Examples of the the word, decentralization , in a Sentence Context
The word ( decentralization ), is the 12384 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Formation of new ones. Thus, instead of streamlining the system,Gorbachev's, decentralization ,caused new production bottlenecks. Dissolution of the USSR The dissolution of
- Regional councils were directly elected for the first time, and the process of, decentralization ,has continued, albeit at a slow pace. In March 2003,a constitutional revision
- While the richest fifth account for 45 %. While there are new laws on, decentralization ,that may address the problem of uneven growth and satisfaction partially, there
- Distrust and seek to avoid intentional communal arrangements. Privatization, decentralization , and individualization are often anarcho-capitalist goals. But in some cases
- Unrestricted access; it does not refer to price.; Mistrust authority — promote, decentralization ,: The best way to promote the free exchange of information is to have an open
- Most developed states and has involved NGOs. In 1994 the PMA began to stress, decentralization ,and strengthening of state environmental agencies, a tendency that subsequently
- Evade detection in ways not possible for other weapons such as vehicles. This, decentralization ,of command was made possible by improved communications equipment and greater
- In Mexico, a phenomenon most likely attributable to the environmental policy of, decentralization , The net migration rate of the Federal District from 1995 to 2000 was negative.
- Honduran government began to decentralize Colder beginning in 1985. Under the, decentralization ,plan, regulatory responsibilities were transferred from the central government
- Handle the political, social,legal, and economic affairs of its area. This, decentralization ,process is part of Jordan's Democratization Program. Corruption According to
- Broad acre City design. The philosophy behind his community planning was, decentralization , The new development must be away from the cities. In this decentralized
- Purposes, the municipality is not subordinate to the district and, decentralization ,is doing away with the districts. A municipality contains one or more
- To help the Indonesian Government implement economic reforms and fiscal, decentralization ,and is supporting democratization and civil society development activities
- Who escaped to Spain and founded an Umayyad dynasty there. Universal period and, decentralization ,Islamic Golden Age The gains of the Umayyad empire were consolidated upon when
- Approved sweeping political reforms, including creation of a national Senate, decentralization ,of the budgetary process, freedom of assembly and press, and cancellation of
- Philosophy advocating the removal of economic inequalities among people or the, decentralization ,of power. An egalitarian believes that equality reflects the natural state of
- History of feudalism traditionally emerges as a result of the, decentralization ,of an empire. This was particularly the case within the Japanese and
- Of the state in favor of anarchism. Adherents propose achieving this through, decentralization ,of political and economic power, usually involving the socialization of most
- March 2006,Djibouti held its first regional elections and began implementing a, decentralization ,plan. The broad pro-government coalition, including FRED candidates, again ran
- Of the political system. Some Christians favor political and administrative, decentralization ,of the government, with separate Muslim and Christian sectors operating within
- By the local House of Representatives. The poll is part of a country-wide, decentralization ,drive, allowing for direct local elections in several areas. The
- In the 1990s,Bolivia introduced, the Plan de Todos, which led to the, decentralization ,of government, introduction of intercultural bilingual education
- Libertarian socialism as monarchist rather than anarchist, favoring radical, decentralization ,of power without going as far as the complete abolition of the state and
- Sluggish economy in the late 1980s. The reforms made some inroads in, decentralization , but Gorbachev and his team left intact most of the fundamental elements of the
- Amman Municipality will be excluded from the plan, but it will set up a similar, decentralization ,process. Each region will have an elected council that will handle the
- De-Stalinization, and Yugoslavia's" separate road to socialism" through, decentralization ,of economic life. The Soviet Union, other East European countries, and China
- Trends compounded political fragmentation within Germany. During the political, decentralization ,of the Hohenstaufen period, the population grew from an estimated 8 million in
- S management philosophy has been described as" centralization of decision and, decentralization ,of execution. " Following the War on Terror, it is thought that al-Qaeda's
- Of national and municipal elections since 1992 have produced some limited, decentralization , Political history Mauritania achieved independence from France in 1960. After
- Meet the growing calls for Canadian autonomy while avoiding the overly-strong, decentralization ,that contributed to the Civil War in the United States. The compromises made by
- The Soviet Union itself make use of this terminology, but they do not imply any, decentralization , Furthermore, council communists held a critique of the Soviet Union as a
- Now, in 3 years Each Province has its own Educational system reflecting the, decentralization ,of the Canadian provinces and therefore of the Education system. However most
- Movement for more rights for Croatia, greater civil rights and demands for the, decentralization ,of the economy. In the end the Yugoslav leadership interpreted the Croatian
- All the amenities of a small city: schools, museums,markets, etc. This view of, decentralization ,was later reinforced by theoretical Broad acre City design. The philosophy
- Into the Three Kingdoms Period. This period was characterized by a gradual, decentralization ,of the state that had existed during the Qin and Han dynasties, and an increase
- The Conrail general has accrued new powers in the course of the political, decentralization ,that has occurred past in France during the past thirty years. There are in all
- Where the road infrastructure is poorly advanced. Moreover, with the widespread, decentralization ,of economic activity that is being proposed by the government, and with the
- Shunning) have risen in importance as a consequence of the democratization and, decentralization ,of Indonesia since 1998. Bulgarian (български език, ) is an Indo-European
- Which the government spends money has been transformed by the 2001 ‘ big bang ’, decentralization , which has resulted in over one-third of all government spending being
- On the assumption that local officials would provide better oversight. Despite, decentralization ,and the sale of government assets,Cohdefor's remaining debt was US$240
- King Abdullah II and the Jordanian Government began the process of, decentralization , with the Madeira govern ate as the pilot project, on the regional level dividing
- Encyclopedias and traditional libraries, the World Wide Web has enabled the, decentralization ,of information. The Web has also enabled individuals and organizations to
- With parliament's consent. The Constitution also provided for political, decentralization ,through the election of mayors and administrative bodies responsible for local
- SANTA). In 2003,a new" water law" was passed which called for the, decentralization ,of water services. With the 2003 law, local communities have the right and
- Approved sweeping political reforms, including creation of a national senate, decentralization ,of the budgetary process, freedom of assembly and press, and cancellation of
- Of middle-size cities in different regions in Mexico. This has also led to, decentralization ,and growth of other metropolitan areas that conform regional centers of
- Housing but still commuting there for work and recreation, rather than a true, decentralization , Emigration About 663,100 Japanese were living abroad, approximately 75,000 of
- Also signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This led to the, decentralization ,In 1921,Mexico City had less than one million inhabitants. Up to the 1980s
- He stressed the primacy of agricultural output and encouraged a significant, decentralization ,of decision-making in the rural economy teams and individual peasant households
- From the government, and politicians from those regions have called for greater, decentralization ,and even the secession (for example: the Southern Cameroons National Council)
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