Examples of the the word, myriad , in a Sentence Context

The word ( myriad ), is the 8042 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Reports from the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire of the, myriad ,deleterious environmental effects demonstrated to result from it. Occasional pH
  2. Banquet called" Fiat dot" ( 食桌) which literally means" food table ". A, myriad ,dishes are often served, which include shark fins soup,bird's nest soup
  3. Exploit host rewards without reciprocating and thus have been branded with a, myriad ,of not-very-flattering names such as 'cheaters ','exploiters ','robbers '
  4. Ancient world. Post-classical culture A brief summary of Athena's evolution of, myriad ,motifs after her dominance in Greece may be seen as follows: The rise of
  5. Accounts is how to define the production boundary–that is, what parts of the, myriad ,human activities are to be included in or excluded from the measure of the
  6. To a final trial stage. The Bell company lawyers successfully fought off, myriad ,lawsuits generated initially around the challenges by Elisha Gray and Amos
  7. The individual cook. The diversity of cooking worldwide is a reflection of the, myriad ,nutritional, aesthetic,agricultural, economic,cultural, and religious
  8. Federal regulations, concerned the sexual harassment policy. Today, there are, myriad ,exceptions to the Honor Code in the form of new institute policies such as the
  9. As agents. # Psychological Warfare From the Outside: The FBI and police used a, myriad ,of other" dirty tricks" to undermine progressive movements. They planted
  10. Murias, for the number 10,000. He proposed a number system using powers of a, myriad ,of myriad s (100 million) and concluded that the number of grains of sand
  11. And film Art serves to humanize the abortion issue and illustrates the, myriad ,of decisions and consequences it has. One of the earliest known representations
  12. Visit the old shops in Çıkrıkçılar Yokes (Weavers' Road) near Plus, where, myriad , things ranging from traditional fabrics, hand-woven carpets and leather
  13. Interact with and activate protein kinase A (PKA). PKA can then phosphorylate, myriad ,downstream targets. *GEQ/11 stimulates membrane-bound phospholipase C beta
  14. Deficit disorder, narcolepsy,and obesity, and continue to be studied for, myriad ,applications. Both opioids and amphetamines induce a therapeutic response very
  15. Such as 114 may be written as 100 10 4 (百十四). For numbers larger than a, myriad , the same grouping system used in English applies, except in groups of four
  16. Dead). The British Army has throughout its history operated ships, ports and a, myriad ,of boats. Boats, Landing Craft and Ports are still operated by the Army and
  17. With his followers via Mo Letters—letters of instruction and counsel on, myriad ,spiritual and practical subjects—until his death in late 1994. After his death
  18. Serving in an army. Mail delivery was also important for the Confederacy for a, myriad ,of business and military reasons. Because of the Union blockade, basic supplies
  19. Desert. His historical drama Red Firecracker, Green Firecracker (1994) won a, myriad ,of prizes home and abroad. Recent cinema has seen Chinese cinematographers
  20. Of Agricultural Law. The United States Department of Agriculture and its, myriad ,agencies such as the http://www.ams.usda.gov Agricultural Marketing Service are
  21. Film, well known for its dark depiction of a suburban America. Followed by a, myriad ,of VHS, Laserdisc and DVD releases, the film became more and more well-known
  22. Movements, encompassing the Russian Revolution, the Chinese Revolution, and, myriad , revolutionary practices up until the present moment. Twentieth-century
  23. The individual cook. The diversity of cooking worldwide is a reflection of the, myriad ,nutritional, aesthetic,agricultural, agronomic,economic, cultural and
  24. With little strength. It is easily hydrolyzed by dilute acid or base as well as, myriad ,hemicellulose enzymes. Composition Hemicellulose contains many sugar
  25. Of four, thus 1,234,567,890 is regrouped here as 12, 3456,7890. Larger than a, myriad , each number is therefore four zeroes longer than the one before it, thus 10000
  26. To provide a reasonably comprehensive guide to the subject. The impact of these, myriad ,paths to perform spatial analysis create a new dimension to business
  27. Astronomy, history,linguistics, and the natural sciences are among the, myriad ,fields that have benefited from the activities of amateurs. Charles Darwin and
  28. To solve the problem, Archimedes devised a system of counting based on the, myriad , The word is from the Greek burial, for the number 10,000. He proposed a number
  29. Is often seen as having become intertwined with hip hop culture and the, myriad ,international styles derived from New York City Subway graffiti. However, there
  30. Other uncommon metric units of area include the tetrad, the head, and the, myriad , The acre is also commonly used to measure land areas, where *1 acre 4,840
  31. Six equal characters, rather than emphasizing one or two, would allow for ", myriad ,storylines and give the show legs ". The writers originally planned a big love
  32. Then to read it more closely and with less credulity, leading them to note its, myriad ,contradictions. According to founder Justin Lee," We're just trying to get
  33. Virtue, let us compare it to the North Star: it stays in its place, while the, myriad ,stars wait upon it. (Analects II,1) Another key Confucian concept is that in
  34. The roll. Among these, and the remaining numbers and possible bets, there are a, myriad ,of systems and progressions that can be used with many combinations of numbers.
  35. Lines can be wavy, indented,embattled, engrailed, nebuly, or made into, myriad ,other forms; see Line (heraldry). Ordinaries In the early days of heraldry
  36. Advantages The fundamental advantage of ERP is that integrating the, myriad ,processes by which businesses operate saves time and expense. Decisions can be
  37. And Enactment. To initiate a lawsuit, a pleading had to be drafted to meet, myriad ,technical requirements: correctly categorizing the case into the correct legal
  38. Electric light sources come in a profusion of types and sizes adapted to a, myriad ,of applications. Type Types of electric lighting include: *gas discharge lamps
  39. Electrical related applications. In the early 20th Century it was found in a, myriad ,of applications including saxophone mouthpieces, whistles,cameras, solid-body
  40. Monument, Misty Fjords National Monument,Alaska's Inside Passage, and, myriad , large and small islands. The largest islands are, from North to South
  41. Of the methods. Attributes and interface example: A television set has a, myriad ,of attributes, such as size and whether it supports color, together comprise
  42. Were occupied by Japanese forces during World War II. Natural features With its, myriad ,islands, Alaska has nearly of tidal shoreline. The Aleutian Islands chain
  43. Professional baseball. Gradually, it faded out of existence and was replaced by, myriad ,minor leagues and associations around the country. Meanwhile, Spalding and his
  44. Various celestial bodies. By using a system of numbers based on powers of the, myriad , Archimedes concludes that the number of grains of sand required to fill the
  45. Eternal return, or what Mere (1990:139) calls" the continual return of the, myriad ,creatures to the cosmic principle from which they arose. " There is a contrast
  46. Horseback riding, hiking,hunting, geocaching,and picnicking are among the, myriad ,of activities offered. The park also includes an accessible playground and is
  47. Roman Empire, essentially based in Germany and Italy, further fragmented into a, myriad ,of feudal principalities or small city states, whose subjection to the emperor
  48. Which enable players or Game Masters to customize their characters. The, myriad ,options available and the rewards the system provides players for carefully
  49. With the term complicated. In today's systems, this is the difference between, myriad ,connecting" stovepipes" and effective" integrated" solutions. This means
  50. Trained to recognize and treat physical symptoms, and depression can cause a, myriad ,of physical (psychosomatic) symptoms. Non-psychiatrists miss two-thirds of

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