Examples of the the word, rubens , in a Sentence Context
The word ( rubens ), is the 12389 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Bro mus INERIS SSP. Pumpellianus var. Pumpellianus ** Bro mus madritensis SSP., rubens , – Red Broke, Foxtail Broke * Bro mus dealings – Rye Broke, Chess grass, Cheat
- Habitat conversion from invasive plant species (Brassier tournefortii, Bromus, rubens , and Er odium SPP). Desert tortoise populations in some areas have declined by
- Species of sea stars, including the (Atlantic) common starfish, Asterias, rubens , and the northern Pacific sea star, Asterias amanuensis. Species External links *
- Their main predators are shore crabs (Carvings means); starfish (Asturias, rubens , and Marthasterias glacial); gastropods (Natick SP. ); and birds (Lars SP)
- Gibbet,2004 (fossil, Tertiary amber from Butterfield, Germany ): * Sir, rubens , Latreille,1804 (France): * Sir Shasta Gibbet & Shear (not yet published)
- Colombia) - now synonym of Rubella rubella (Lure) Lure 2004 *Pleurothallis, rubens , ( W. South America to Brazil) - now synonym of Speckling Rubens (Linda. )
- Hybrids with Crack Willow Sal ix fragile, the hybrid being named Sal ix ×, rubens , Schrank. The bark is often macerated in ethanol to produce a tincture. The
- Palliduphantes Tillich (Kaczyński,1915) — Central Europe * Palliduphantes, rubens , ( Wunderlist,1987) — Canary Islands * Palliduphantes sanctivincenti (Simon
- Mantra Rubens, a species of air-breathing land snail * Crassocephalum, rubens , an edible, erect annual herb * Enema Rubens, a species of plant in the
- A. Emmerichiae, A. Mulfordii has less dense and elaborate inflorescence than A., rubens , and the long, broad floral bracts conceal the ovary. Mythology The name of the
- Of the salamander primarily lies adjacent to areas of red spruce (Pica, rubens , ) and Fraser’s fir (Babies Fraser) forests at these high elevations. However
- Some luthiers use Adirondack Spruce, also known as Red Spruce (Pica, rubens , ),in high-end instruments. X-Bracing The tops of most steel string acoustic
- Afro gecko ansorgii, Coluber serious,Ruben's sand lizard (Pedioplanis, rubens , ),and the skaapsteker snake (Psammophylax rhombus cellars). Threats and
- Longer than the three inner or petaled ones. Frequently confused with A., rubens , and A. Emmerich, A. Mulfordii has less dense and elaborate inflorescence
- A fauna characteristic of sediment shores including Common starfish Asturias, rubens , and burrowing animals such as the Razor shell ANSIs arcuate, the Thin telling
- P jezoensis, P. Mariana, P. Obovata, P. Omorika, P. Orientalis, P. Pungens, P., rubens , P. schrenkiana, P. Sitchensis, P. Torano, P. Wilsonii *Minus Armand, P.
- Nidularium Rubens, a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family * Laurasia, rubens , a species in the Actinidiaceae (gooseberry) family Other uses Torndirrup
- Tells Rodrigo (Lure) Pigeon & M. W. Chase 2001 (Colombia). *Tells, rubens , Schltr. 1910 (Mexico to C. America). *Tells rufobrunnea (Linda. ) L. O.
- L. #Bromopsis Ramos (Huts. ) Club #Agrimonia process Wall. #Trifolium, rubens , L. #Trifolium spinster L. #Alisma lanceolatum With. #Alisma grained LEJ.
- Abies) ** Korscheltellus gracilis (Conifer Swift) – prefers Red Spruce (P., rubens , ),also recorded on White Spruce (P. Laura) ** Mantra disbar (Gypsy Moth
- By comparing the length of the visitor to the length of the body (i.e. G., rubens , has a longer visitor than G. tennis) Males are distinguished from females
- Sparsely vegetated, with occasional one-sided (flagged) red spruce (Pica, rubens , ) trees, and open habitats dominated by various low-growing Appalachian and
- Assimilis, G. Bimaculatus, G. Campestris, G. Firmus, G. Pennsylvanicus, G., rubens , and G. tennis, along with other members of various genera including Ache ta
- Fractions dimidiatus, Brachionus Paulus, Brachionus SP. Nevada, Brachionus, rubens , Fractions falcate, Brachionus amanuensis, Brachionus angular is, Brachionus
- Adirondack chair, a type of chair used primarily in an outdoors setting *Pica, rubens , a species of spruce tree known as Adirondack when used to make musical
- Madritensis: panicles less dense, stem and leaf sheath less hairy *B. m. SSP., rubens , ( syn. Bro mus Rubens) - foxtail broke, foxtail chess, red broke: dense
- Rubens Donizetti (born 1979),Brazilian mountain biker Species * Mantra, rubens , a species of air-breathing land snail * Crassocephalum Rubens, an edible
- Land snail * Crassocephalum Rubens, an edible, erect annual herb * Enema, rubens , a species of plant in the Myristicaceae family * Nidularium Rubens, a species
- Appendicular strata J. J. Sm., Nova Guinea 12: 452 (1916). #Appendicula, rubens , ( Scholar. ) Scholar., Repert. Spec. Nov. Begin Veg. Bah. 1: 336 (1912).
- 6,8) *David Crosby – rhythm guitar, backing vocals (on tracks 3,8) Pica, rubens , ( red spruce) is a species of spruce native to eastern North America, ranging
- Less dense, stem and leaf sheath less hairy *B. m. SSP. Rubens (syn. Bro mus, rubens , ) - foxtail broke, foxtail chess, red broke: dense panicles and slightly hairy
- Lure) Pigeon & M. W. Chase, Lindleyana 16: 250 (2001). #Anathallis, rubens , ( Linda. ) Pigeon & M. W. Chase, Lindleyana 16: 250 (2001). #Anathallis
- Scutellaria bush ii::: :Hammers vernal is::: :Babies Fraser::: :Pica, rubens , ::: :Magnolia Fraser::: :Phlox Buckley::: :Tribolium Virginius::: :Seneca
- In acidic moist but well-drained sandy loam, and is usually mixed with Pica, rubens , ( Red Spruce). Other trees it grows with include Sugar Carolinian (Carolina
- And Taxonomy *http://tncweeds.ucdavis.edu/esadocs/Bromrube.html Photos: SSP., rubens , Tawny Pipit is a British war film produced by Prestige Productions in 1944. It
- Kiwi fruit),Berbers Juliana, Clematis Armand, Clematis Montana var., rubens , Davidic involucrata, Ilex Perry, Jasminum messy, and Primula pulverulenta.
- Enema Rubens, a species of plant in the Myristicaceae family * Nidularium, rubens , a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family * Laurasia Rubens, a species in
- Fir (Babies balsamea),paper birch (Beta Porifera),red spruce (Pica, rubens , ),which northwards, is replaced by white spruce (Pica Laura). Also present
- Black Spruce Pica Morita – Serbian Spruce Pica pungent – Blue Spruce Pica, rubens , – Red Spruce Pica kitchens – Site Spruce Pica Scythian – Dorinda Spruce;
- Prevalence in the canopy of red pine (Minus resins) and red spruce (Pica, rubens , ) distinguish the transition forests of New England from those in the Great
- Laminacauda propinquity Milledge,1991 — Juan Fernandez Islands * Laminacauda, rubens , Millidge,1991 — Juan Fernandez Islands * Laminacauda Tristan Milledge,1985 —
- On the location. The larvae feed on Pica Laura, Picea Mariana, Picea, rubens , Babies balsamea, Abies Fraser, Tsuga condenses, Pinus and Varix species.
- Pallidior (Thomas,1908),Poems pretenses (Okay,1831),Poems, rubens , ( Open,1816),Poems septentrionalis (One,1924),Poems
- Thriller film Running Scared. The Common Starfish or Common Sea Star (Asturias, rubens , ) is the most common and familiar starfish in the north-east Atlantic. It has
- British Marine Life Study Society page on Asturias, rubens , * http://nolan.acnatsci.org/articles/1063130.953/1.PDF On the species of the
- Thalictrum minus),under national protection * Red feather clover (Tribolium, rubens , ),under national protection Birds In fiction * The forest is the main scene of
- Ferry (J'ai want d'amours April et extend) and Adam de la Basses (Ave Rosa, rubens , et genera),there is repetition in the caudal. One piece, Tout me sample, does
- B. Hordeaceus SSP. Hordaceus and Hollis),Red Broke (B. madritensis SSP., rubens , ),locality (Centaurea melitensis),Nettle-leaved Goose foot (Chenopodium
- Internal anatomy Image: Asturias. SVG|right|300px|thumb|Dissection of Asturias, rubens ,1 - Pyloric stomach 2 - Intestine and anus 3 - Rectal sac 4 - Stone canal 5 -
- Rubens (W. South America to Brazil) - now synonym of Speckling, rubens , ( Linda. ) Lure 2004 *Pleurothallis ruberrima (W. South America to NW. & N.
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