Examples of the the word, glucose , in a Sentence Context

The word ( glucose ), is the 8044 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the following: Glycogen, with the products having the ability to form, glucose ,by gluconeogenesis Ketogenic, with the products not having the ability to form
  2. From monomers called monosaccharides. Some of these monosaccharides include, glucose ,(C6H12O6),fructose (C6H12O6),and deoxyribose (C5H10O4). When two
  3. To hemoglobin, which is carried in red cells) * Supply of nutrients such as, glucose , amino acids, and fatty acids (dissolved in the blood or bound to plasma
  4. Joined together. Another important disaccharide is lactose, consisting of a, glucose ,molecule and a galactose molecule. As most humans age, the production of
  5. Chlorine and bromine. Industrial preparation Ascorbic acid is synthesized from, glucose ,through a five-step process. First, glucose ,a pentahydroxy almost, is reduced
  6. Metabolised to give fatty acids and glycerol. The overall process of oxidizing, glucose ,to carbon dioxide is known as cellular respiration and can produce about 30
  7. Moiety, whereas the galactose moiety form a full acetyl with the C4-OH group of, glucose , Saccharine does not have a reducing end because of full acetyl formation
  8. The other hand, decomposes it into benzaldehyde, cyanide,and two molecules of, glucose ,; this enzyme occurs in the bitter almond, and consequently the seeds invariably
  9. Grouped into loses (having an aldehyde group at the end of the chain, e. g., glucose ,) and ketones (having a keto group in their chain; e.g. fructose). Both
  10. Scurvy),the disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin C. Being derived from, glucose , many animals are able to produce it, but humans require it as part of their
  11. Respiration and can produce about 30 molecules of ATP from a single molecule of, glucose , ATP can be produced by a number of distinct cellular processes; the three main
  12. Then 37 °C to produce ethanol, for instance, the conversion of inverse to, glucose ,and fructose or the conversion of glucose to lyase and ethanol. * By direct
  13. A less chemically complex sugar molecule called glucose . Once inside the cell, glucose ,is broken down to make adenosine triphosphate (ATP),a form of energy
  14. Ascorbic acid is synthesized from glucose through a five-step process. First, glucose , a pentahydroxy almost, is reduced to sorbitol, which is then oxidized by the
  15. To the two gained in glycolysis). Analogous to the above reactions,the, glucose ,produced can then undergo glycolysis in tissues that need energy, be stored as
  16. A reducing end because of full acetyl formation between the aldehyde carbon of, glucose ,(C1) and the keto carbon of fructose (C2). Oligosaccharides and
  17. The modified residue non-reducing. Lactose contains a reducing end at its, glucose ,moiety, whereas the galactose moiety form a full acetyl with the C4-OH group of
  18. Traditional synthesis methods. It creates volatile compounds when mixed with, glucose ,and amino acids. It is a cofactor in tyrosine oxidation. Niche, non-food uses
  19. 4 from the 2 ruinous),totaling to 32 molecules of ATP conserved per degraded, glucose ,(two from glycolysis + two from the citrate cycle). It is clear that using
  20. By gluconeogenesis Ketogenic, with the products not having the ability to form, glucose , These products may still be used for keto genesis or lipid synthesis. Amino
  21. Meet the energy demand, and so they shift to anaerobic metabolism, converting, glucose , to lactate. The liver regenerates the glucose , using a process called
  22. In their liver where the enzyme L-gulonolactone oxidase is required to convert, glucose ,to ascorbic acid. Sodium acerbate and ascorbic acid are also used in swimming
  23. In industry, alcohols are produced in several ways: * By fermentation using, glucose ,produced from sugar from the hydrolysis of starch, in the presence of yeast and
  24. Via the bloodstream to the liver, subsequent gluconeogenesis and release of, glucose ,into the bloodstream is called the Cori cycle. Proteins Like carbohydrates
  25. Temperature, water content, salt concentration in the bloodstream, blood, glucose , levels,blood oxygen level, and others. Maintaining homeostasis is a crucial
  26. Fluid, is mostly water (92 % by volume),and contains dissipated proteins, glucose , mineral ions, hormones,carbon dioxide (plasma being the main medium for
  27. Can be broken down into a less chemically complex sugar molecule called, glucose , Once inside the cell, glucose is broken down to make adenosine triphosphate (
  28. Found in plants, animals,and single-cell organisms where it is produced from, glucose , All animals either make it, eat it, or else die from scurvy due to lack of it.
  29. As a major weight gain problem (averaging over 18 months) and increases in, glucose , cholesterol, and triglycerides. The mean and maximal doses used for olanzapine
  30. Age, the production of lactase, the enzyme that hydrolyzes lactose back into, glucose ,and galactose, typically decreases. This results in lactase deficiency, also
  31. Common polysaccharides are cellulose and glycogen, both consisting of repeating, glucose ,monomers. * Cellulose is made by plants and is an important structural
  32. Basic components. Carbohydrates are hydrolyzed into simple sugars, such as, glucose ,and fructose. Fats (triglycerides) are metabolized to give fatty acids and
  33. From the citrate cycle). It is clear that using oxygen to completely oxidize, glucose ,provides an organism with far more energy than any oxygen-independent metabolic
  34. And Prussia beta-glucosidase consecutively catalyze loss of the two, glucose ,units to yield mandelonitrile, which can then decompose to form free cyanide
  35. Lining of blood vessels, conveying information about temperature, sodium level, glucose ,level, blood oxygen level, and other parameters. These hypothalami nuclei send
  36. If the intracellular pH changes to 5 or lower, the anaerobic fermentation of, glucose ,through phosphofructokinase is decreased by 95 %. The efficacy of benzoic acid
  37. In the presence of water, acts on a soluble glucoside, amygdalin, yielding, glucose , cyanide and the essential oil of bitter almonds, which is nearly pure
  38. Both an energy store and an electron donor. The equation for the oxidation of, glucose ,to lactic acid is:: C6H12O6\to 2CH3CH (OH)COOL + 2 ATP In prokaryotes
  39. Anaerobic metabolism, converting glucose to lactate. The liver regenerates the, glucose , using a process called gluconeogenesis. This process is not quite the opposite
  40. Called glycolysis, the net result of which is to break down one molecule of, glucose ,into two molecules of pyruvate; this also produces a net two molecules of ATP
  41. Are broken down into their monomers (glycogen phosphorylate removes, glucose ,residues from glycogen). Disaccharides like lactose or sucrose are cleaved
  42. Of oxidation in the absence of O2 as an electron acceptor. In most eukaryotes, glucose ,is used as both an energy store and an electron donor. The equation for the
  43. The conversion of inverse to glucose and fructose or the conversion of, glucose ,to lyase and ethanol. * By direct hydration using ethylene (ethylene
  44. Or cane sugar to differentiate it from other sugars). Sucrose consists of a, glucose ,molecule and a fructose molecule joined together. Another important
  45. Amounts of other materials. Plasma circulates dissolved nutrients, such as, glucose , amino acids, and fatty acids (dissolved in the blood or bound to plasma
  46. Equivalent as NADH. The two molecules acetyl-CoA (from one molecule of, glucose ,) then enter the citric acid cycle, producing two more molecules of ATP, six
  47. Enters the citric acid cycle. Glycogen amino acids can also be converted into, glucose , through gluconeogenesis. Pyrrolidine trait is restricted to several microbes
  48. Called osteocalcin, which contributes to the regulation of blood sugar (, glucose ,) and fat deposition. Osteocalcin increases both the insulin secretion and
  49. Up nearly 25 % of the total volume of a typical cell. Glycolysis In glycolysis, glucose ,and glycerol are metabolized to pyruvate via the glycolysis pathway. In most
  50. He is only very distantly related to other sight hounds. Arawak have a rare, glucose ,isomerase allele (GLIB) that occurs only in foxes, jackals,Italian wolves

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