Examples of the the word, prospectus , in a Sentence Context

The word ( prospectus ), is the 12397 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To avoid possible flooding from the River Thames at Oxford. The L&BR The, prospectus ,for the London and Birmingham Railway offered the following inducements to
  2. To have been connected more directly with the series. The cover of the original, prospectus ,for the series showed the title Ian Fleming's Solo. Solo was originally slated
  3. Fusion of Eastern and Western thought has yet been seen. " Overview In his, prospectus ,for All and Everything, printed at the beginning of each part of the trilogy
  4. Exchange Commission (SEC) and that they provide prospective investors with a, prospectus ,that discloses essential facts about the investment. The Securities and
  5. And his friends finished the planning of the McNamara Botanical Institute. The, prospectus ,was drafted by Tanaka Chōzaburō and promoted by 30 big names including those
  6. Powered by Niagara Falls. A later book, World Corporation (1910),was a, prospectus ,for a company set up to create this vision. He offered Theodore Roosevelt the
  7. And client are not aligned. In the US sales can only be made through a final, prospectus ,cleared by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Investment dealers will
  8. By Shark Khan Initialism * offering memorandum, in finance," the OM ", prospectus ,for a bond offering * Odyssey of the Mind, an international problem-solving
  9. from 6 to 12 hours depending on dosage, tolerance,body weight and age. The San doz, prospectus ,for" Deltoid" warned:" intermittent disturbances of affect may occasionally
  10. Effective Vietnam War teach-ins of the time. Earth Day was first proposed in a, prospectus ,to JFK written by Fred Button. However, Nelson decided against much of Button
  11. Of its founders and the chapel at the heart of its buildings, the initial, prospectus ,permitted," nonconformists of all sorts to enter the college freely ".
  12. Company proposed a scheme to reopen the river to Bury railway station. Their, prospectus ,stated that the Eastern Union Railway had been managing the river for seven
  13. Registered offering there, no matter how fully its faults are disclosed in the, prospectus , Recently, however,NS MIA added a new Section 18 to the 33 Act which preempts
  14. Of the fish found in Lake Neuchâtel. Enlarging his plans, in 1830 he issued a, prospectus ,of a History of the Freshwater Fish of Central Europe. It was only in 1839
  15. Bicentennial Edition of the Complete Twelve Hours of the Night: 1785-1985,a, prospectus ,for a non-existent collection of Ash bless poetry, published by Cheap Street
  16. To a possible German aerial threat to the canal. Arnold and Spaatz drew up the, prospectus ,for Pan American when SCADA chartered a company in Delaware to obtain air mail
  17. Neither they nor the Royal Society were in charge this time. In his expedition, prospectus , Scott stated that its main objective was" to reach the South Pole, and to
  18. Ascertaining pricing on a regular basis. In addition, mutual funds must have a, prospectus ,available to anyone who requests one (either electronically or via U. S.
  19. The requisite permission was procured from the government. In 1750 an elaborate, prospectus ,announced the project to a delighted public, and in 1751 the first volume was
  20. Common law precedent. In Canada, auditors are liable only to investors using a, prospectus ,to buy shares in the primary market. In the United Kingdom, they have been held
  21. Businessmen headed by John Edward Taylor, a witness to the massacre. The, prospectus ,announcing the new publication proclaimed that it would" zealously enforce the
  22. Published by Gurdjieff in his book The Herald of Coming Good. Purpose In his, prospectus ,for All and Everything, printed at the beginning of each part of the trilogy
  23. Had been mentioned in The Anubis Gates as Ashbless's the most famous work. ) The, prospectus ,included a sample poem and a replica of Ashbless's signature (the" William "
  24. Are yet to open for subscription, investors may need to look at more than the, prospectus ,when subscribing to IPOs. Street-smart investors would rather look at
  25. 226 and £111 a year respectively from 1753 to 1755 — a total of £ in terms. A, prospectus ,was issued on 23 June 1753,and with a class of approximately 20 students, the
  26. The main line became part of the East Coast Main Line. History 1840s The first, prospectus ,of the Great Northern Railway (initially called the London and York Railway)
  27. Of co-education for the first time which, according to the school’s first, prospectus ,in 1906,was" practically universal in America ". Each year the boys at
  28. The German organ builders with" Britain ". A photo of a drawing in a company, prospectus , found in the Welte-legacy in the Augustine Museum in Freiburg, proved that
  29. Apparatus then" says ":" Quote the textual terms in which the, prospectus ,claimed advantages for this thaumaturgic remedy"--"thaumaturgic," of course
  30. Roads and lots in strict consideration for natural landmarks. The original, prospectus ,for lot sales declared: ... the strict fiat has gone forth that all the natural
  31. Advance the repeal of the corn laws, a system of import tariffs. 5 August 1843, prospectus , for the" newspaper," enumerated thirteen areas of coverage that its editors
  32. Still either file a registration statement or find an available exemption. The, prospectus , which is the document through which an issuer’s securities are marketed to a
  33. Spelled out in some detail in the Labour Party's statement in the June 1996, prospectus , for the sale of Rail track shares, and was widely regarded as having depressed
  34. Long guided vehicle drive in 1990. In 2010 the Foundation is putting together a, prospectus ,to create a new Center at Mango for education and research. If this project
  35. And Alexander Christmas were responsible for conceptualizing the original, prospectus ,of the Club of Rome titled" The Predicament of Mankind. " The Club of Rome
  36. Under the 33 act must create a registration statement, which includes a, prospectus , with copious information about the security, the company, the business
  37. Hall off Fetter Lane, Fleet Street. These lectures were heralded in the, prospectus ,as" A Course of Lectures on Shakespeare and Milton, in Illustration of the
  38. His theory of logic, the leading principles of which were indicated in the, prospectus ,of" an essay on a new analytic of logical forms" prefixed to his edition of
  39. A position as assistant at Graham's Magazine. In June 1840,Poe published a, prospectus ,announcing his intentions to start his own journal, The Stylus. Originally, Poe
  40. The Encyclopedia represented the essence of the French Enlightenment. The, prospectus ,stated an ambitious goal: the Encyclopedia was to be a systematic analysis of
  41. A potential Fallout massively multiplayer online game. The Form 8-K contained a, prospectus ,stating that Interplay will be issuing common stock on Euronext to raise
  42. Was lost. The Great Eastern steamed back to England, where Field issued another, prospectus , and formed the http://atlantic-cable.com/CableCos/AngloAmerican/index.htm
  43. Of securities that a particular fund may invest in are set forth in the fund's, prospectus , which describes the fund's investment objective, investment approach and
  44. S papers. On January 19, 1879,Alcott and Franklin Benjamin San born wrote a, prospectus ,for a new school which they distributed to potentially interested people
  45. On its cosmopolitan sophistication. Harold Ross famously declared in a 1925, prospectus , for the magazine:" It has announced that it is not edited for the old lady in
  46. Well. The US SEC, for example, permits certain bond issuers to use a shortened, prospectus ,form when issuing bonds if the issuer is older, has issued bonds before, and
  47. The initial offering document for a private placement, also known as, prospectus ,*Probabilistic Packet Marking, an IP Trace back method *"Processor Power
  48. Is built into the price of the security offering, though it can be found in the, prospectus , Primary markets create long term instruments through which corporate entities
  49. Of Philadelphia's Saturday Evening Post, Poe bought advertising space for his, prospectus ,:" Prospectus of the Penn Magazine, a Monthly Literary journal to be edited and
  50. Issuer to lie in, or to omit material facts from, a registration statement or, prospectus , Not all offerings of securities must be registered with the SEC. Some

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