Examples of the the word, biking , in a Sentence Context

The word ( biking ), is the 12387 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Harrow, Kingsville, and Ruthie. The Greenway is a fine trail for hiking, biking , running, birding,cross country skiing and in some areas, horseback riding. It
  2. Offers a Biathlon variant at their national Scout jamboree that mixes BMX, biking ,with air rifle shooting at biathlon type targets. Cadets Canada also offers
  3. province's retired rail beds have been converted and maintained for hiking, biking , and cross-country skiing. Longboarding is also a popular activity because of
  4. Gorge walking, kayaking and open canoeing, mountaineering,sailing, mountain, biking , and rock climbing. They inspire learning through adventure and have many
  5. Being seen by maritime vessels. Towns along the lake A New York Times reporter, biking ,through the region in 1997,found the Ontario town of Port Stanley to be the "
  6. Opportunities, including skiing, whitewater rafting, fishing,hiking, mountain, biking , and hunting. Geography Located in the Appalachian Mountain range, West Virginia
  7. An outdoor music festival known as the Bristol Community Festival. Mountain, biking ,in Bristol, the main area is around the Ashton Court estate with the Timberland
  8. There are numerous shorter paths suitable for day walks, as well as mountain, biking ,and cross-country skiing trails. The total network of tracks amounts to around
  9. Practiced on customized cruiser bikes around Mount Tamales. Most mountain, biking ,takes place on dirt roads, trails and in purpose-built parks. Downhill mountain
  10. A pleasant place to spend a day with family, be it for having picnics, hiking, biking , or simply enjoying good food and nature. There is also an exact replica of the
  11. Rock climbing, golf,skateboarding, whitewater rafting, mountain, biking , cycling, basketball,and many others. Organization Structure and polity The
  12. 3 km) from the downtown area. Marquette also has an extensive network of, biking ,and walking paths throughout the city. The city has been gradually expanding
  13. Has been financed by the European Union, and is intended to be part of a unique, biking ,path that will ultimately circle the entire Baltic Sea. The path has been
  14. Motocross, extreme skiing, freestyle skiing, land and ice yachting, mountain, biking , mountain boarding, outdoor climbing, sandboarding, skateboarding,snowboarding
  15. Which can accommodate many activities including baseball, soccer, biking , and sledding. Windsor has numerous bike trails, the largest being the
  16. Their careers on Pittsburgh area courses. Pittsburgh has multiple mountain, biking ,areas close to the city in area parks and in the surrounding suburbs. Brick
  17. Community centers, three swimming pools, and of trail for walking, running,or, biking , The Principal River walk is a river walk park district currently being
  18. Energetic ski resort culture in winter, and a hiking (wandering) or Mountain, biking ,culture in summer. Other areas throughout the year have a recreational culture
  19. Of the city, on the fringe of residential neighborhoods. Some trails allow, biking ,and others are for hikers and runners only. The nearest ski resort, Willamette
  20. Couriering, and general delivery. *Recreation: bicycle touring, mountain, biking , BMX and physical fitness. *Racing: track racing, criterium, roller racing and
  21. In the city, including the Galloping Goose Regional Trail. There are mountain, biking ,trails at Mount Work Regional Park, and Victoria is quickly becoming a bike
  22. 53 city parks offer a variety of recreation facilities including hiking, biking , picnicking, swimming,and tennis. The city boasts three golf courses, three
  23. Spot on the North Shore of Oahu * Told pipeline trail, an equestrian and, biking ,trail in Redmond, Washington,USA and Canada Entertainment *" Pipeline" (
  24. Typically includes two events of either cross-country skiing, mountain, biking , or outdoor-ice speed skating and finishes with running. The Germs are an
  25. Slide your stones in a bullseye and get your opponent's stones out of it. *Ice, biking ,— the continuation of regular cycling activities in the winter and cold weather
  26. Historic area into a pedestrian priority zone enables and invites walking and, biking ,by making these active modes of transport comfortable, safe and enjoyable.
  27. Cities River Bandits. Davenport has 27 parks and over of recreational paths for, biking ,or walking. Four interstates and two major United States Highways serve the
  28. The Polish mountains are an ideal venue for hiking, skiing and mountain, biking ,and attract millions of tourists every year from all over the world.
  29. In the southeastern part of the state, is known for its challenging mountain, biking ,trails, including Slick rock. Moab also hosts the famous Moab Jeep Safari
  30. And" You'll Miss Me ". Dial-A-Song At one point, Linnell broke his wrist in a, biking ,accident and Flansburgh's apartment was burgled, forcing them to take a break
  31. River on the west to Windy Pass on the east is a restricted zone where camping, biking , pets, fires,and off-trail excursions are all prohibited. ESP may refer to:
  32. Track or treadmill run. * Off-road triathlon, consists of swimming, mountain, biking , and trail running. The best-known series of these races is known as the TERRA
  33. Plants have been discovered in. Species Cycling, also called bicycling or, biking , is the use of bicycles for transport, recreation,or for sport. Persons
  34. Aid and maintenance tools. Routes can vary by as much as.; Mountain, biking ,began in the 1970s,originally as a downhill sport, practiced on customized
  35. Close to the city in area parks and in the surrounding suburbs. Brick Park has, biking ,trails and Hardwood Acres Park has many miles of single track trails. A recent
  36. Hunting, birdwatching,agro-tourism, ATV trails, ballooning,rock climbing, biking , hiking, skiing,boating and sailing, camping,canoeing, caving (spelunking)
  37. The summer, tourists travel to the city for boating, fishing,hiking, mountain, biking , and camping. During the fall, hunting and color tours are popular. The winter
  38. Volunteer trail organizations. The trails are used by residents for walking, biking , and jogging and boast several scenic vistas along the Saint John and Nashua
  39. Surfing, rock climbing, snow skiing,water-skiing, snowboarding,mountain, biking , mountaineering, storm chasing, hang gliding, and bungee jumping, many of which
  40. Refers to a very high-end and desirable product:. e.g., in the mountain, biking ,community," These titanium hubs are unobtainium, man! ". Old-car enthusiasts
  41. Climbing, sandboarding, skateboarding,snowboarding, snowmobiling,speed, biking , speed skiing, scootering and street luge. Fifteen water sports including:
  42. The state. It consists of a soft gravel surface, excellent for running and, biking , Columbia also is preparing to embark on construction of several new bike paths
  43. Its riverfront and hollows, but steep hills and variable weather can make, biking ,challenging. However, the city is connected to downtown Washington’D. C. (
  44. Of Copenhagen,a cyclist' organization runs a Cycling Embassy, that promotes, biking ,for commuting and sightseeing. In the UK there's a tax break scheme (IR 176)
  45. Held at Sarajevo's Daria area, where there is also an extensive network of, biking ,trails. Popularity of tennis has been picking up in recent years. Since 2003
  46. At the Glastonbury Festival in June 1995. John Squire had suffered a mountain, biking ,accident in northern California just weeks before the show, breaking his
  47. Offers swimming on Portage Lake, canoeing,fishing, boating,picnicking, and, biking , Waterloo State Recreation Area is located in the eastern part of Jackson
  48. Takes place on dirt roads, trails and in purpose-built parks. Downhill mountain, biking ,has just evolved in recent years and is performed at places such as
  49. Fountain, and the city's cenotaph. There is an extensive system of hiking and, biking ,trails in the metro area. The riverfront trail is part of the Trans Canada
  50. Is the" Faculty Ghetto ", where faculty members can live within walking or, biking ,distance of campus. The Faculty Ghetto is composed of land owned entirely by

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