, freeman ,) was more likely to fight with a spear and shield, and most also carried a
  18. And firm establishment of that freedom, and the protection of the newly made, freeman ,and citizen from the oppressions of those who had formerly exercised unlimited
  19. Scotland, the traditional seat of Clan Armstrong; he was made the first, freeman ,of the burgh, and happily declared the town his home. The Justice of the Peace
  20. Team selection and the pre- and post-match menus. Personal life Linker is a, freeman ,of the City of Leicester (which entitles him to graze his sheep—should he have
  21. That the villein of Norman times was the direct descendant of the Anglo-Saxon, freeman , and that the typical Anglo-Saxon settlement was a free community, not a manor
  22. That his will was not arbitrary, for example by explicitly accepting that no ", freeman ," (in the sense of non-serf) could be punished except through the law of the
  23. Of a garden I will give the offspring. " The ceremony must be performed by a, freeman , The marriage contract—without which, the Code ruled that the woman was no
  24. Fairs were important to the town; a 17th-century order forced each burgess – a, freeman ,of the borough – to attend, but the fairs were abolished during the 19th
  25. Also to resolve paternity and immigration disputes. And he became an honorary, freeman ,of the City of Leicester on 26 November 1992. In 1994,he was knighted by her
  26. Up the fight, he was to be declared infamous, deprived of the privileges of a, freeman , and was liable for damages to his successful opponent. Middle Ages The
  27. Policy set by Albuquerque. To promote settlement, the King of Portugal granted, freeman ,status and exemption from Crown taxes to Portuguese men (known as casinos, or
  28. By the great charter many times confirmed in parliament, it is enacted, That no, freeman ,shall be taken or imprisoned, or diseased of his freehold or liberties, or
  29. Of the hairstyle called the" Serbian knot ", which " distinguishes the, freeman ,from the slave "; in other words, was intended as a badge of social rank. The
  30. Ranavalona entered into a political marriage with a member of the Nova (, freeman ,) elite named Rainilaiarivony who, in his role as Prime Minister of Madagascar
  31. Was called pawning; Abraham describes a typical variety: A, freeman ,heavily in debt, and facing the threat of the punishment of being sold, would
  32. Monarchy in which power was shared between an Andriana monarch and a Nova (, freeman ,) prime minister. This arrangement was to be cemented by a political marriage
  33. Which had become William Clones and Sons in 1839. In 1824,Clones was made a, freeman ,of Colchester. He died in Maryland in January 1847 and was buried in West
  34. Word for bear, which later came to mean man and warrior (with implications of, freeman ,and nobleman in Anglo-Saxon society). It is related to the Scandinavian names
  35. Anglo-Saxon settlement was a free community, not a manor, the position of the, freeman ,having steadily deteriorated in the centuries just around the Norman Conquest.
  36. Slave with a spirit full of freedom; whoever is faithful to his self – he is a, freeman , and whoever fills his life only with what is good and beautiful in the eyes of
  37. Is cognate with Old High German began and Old Norse egg (" thane, franklin, freeman , man" ). The then had a military significance, and its usual Latin
  38. Of Eworth's early life or training. As" Jan Efforts ", he is recorded as a, freeman ,of the artists' Guild of St Luke in Antwerp in 1540. A" Jan and Nicholas
  39. Of land to individuals within those towns. When new land was granted to a, freeman , it was directed that only the person to whom the land was granted was allowed
  40. During the Great Migration. By the 18th century the fees charged to become a, freeman , with voting rights, were exorbitant and the borough of Sudbury, along with 177
  41. Early life Born Christopher Henry probably in Grenada, the son of Christophe,a, freeman , Christophe was brought to Saint Dominguez as a slave in the northern region. In
  42. Of birth is unknown. The first that is known about him is that he became a, freeman ,of the Leather sellers Company in January 1623,having served an eight-or
  43. About his mother's prison sentence for allegedly murdering an African American, freeman , and some of those rumors stated that he was born in prison. Grady Mawhinney
  44. Trial for crimes. Age 21 was the youngest at which a male could become a, freeman , though for practical purposes this occurred sometime in a man's mid-twenties.
  45. Lives in the Sumatran jungle. Name" Debbie_wildlife" /> name ", freeman ," /> Mistaken identity Many locals say Orange Pendek's feet look like those of
  46. Hybrida, meaning the" offspring of a tame sow and a wild boar "," child of a, freeman ,and slave ", etc. The term entered into popular use in English in the 19th
  47. Legal" and constitutional agitation" in Ireland was a delusion; that every, freeman , and every man who desired to become free, ought to have arms, and to practice
  48. Thus, a bonded individual owned by a Zoroastrian could automatically become a, freeman ,by converting to Islam. The other edict was that if one male member of a
  49. Of folk music, including catches, rounds,street cries, vendor songs,", freeman ,'s songs" and other anonymous music, in three collections: Pamela (1609)
  50. Weregild was largely conditional upon the social rank of the victim. A regular, freeman ,(churl) was worth 200 shillings in 9th century Mercia law (twyhyndeman),a

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