Examples of the the word, burial , in a Sentence Context
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- American living, hunting and tool making sites, many of them Pre-Columbian, burial ,mounds and rock shelters, have been cataloged by the State Archeologist.
- Its gates in search of Alhazred's burial site. He indeed finds Alhazred's, burial ,chamber and learns of his fate. Shared had been kidnapped in Damascus and
- Intoxication. Warhol's body was taken back to Pittsburgh by his brothers for, burial , The wake was at Thomas P. Kansas Funeral Home and was an open-coffin ceremony.
- One God; the virgin birth; miracles; atonement for sins through the death, burial , and bodily resurrection of Jesus; the Trinity; the need for salvation (
- The Middle East which were probably part of a casket. This would have been a, burial ,fitting a king who was famous for his wealth in Old Norse sources. On gen eow's
- 熊耳山 Longer Shan) to the west of Loyang. However, three years after the, burial , in the Pair Mountains, Sòngyún (宋雲)—an official of one of the later Wei
- The linking of the baptismal immersion in and rising from the water with the, burial ,and resurrection of Jesus arguably goes back to Saint Paul, and the linking of
- In the Azores to store cereals and suggestions by Ribeiro that they might be, burial ,sites are unconfirmed. Detailed examination and dating to authenticate the
- Says," in that she hath poured this ointment on my body, she did it for my, burial ," (I'd., v. 12),linking the unction with Christ's death and resurrection. In
- Character) and his assistant at the time, Nayland Column, discover Alhazred's, burial ,site. While the two are heading a caravan from Allah, Oman,they cross the
- Class "Ancestors/NHS"> Ahead">Ancestors of Alfred the Great Death, burial ,and legacy Alfred died on 26 October. The actual year is not certain, but it
- He who slept on the roof, died on the roof, : He who slept in the house, had no, burial ,: People were flailing at themselves from hunger. For many years, the events
- Or syncretistic Christian elements. In particular, there is no change in, burial ,practice, and cumulus warrior graves continued to be erected throughout
- Form. Burial customs The ancient Egyptians maintained an elaborate set of, burial ,customs that they believed were necessary to ensure immortality after death.
- Era include:: * Les funerals Du general Marceau (General Marceau's, burial ,), by P. H. Lama ire (SOUTH façade, right ), : * La Bastille d'About (The
- Changed to a long passage bordered with chambers on either side, the royal, burial ,being in the middle of the length. The greatest of these tombs with its
- Pillars, statues,and other syncretic Romano-Egyptian religious symbols, burial ,niches, and sarcophagi, as well as a large Roman-style banquet room, where
- In which the deceased was magically re-animated accompanied burial s. After, burial , living relatives were expected to occasionally bring food to the tomb and
- Wealthy nobles traditionally used them. The center of Aarhus was once a pagan, burial ,site until Aarhus' first church, Holy Trinity Church, a timber structure, was
- And immortality. The tree gains its importance from the description of the, burial ,of Hiram Biff, the builder of King Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. Several
- Has been used to study the role of transport, deposition,sediment storage, burial ,times, and erosion on 105 to 106 year time scales. Cosmogenic 26Al was first
- And 1000 BC, as well as a preoccupation with spiritual matters, as shown by, burial ,remains. Relics of the Logon are found in Burkina Faso's north and northwest
- Bottom of the ocean or lake where they lived. Under the heat and pressure of, burial ,deep in the earth, the remains were transformed into materials such as bitumen
- Of Anubis is in the Old Kingdom pyramid texts, where he is associated with the, burial ,of the Pharaoh. At this time, Anubis was the most important god of the dead but
- Mourners traveled with Augustus' body from Nola to Rome, and on the day of his, burial ,all public and private businesses closed for the day. Coffin-bound, Augustus '
- Tiberius, where he himself had studied, but the lad occupied himself with the, burial ,of the dead, and on hearing of this, the father sent him a reproachful message
- Death. These customs involved preserving the body by mummification, performing, burial , ceremonies,and interring with the body goods the deceased would use in the
- Impossible,Aurangzeb's orthodoxy is also used to explain his infamous ", burial ," of music. The scene describing the" death of music" ( and all other forms
- His father. By the River Styx, he sees the souls of those not given a proper, burial , forced to wait by the river until someone buries them. While down there, along
- Rectangular structure of mud brick or stone built over an underground, burial ,chamber. The step pyramid of Closer is a series of stone mascaras stacked on
- Osiris and Isis. A tradition developed that the Early Dynastic cemetery was the, burial ,place of Osiris and the tomb of Deer was reinterpreted as that of Osiris.
- Finally slays the dragon, but is mortally wounded. He is buried in a cumulus or, burial ,mound, by the sea. Beowulf is considered an epic poem in that the main
- Suffers a violent death, religious laws order the collection of their blood for, burial ,with them. Christianity Some Christian churches, including Roman Catholicism
- Naval base, and the birthplace of three of the most famous Macedonian whose, burial ,place is most likely marked by the famous lion of Amphiboles. Amphiboles became
- His nation in 551,basing his work on The Trojan War. The legend of Alaric's, burial ,in the Bonita River comes from Jordanes. Alaric II, also known as Alaric
- Their dead brothers, a messenger enters announcing an edict prohibiting the, burial ,of Polices; and finally, Antigone declares her intention to defy this edict.
- Of archaeological cultures: the material remains found at dwelling sites, burial ,grounds, and other places where people left traces of their activity. *Physical
- Gulf of Venice). The Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen had Baltic amber among his, burial ,goods, and amber was sent from the North Sea to the temple of Apollo at Delphi
- Has it that the early-historic mound of the Cunning hillock by Inverse is the, burial ,place of AED. This is based on reading Purim as Injured. A longer account is
- Of Hastur's half-brother, Cthulhu,crosses its gates in search of Alhazred's, burial ,site. He indeed finds Alhazred's burial chamber and learns of his fate.
- Calls for vengeance? " Then they celebrated a strata (lamentation) over his, burial ,place with great feasting. Legend says that he was laid to rest in a triple
- From all the devotional objects left by religious pilgrims. The earliest, burial ,is about 10×20 ft (3 x 6 m) inside, a pit lined with brick walls, and
- Died of heart failure near Moscow on 3 August 2008,at the age of 89. A, burial ,service was held at Donkey Monastery, Moscow,on Wednesday,6 August 2008. He
- Pulls the body to his chariot, and rides away with it to safety. After the, burial , both claim the armor for themselves, as recognition for their efforts. After
- The bodies of the fallen were brought to St James Church at Darlington for, burial , However, Henry denied any immediate rest for Richard; instead the last Yorkist
- 1917. The local Russian Orthodox Churches in New York refused to grant Kerensky, burial , seeing him as being a Freemason and being largely responsible for Russia
- Been defaced with anti-Semitic graffiti, and a chapel at another Jewish, burial ,site in Malmö was firebombed in 2009. In 2009 the Malmö police received reports
- As medicines predates written human history. A 60 000-year-old Neanderthal, burial ,site," Shania IV ", in northern Iraq has yielded large amounts of pollen
- Realm terrorized by a dragon whose treasure had been stolen from his hoard in a, burial ,mound. He attacks the dragon with the help of his then or servants, but they
- The fighting, In addition to holding the remains of its founder, it became the, burial ,place of his successor Otto III. Aachen Cathedral has been designated as a
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