Examples of the the word, metabolism , in a Sentence Context
The word ( metabolism ), is the 8043 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Other data argue for diminished growth factors. Also, some inborn errors of, metabolism ,are associated with autism but probably account for less than 5 % of cases.
- Acid excretion. Excretion Ammonium ions are a toxic waste product of the, metabolism ,in animals. In fish and aquatic invertebrates, it is excreted directly into the
- Wide range of scientific disciplines including structure, growth,reproduction, metabolism , development, diseases,chemical properties, and evolutionary relationships
- The chemistry of enzyme-catalyzed reactions. The biochemistry of cell, metabolism ,and the endocrine system has been extensively described. Other areas of
- Molecule, with this molecule having no significant role in antioxidant, metabolism , The functions of the other forms of vitamin E are even less well-understood
- Successive cell divisions, cells grow through the functioning of cellular, metabolism , Cell metabolism is the process by which individual cells process nutrient
- Subsystems (such as the networks of metabolites and enzymes which comprise, metabolism , signal transduction pathways and gene regulatory networks) to both analyze
- That invade bacterial cells and, in the case of lytic phages, disrupt bacterial, metabolism ,and cause the bacterium to lose. Phage therapy is the therapeutic use of lytic
- In the cells of marine invertebrates, where they accelerate host-cell, metabolism ,by generating immediately available sugar and oxygen through photosynthesis
- Flow through biochemical signalling and the flow of chemical energy through, metabolism , biochemical processes give rise to the incredible complexity of life. Much of
- Influences the risk of the development of alcoholism. Genes that influence the, metabolism ,of alcohol also influence the risk of alcoholism, and may be indicated by a
- Is a precursor of various phenylpropanoids, which are important in plant, metabolism , However, not all the functions of other abundant non-standard amino acids
- Are at particularly high levels in the liver and also serve in detoxification, metabolism , Oxidative stress in disease Oxidative stress is thought to contribute to the
- Was not lethal to the adult bird, but it interfered with the bird's calcium, metabolism , making the bird either sterile or unable to lay healthy eggs. Female eagles
- Types of pile called (sex pile) involved in conjunction. Functions Growth and, metabolism ,Between successive cell divisions, cells grow through the functioning of
- Is a condition common in reptiles and amphibians, in which xanthophyll, metabolism ,is affected rather than synthesis of melanin, resulting in reduction or absence
- System — stomach — intestine — liver — nutrition — primary nutritional groups, metabolism ,— kidney — excretion ***nervous system: limbic system — vestibular system —
- Before they can damage cells. The oxidative challenge in biology A paradox in, metabolism ,is that while the vast majority of complex life on Earth requires oxygen for
- Metabolic pathways that produce and consume ATP. Apart from its roles in energy, metabolism ,and signaling, ATP is also incorporated into nucleic acids by polymerases in
- Receive enough oxygen to meet the energy demand, and so they shift to anaerobic, metabolism , converting glucose to lactate. The liver regenerates the glucose, using a
- For the chemical versatility required to conduct the reactions of biological, metabolism ,and propagation. The various organic functional groups, composed of hydrogen
- Such as polyphenols and vitamin E will produce changes in other parts of, metabolism , so it may be these other effects that are the real reason these compounds are
- Acid, the main metabolite of aspirin, is an integral part of human and animal, metabolism , While much of it is attributable to diet, a substantial part is synthesized
- It was initially assumed that the alkaloids are the final products of nitrogen, metabolism ,in plants, as urea in mammals. It was later shown that alkaloid concentrations
- Does not rely on microbial oxidation of metal, but rather uses microbial, metabolism ,as source of acids which directly dissolve the metal. Compared with other
- Of the body, and venous blood carries carbon dioxide, a waste product of, metabolism ,produced by cells, from the tissues to the lungs to be exhaled. Medical terms
- Otherwise latent genes in the symbiont. Coral reefs, the rate at which, metabolism ,can proceed determines the growth or deterioration of the reef. Algae of the
- Some bacteria use arsenide, which is oxidized to Senate as fuel for their, metabolism , The enzymes involved are known as Senate reductase (Arr). In 2008
- In tryptophan. Amino acids are critical to life, and have many functions in, metabolism , One particularly important function is to serve as the building blocks of
- Have been generated within previously-normal cells as a result of normal cell, metabolism , or because of viral or intracellular bacterial infection. The fragments are
- Used this measurement to estimate the heat produced by the guinea pig's, metabolism , Lavoisier concluded," la respiration est done one combustion," That is
- First pathway, glycolysis,requires no oxygen and is referred to as anaerobic, metabolism , Each reaction is designed to produce some hydrogen ions that can then be used
- Could also capitalize on the public fad for vitamins at that time. Toxicity The, metabolism ,of amygdala produces hydrogen cyanide, a potent toxin. Beta-glucosidase, one
- Starches) to fermentable sugars. Alcohol is a by-product of yeast, metabolism ,and is toxic to the yeast; typical brewing yeast cannot survive at alcohol
- Is a more effective life-saving procedure than a blood transfusion, because the, metabolism ,of transfused red blood cells does not restart immediately after a transfusion.
- The action of sulfiredoxin. Peroxiredoxins seem to be important in antioxidant, metabolism , as mice lacking peroxiredoxin 1 or 2 have shortened lifespan and suffer from
- Toxic and minimally intoxicating, but when not competing with ethanol for, metabolism , methanol breaks down into the substances formaldehyde and formic acid which in
- Cells of the body, and venous blood carries carbon dioxide, a waste product of, metabolism ,by cells, to the lungs to be exhaled. However, one exception includes pulmonary
- Cell divisions, cells grow through the functioning of cellular metabolism . Cell, metabolism ,is the process by which individual cells process nutrient molecules. Metabolism
- Racial groups. The alcohol dehydrogenase allele ADH1 B*3 causes a more rapid, metabolism ,of alcohol. The allele ADH1 B*3 is only found in those of African descent and
- Abnormal animal physiology. Ammonia is biosynthesized through normal amino acid, metabolism ,and is toxic in high concentrations. The liver converts ammonia to urea through
- By Pascal Medicine Enzymes * Adenosine deaminate, an enzyme involved in purine, metabolism ,* Ada (protein),an enzyme induced by treatment of bacterial cells Video
- Of soft drinks in some schools. The alcohol in beer comes primarily from the, metabolism ,of sugars that are produced during fermentation. The quantity of fermentable
- Gradually released for excretion. * Endocrine organ — bone controls phosphate, metabolism ,by releasing fibroblast growth factor – 23 (FGF-23),which acts on kidneys to
- As well as interfering with beta oxidation, an important part of valproate, metabolism ,) and any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Corticosteroids may also reduce
- Index of 110,the same as maltose; however, the maltose in beer undergoes, metabolism ,by yeast during fermentation so that beer consists mostly of water, hop oils
- More sensitive. Rat liver extract is optionally added to simulate the effect of, metabolism , as some compounds, like benzoapyrene, are not mutagenic themselves but their
- Intracellular energy transfer. ATP transports chemical energy within cells for, metabolism , It is produced by photophosphorylation and cellular respiration and used by
- Body at about 0.2 %. *Rubidium has no biological role but may help stimulate, metabolism , and can accumulate ahead of potassium in muscle. Rubidium is present in the
- Partly because they take much longer to be metabolized and partly because their, metabolism ,produces substances that are even more toxic. Methanol (wood alcohol),for
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