Examples of the the word, watt , in a Sentence Context

The word ( watt ), is the 8041 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Kinetic energy of a one-tonne vehicle moving at 160 km/h (100 mph). Because 1, watt , times one-second equals one joule,1 kilo watt -hour is 1000 watt s times 3600
  2. Delivered to the load, the amplifier itself will, at best, dissipate another, watt , For large powers this means very large and expensive power supplies and heat
  3. DB (FW) – power relative to 1 femto watt . dB: dB (W) – power relative to 1, watt , dB: dB (kW) – power relative to 1 kilo watt . Antenna measurements dBi: dB (
  4. DBC, used in acoustics. dB: dB (J) – energy relative to 1 joule. 1 joule = 1, watt , per hertz, so power spectral density can be expressed in dB. dBm: dB (mW) –
  5. Relationship can be used to define the volt. * The work required to produce one, watt ,of power for one second, or one" watt second" ( W·s) (compare kilo watt -hour
  6. The locomotive, Watt and Stephenson were part inventors of time. " Honors The, watt ,is named after James Watt for his contributions to the development of the steam
  7. Are denser, smaller,and have a slightly lower center of gravity inside the, watt ,balance than stainless steel masses),the measured value was typically within
  8. Roy Acuff and African American harmonica player Deform Bailey. WSM's 50,000, watt , signal (1934) could often be heard across the country, Many musicians
  9. W·s) (compare kilo watt -hour). This relationship can be used to define the, watt , Usage Confusion with newton meter Although the joule has the same dimensions
  10. Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) had an implementation of the, watt ,balance that was approaching this goal, with a demonstrated uncertainty of 36 µg
  11. 0.99985 A. Realization The standard ampere is most accurately realized using a, watt ,balance, but is in practice maintained via Ohm's Law from the units of
  12. Focused on performance while the Lisbon part is focused on high performance per, watt , Magny-Cours is an MCM (Multi-Chip Module) with two hexa-core" Istanbul "
  13. Unit varied between geographical regions. Most countries now use the SI unit, watt ,for measurement of power. With the implementation of the EU Directive
  14. Have precisely fixed one or more constants of nature at a defined value. The, watt ,balance The watt balance is essentially a single-pan weighing scale that
  15. Newton acts through one meter. Next to be affected is the SI unit of power,the, watt , which is one joule per second. The ampere too is defined relative to the
  16. Making its products comparatively rare when compared to the other paths. If one, watt ,of nuclear power were produced from neutron fusion consistent with known
  17. Of the definition, but would instead become transfer standards. Scales like the, watt ,balance also permit more flexibility in choosing materials with especially
  18. Was typically within 8 ppb of. The virtue of electronic realizations like the, watt ,balance is that the definition and dissemination of the kilogram would no
  19. Lighting LEDs are operated much less conservatively (due to high LED cost per, watt ,), and consequently have much shorter lives. Due to the relatively high cost
  20. Power waste (and the accompanying heat) will become significant. For every, watt ,delivered to the load, the amplifier itself will, at best, dissipate another
  21. Resistance is calibrated against a quantum Hall resistance standard. The, watt ,balance requires exquisitely precise measurement of the local gravitational
  22. Many design techniques that make a CPU run faster make the" performance per, watt ,"," performance per dollar ", and " deterministic response" much worse, and
  23. And documented as being equal to one kilogram plus an offset value. With the, watt ,balance, while the kilogram would be delineated in electrical and gravity terms
  24. The center of the gravimeter differs from that of the nearby test mass in the, watt ,balance; a change in the weight of a one-kilogram test mass that equates to
  25. Power in the handset is limited to a maximum of 2 watt s in GSM850/900 and 1, watt , in GSM1800/1900. Voice codecs GSM has used a variety of voice codecs to squeeze
  26. To be built from the ground up. The Bulldozer core focused on 10 watt to 100, watt , products,with optimizations for performance-per- watt ratios and HPC
  27. During its normal annual usage divided by the total electric energy input in, watt ,hours (W·h) during the same period.: SEER = BTU ÷ (W·h) this can also be
  28. Physical Laboratory’s watt balance demonstrated a CSU of 70.3 µg in 2007. That, watt ,balance was disassembled and shipped in 2009 to Canada’s Institute for National
  29. FMA4 and CVT16 instructions, while the Bobcat core will focus on 1 watt to 10, watt , products,given that the core is a simplified x86 core to reduce power draw.
  30. Of approximately a few parts in 107,and involve realizations of the, watt , the ohm and the volt. Proposed future definition Rather than a definition in
  31. Important in selecting computers for scientific computations. * Performance per, watt ,- System designers building parallel computers, such as Google, pick CPUs based
  32. Building parallel computers, such as Google, pick CPUs based on their speed per, watt ,of power, because the cost of powering the CPU outweighs the cost of the CPU
  33. Volt. * The work required to produce one watt of power for one second, or one ", watt ,second" ( W·s) (compare kilo watt -hour). This relationship can be used to
  34. For a dual-core implementation and a major improvement in performance per, watt , Mont vale added three new features: core-level lockstep, demand-based switching
  35. Both cores are to be built from the ground up. The Bulldozer core focused on 10, watt , to 100 watt products, with optimizations for performance-per- watt ratios and
  36. And consequently have much shorter lives. Due to the relatively high cost per, watt , LED lighting is most useful at very low powers, typically for lamp assemblies
  37. 36 µg and a short-term resolution of kg. The UK’s National Physical Laboratory’s, watt ,balance demonstrated a CSU of 70.3 µg in 2007. That watt balance was
  38. Of frequency 540 hertz and that has a radiant intensity in that direction of, watt ,per steradian. The definition describes how to produce a light source that (by
  39. Useful for good optical control, also they have higher efficacious (lumens per, watt ,) and better lives than non halogen types. The light output remains almost
  40. That equates to about 316 µg/m. In April 2007,the NIST’s implementation of the, watt ,balance demonstrated a combined relative standard uncertainty (CSU) of 36 µg
  41. Terms of photon oscillations rather than the INK. Gravity and the nature of the, watt ,balance, which oscillates test masses up and down against the local
  42. TOP,FMA4 and CVT16 instructions, while the Bobcat core will focus on 1, watt , to 10 watt products, given that the core is a simplified x86 core to reduce
  43. The meter, kg is the kilogram’s is the second, Pa is the pascal, and W is the, watt , One joule can also be defined as: * The work required to move an electric
  44. Used as long as it possessed sufficient precision, accuracy and stability. The, watt ,balance (discussed below) may be able to do this. In getting to the threshold
  45. Watt, FRS,FREE (19 January 173625 August 1819) The SI unit of power,the, watt , was named after him. Watt attempted to commercialize his invention, but
  46. Is redefined in this manner, mass artifacts—physical objects calibrated in a, watt ,balance, including the INK—would no longer be part of the definition, but would
  47. Step that nulls the effect of geometry. The electric potential in the, watt ,balance is delineated by a Josephson voltage standard, which allows voltage to
  48. Previously known fusion reactions that produce tritium would predict, with 1, watt , of power, the production of 1012 neutrons per second, levels that would have
  49. Fixed one or more constants of nature at a defined value. The watt balance The, watt ,balance is essentially a single-pan weighing scale that measures the electric
  50. The candela is now defined in terms of the second (an SI base unit) and the, watt ,(a derived SI unit),the candela remains a base unit of the SI system, by

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