Examples of the the word, cramp , in a Sentence Context
The word ( cramp ), is the 12392 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Remaining Six Nations games against France and Wales due to the effects of a, cramp ,that forced him off in the Premiership 38–12 defeat to London Irish on 3 March.
- Last place. He later revealed that he had feigned injury as the brief hamstring, cramp ,was caused by drug abuse. The British sprinters had the three slowest times in
- Monopoly, a thing deservedly odious in the eye of the law; it will be a great, cramp ,to trade, a discouragement to learning, no benefit to authors, but a general
- By a concentration of fielders on the leg side. The line of attack aims to, cramp ,the batsman, making him play the ball with the bat close to the body. This
- Repeatedly clenching and unclenching fist =" I have a, cramp ," * Shrugging shoulders, arms bent, palms up =" I don't know" * One hand
- Catastrophic thinking about even the slightest ailments such as thinking a, cramp ,in their shoulder is a tumor, or shortness of breath is due to asthma, could
- His British colleagues, Pirie and Boston, then suffered an attack of stomach, cramp ,on a bend - he had been picked on past performance having lacked first class
- Calves, thighs,and arches of the foot. A so-called Charley horse, this kind of, cramp ,is associated with strenuous activity and can be intensely painful—though
- Breeds of dog and there is a condition named after the breed called Scotty, cramp , They are also one of the more successful dog breeds at the Westminster Kennel
- The town’s arms might in English heraldic language be described thus: Argent a, cramp ,palewise sinister with a crossbar rules between in dexter chief a rose foiled
- Lake of Mental Scotland's Statutory protected Fishing Location Writer's, cramp , also called monographic and scrivener's palsy, causes a cramp or spasm
- Youth, he went but forth to wash him in the Hellespont and being taken with the, cramp ,was drowned and the foolish coroners of that age found it was 'Hero of Seats.
- Pain may be confused with a strong stomach pain, it may also feel like a strong, cramp ,) * Pain and discomfort, usually mild. A corpus luteum on the ovary in a normal
- Painless heart attacks have higher pain thresholds for electric shock, muscle, cramp , and heat. Women have lower pain perception and tolerance thresholds than men
- Critical test of Black's move order is 5. C4,the Marcy Bind. White hopes to, cramp ,Black's position by impeding the ... d7-d5 and ... b7-b5 pawn thrusts.
- Application of inward pressure. In the United Kingdom and Australia, the term, cramp ,is often used instead when the tool is for temporary use for positioning
- Was called on for help by (among others) deaf people and those suffering from, cramp , He was a Celtic saint – previously, a Prince of Glamorgan – who brought
- Bladder cancer is transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder (TCC). Scottie, cramp ,Scottie cramp is an autosomal recessive hereditary disorder which inhibits the
- Go alone. " Cousin also refuses but makes excuses:" No by our Lady; I have the, cramp ,in my toe. Trust not to me, for,so God me speed, I will deceive you in your
- Components during construction and woodworking; thus a G cramp or a sash, cramp ,but a wheel clamp or a surgical clamp. There are many types of clamps available
- Putting some pressure on the affected leg by walking some distance will end the, cramp , Typically, nocturnal leg cramp s will place the sufferer in a panic. The
- Surgery, was able to return for the final against Brazil. Bears suffered, cramp ,in extra time as the patched-up Italians defended against a tired Brazil to a
- Experiencing depression, insomnia,and hallucinations, together with giddiness, cramp ,and a temporary loss of speech. He started a new opera, Viola,based on the
- From a few seconds to several minutes. Muscle soreness may remain after the, cramp ,itself ends. These cramp s are more common in older people. They happen quite
- Use for positioning components during construction and woodworking; thus a G, cramp ,or a sash cramp but a wheel clamp or a surgical clamp. There are many types of
- As aspirin or penicillin have been found to make the condition worsen. Scotty, cramp ,is found in other breeds of Terrier, including the Pesky Terrier.
- Buttons. A more common, less dangerous phenomenon sometimes known as a Nintendo, cramp ,means the strain felt on the thumbs and the palm below. This tends to occur
- Frowns and orders Archie to" Contract it. Cramp it. ": :I frowned back. " You, cramp ,it. Or Stout. Let him earn his ten per cent. Dictate it. ": Archie loses the
- That was ice-cold. Not thinking, Alexander jumped into the stream, suffered a, cramp ,and then a convulsion, and was pulled out nearly dead. He quickly developed
- S northern suburbs. He could eat little during the night because of stomach, cramp ,and was on the verge of retiring. Feminine swore at Aquatic and called him "
- Can get the clutch hits, Murcer. I might have to go home early, I just got a, cramp ,in my leg. " *"Well, that kind of puts the damper on even a Yankee win. " (He
- Sap, National Review, March 24, 2005 C Charley horse: Sudden stiffness or a, cramp ,in the leg. Of unknown etymology; CDS cites its first use c. 1887 as baseball
- Causing ergotism if consumed. Symptoms include hallucinations, stomach, cramp , and a burning sensation in the limbs (" Saint Anthony's Fire" ). *
- From his new Bel Air neighbors, Ronald and Nancy Reagan, but complained they, cramp ,his style of sunbathing in the all over the place. I always know when they are
- That Rayburn may be the namesake of the Charley horse, a painful leg, cramp ,not unlike that from which he suffered. Scott House, sometimes referred to as
- Features or waterproofing to the top of a garden wall. Cramp - or frame, cramp ,is a tie used to secure a window or door frame. Movement Joint - a
- His constant improvement. However, Chambers started poorly, and he suffered a, cramp ,mid-race, ending up in last place. He later revealed that he had feigned injury
- To enter the AVUS-Rennen just over four weeks after his accident. Troubled by, cramp , Nikolai finished fifth. In the Italian Grand Prix, Nuvolari debuted Maserati
- Frowns and orders Archie to" Contract it. Cramp it. ": :I frowned back. " You, cramp ,it. Or Stout. Let him earn his ten per cent. Dictate it. ": Archie loses the
- Multimedia exhibits are enough to give even my iPod-obsessed son, Rowan,a, cramp ,in his very limber index finger. " Permanent Exhibits The New York
- St. Bart's Hospital Reports,25,pp. 279–80) 1891 * A case of treadler's, cramp ,(Brain,24,pp. 110–11) * Abstract of paper on 'Hysteria ', read before the
- Cramps Skeletal muscles can be voluntarily controlled. Skeletal muscles that, cramp ,the most often are the calves, thighs,and arches of the foot. A so-called
- The title Earl of York, created in 960. Loss of political independence did not, cramp ,the region's economic success: by ca 1000,the urban boom brought the Viking
- Scientific method on the grounds that any such method would stifle and, cramp ,scientific progress. Federated claimed," the only principle that does not
- Is transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder (TCC). Scottie cramp Scottie, cramp ,is an autosomal recessive hereditary disorder which inhibits the dog's ability
- Idealization projected by an inhuman theory" that resulted in a" moral, cramp ,in the developing consciousness. " According to critic Catherine
- DL) – men who have sex with men – monarch – menopause – menstrual – menstrual, cramp ,– menstrual cup – menstrual cycle – menstrual flow – menstrual taboo –
- Quickly standing up and walking a few steps may also shorten the duration of a, cramp , Additional factors, which increase the probability for these side effects, are
- Never in his company without being attacked with a sort of paroxysm of mental, cramp , He keeps one always with his wire-drawings and paradoxes as if one were
- UK G- cramp ) * Flooring clamp A carpenter's clamp used to, cramp ,up floorboards prior to fixing. * Gripe (a specialized clamp, tightened with a
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