Examples of the the word, discrepancy , in a Sentence Context
The word ( discrepancy ), is the 8054 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Prescriptive concept of grammatical correctness can arise. This often creates a, discrepancy ,between contemporary usage and that which has been accepted, over time, as
- A button that when pressed ejects the disk with varying degrees of force,the, discrepancy ,due to the ejection force provided by the spring of the slider cover. In IBM PC
- He took the name of Charles III The Gibraltar capture (There is a common, discrepancy ,in the chronology between Spanish and British sources, the reason being that
- Involve an equal credit or debit in the account of each nation. The, discrepancy ,is widely believed to be explained by transactions intended to launder money or
- The time it takes the Sun to return to a fixed star),and found a slight, discrepancy , Hipparchus concluded that the equinoxes were moving (" precessing" ) through
- 36 years, this resulted in three too many leap days. Augustus remedied this, discrepancy ,by restoring the correct frequency. He also skipped three leap days in order to
- In The Times newspaper on 9 April 1983,Geoffrey Crawley explained the, discrepancy ,by suggesting that the photograph was" an unintended double exposure of fairy
- Crocheter begins work by producing a test swatch and compensating for any, discrepancy ,by changing to a smaller or larger hook. North Americans call this gauge
- Stars as though it were an inertial frame of reference introduces very little, discrepancy , For example, the centrifugal acceleration of the Earth because of its rotation
- Then the mold moment, in terms of Jerusalem mean solar time. Furthermore,the, discrepancy ,between the mold interval and the mean synod month is accumulating at an
- Instead of 1000,although this could not be extended to higher powers. As the, discrepancy ,between the two systems increased in the higher order powers, more proposals
- Calendar this correspondence will occur one year earlier. The reason for the, discrepancy ,is that the Gregorian year (like the Julian) is slightly too long, so the
- May resemble the Roman Faces, a standard of bound sticks with an ax. A further, discrepancy ,lies in the fact that the Duncan was carved out of a single block of wood—in
- Take advantage of relative discrepancies in price between securities. The price, discrepancy ,can occur due to mispricing of securities compared to related securities, the
- Use powers of 1000 when reporting HDD capacity, thereby avoiding any, discrepancy ,between what it reports and what the manufacturer advertises. In the case of “
- Data sets. Improved measurement and analysis techniques have reconciled this, discrepancy ,: corrected buoy and satellite surface temperatures are slightly cooler and
- Solar neutrino flux was a fraction of its theoretically expected value. This, discrepancy ,forced a change in some values in the standard model for particle physics.
- By 2.4 % with each incrementally larger prefix (gigabyte, terabyte,etc.) The, discrepancy ,between the two conventions for measuring capacity was the subject of several
- Before England had, sometimes centuries earlier. By 1751 there was an 11 day, discrepancy ,between the date in England and the date in other European countries. For
- Can be labelled as feudal, others were centralized states. To account for the, discrepancy , Chinese Marxists invented the term" bureaucratic feudalism ", which is an
- Maximum mean distance (from book 2). He was intellectually honest about this, discrepancy , and probably realized that especially the first method is very sensitive to
- 2002) argues that the real difficulty in German reunification was the, discrepancy ,in the ways the West Germans and East Germans have viewed their Nazi past. The
- To those of the surface temperature ", leading the IPCC to conclude that this, discrepancy ,is reconciled. Antarctica cooling Various individuals, most notably writer
- Items are accepted, the consumer is technically still responsible, and the, discrepancy ,could be revealed during an audit. A small but growing segment of the debit
- For vaginal and oral sex. In the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec, this, discrepancy , has been declared unconstitutional by courts. * Gender-age differentials – in
- Masses. After one year with a work entitled Correction of severe, discrepancy ,between electrodynamics theory and the relativistic one of electromagnetic
- Orbit and found that his theory added a correction which could account for the, discrepancy , This was the first time that Newton's Theory of Gravity had been shown to be
- Standpoint, different results for C60 and nanotubes are not suggestive of any, discrepancy ,in the findings. When considering toxicological data, care must be taken to
- 4) Tallies derived from each ballot method must agree within a margin of, discrepancy ,that would not overturn the outcome of the election; (5) There must be
- Been rotated, in the (,B0) plane, by the angle PW. This also introduces a, discrepancy ,between the mass of the and the mass of the particles (denoted as MZ and MW
- Wiener Dating in Vienna. During the course of his newspaper work he noticed a, discrepancy ,between what the classical economics he was taught in school said about price
- For a value to come that is rounded off to whole parts (1/18 minute). The, discrepancy ,makes the mold interval about 0.6 seconds too long. Put another way, if the
- Son of Cynic and he is usually named as the father of Cutting. There is one, discrepancy ,to be noted in this case: the entry for 685 in the A version of the Chronicle
- Approximation does not distinguish between fermions and bosons. The, discrepancy ,in the partition functions of distinguishable and indistinguishable particles
- Sort (e.g., MS/PC DOS CHKDSK command). ) The following three images show the, discrepancy ,of reporting the identical disk capacity on the manufacturer's packaging (160
- Term ivy college, not Ivy League as Adams is said to have used, so there is a, discrepancy ,in this theory, although it seems certain the term ivy college and shortly
- Simulations to see if they agree with the galaxy surveys, and to understand any, discrepancy , Other, complementary observations to measure the distribution of matter in the
- The March equinox. While Hipparchus and presumably Cosigned were aware of the, discrepancy , although not of its correct value, it was evidently felt to be of little
- And its axial tilt. This event may be up to 16 minutes away from noon GMT (a, discrepancy ,known as the equation of time). The fictitious mean sun is the annual average
- And are still only used, in Ethiopia, accounting for the eight- or seven-year, discrepancy ,between the Gregorian and the Ethiopian calendars. Byzantine chroniclers like
- Abroad vary greatly depending on the source, from 3 to 6 million. This, discrepancy ,is due to a lack of official, reliable data. Emigrants from the DRC are above
- Israel ruled as 143 7/12,while for the kings of Judah the number is 165. This, discrepancy , amounting in the case of Judah to 45 years (165-120),has been accounted for
- 03 1/3s compared to the 6939d 14h 26 m 15s of nineteen mean tropical years. This, discrepancy ,has mounted up to six days, which is why the earliest Passover (in year 16 of
- Pitched) with a 1.56 ERA but managed to record only five shutouts. The seeming, discrepancy ,comes from the difference in the number of allowed runs (309) versus earned
- Arbitrage transactions. As an example, if one was trying to profit from a price, discrepancy ,between IBM on the NYSE and IBM on the London Stock Exchange, they may purchase
- Armoured warfare. When Liddell Hart was questioned about this in 1968,and the, discrepancy ,between the English and German editions of Guderian's memoirs," he gave a
- Shape, although not visible to the naked eye, helps to correct the pitch/scale, discrepancy ,between the Chalmers and clarion registers (perfect 12th). The fixed reed
- election's checks and balances process described above (i.e., the margin of, discrepancy ,of the ballot tallies do not agree),then an investigation including more
- The above numbers are only true for the tropics. For moderate latitudes, this, discrepancy , increases (for example,12 minutes in London) and closer to the Poles it gets
- Number after 1 CE will yield the Hebrew year. For earlier years there may be a, discrepancy ,(see: Missing years (Jewish calendar) ). The Jewish year 5771 AM began on 9
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