Examples of the the word, suffix , in a Sentence Context

The word ( suffix ), is the 12401 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ṭ-b-x" cook" ). The only three genuine suffix es are as follows: *The feminine, suffix ,-ah; variously derives terms from women from related terms for men, or more
  2. Altaic family (from Starting et al. 2003). 1 Contains the Photovoltaic dual, suffix ,:" both breasts" –" chest" –" heart ". 2 Contains the Photovoltaic
  3. The Dutch digraph ‹ ij › is written as ‹ y ›, except where it replaces the Dutch, suffix ,– link, as in >. Another difference is the indefinite article, in Afrikaans and
  4. In several ways. Typically, the compound is given the prefix" amino-" or the, suffix ,:" -amine. " The prefix" N-" shows substitution on the nitrogen atom. An
  5. And sucrose) contain one or more hydroxyl functional groups without using the, suffix , Simple alcohols The most commonly used alcohol is ethanol, with the ethane
  6. Combined with a singular feminine adjective, which takes the /-ah/ or /-at/, suffix , Pronouns in Literary Arabic are marked for person, number and gender. There
  7. House: D'NEN - from the house: D'né - from (a) house In Eastern Armenian,the, suffix ,-its is used for both definite and indefinite nouns. Hard- man Markets- from
  8. Categories, depending on their position with reference to the stem. Prefix and, suffix ,are extremely common terms. Infix and circumflex are less so, as they are not
  9. Spoke ", where the subpattern used to signal the past tense may change but the, suffix ,is always used). From a single root, numerous words can be formed by applying
  10. Etymology The word was coined from the Greek root ανδρ- 'man' and the, suffix ,| access date = 2007-01-07} } The term" droid ", coined by George Lucas for
  11. Or general meaning. For instance, one of these languages may have a lexical, suffix ,that means water in a general sense, but it may not have any noun equivalent
  12. Were usually designated" Apple "; later models" Apple // ", plus a letter, suffix , Apple II The first Apple II computers went on sale on June 5,1977, with a MOS
  13. Of them stands alone in the sense of direct object. Accusative is formed by the, suffix ,-t. In many cases,-t is preceded by a suffix -initial vowel, primarily based on
  14. Asterix, along with his friend Obelix have various adventures. The" ix ", suffix ,of both names echoes the name of Vercingetorix, a historical Gaul chieftain. In
  15. City and the surrounding urban area are polders. This can be recognized by the, suffix ,-meet which means lake, as in Palmer, Bijlmermeer, Haarlemmermeer, and
  16. Armenian In the Western Armenian language, the ablative case is rendered by the, suffix ,-e (indefinite) or -en (definite).: Mart - man: Marten - from the man:
  17. With a Greek numerical prefix denoting the number of carbons and the, suffix ," -ANE ". August Wilhelm von Hoffmann suggested systematizing nomenclature by
  18. Case, or by the preposition all (to) with the nominative. Do In Do the -n, suffix ,is optional, as subject–verb–object order is assumed when it is not present.
  19. Chest" –" heart ". 2 Contains the Photovoltaic singularize, suffix ,-/NV/:" one breast ". 3 Compare Bake 4 This is in the Urchin
  20. Some Jewish Aramaic texts employ the Hebrew masculine absolute singular, suffix ,-IM instead of -in. The masculine determined plural suffix ,-AYA, has an
  21. Alcohol (propan-2-ol) or wood alcohol (methyl alcohol, or methanol). The, suffix ,-of appears in the IUPAC chemical name of all substances where the hydroxyl
  22. Molybdenum, discovered in 1778,and tantalum, discovered in 1802. The -um, suffix ,is consistent with the universal spelling alumina for the oxide, as Santana is
  23. Parts. The word" android" is a combination of Ancient Greek Andres and the, suffix ,-did, which literally means" in the form of a man (male human being) ". This
  24. However, words like chance, plant,branch, sample (words containing the, suffix ,-and,-ant,-inch,-once) mostly have an /æ/ vowel as in cat but there are
  25. Both Greek and Sanskrit; Mr: zero grade of *MER-: to die; and -to-: adjectival, suffix ,). A semantically similar etymology exists for nectar, the beverage of the gods
  26. Before the sounds ND, ns, nt, nce, nch, and male, and the pronunciation of the, suffix ," -and ". In words like" chance "," plant "," graph "," branch "," sample
  27. Group is present the prefix hydroxyl- will appear in the IUPAC name. The, suffix ,-of in non-systematic names (such as paracetamol or cholesterol) also
  28. Respectively. Alkanes with five or more carbon atoms are named by adding the, suffix ,-ANE to the appropriate numerical multiplier prefix with elision of any
  29. To English adjectives in -IC,-all,-an,-y,-is, etc. *The feminine Nisha, suffix ,-yeah. This is formed by adding the feminine suffix -ah onto Nisha adjectives
  30. T'nits-from house Both suffix es derive from Classical Armenian. The Western, suffix ,-e is from the Classical singular and the Eastern suffix -its is from the
  31. Is formed from Gothic or Genetic Alta," father ", by means of the diminutive, suffix ,-Ila. " He suggests that Pritsak's etymology is" ingenious but for many
  32. Does not appear as a free noun. Instead, it appears as the lexical, suffix ,style" color:/IN"> #d30000"> which is affixed to the verb root (which has
  33. Intensifier. This is more common in regional Australia and South Australia. The, suffix ," -LY" is sometimes omitted in broader Australian English. For instance" real
  34. Absolute singular suffix -IM instead of -in. The masculine determined plural, suffix , -AYA, has an alternative version,-ê. The alternative is sometimes called the
  35. Etc. *The feminine Nisha suffix -yeah. This is formed by adding the feminine, suffix ,-ah onto Nisha adjectives to form abstract nouns. For example, from the basic
  36. Which Aramaic lacks; for example,'the handwriting' ). It is marked with a, suffix , Although its original grammatical function seems to have been to mark
  37. Unstressed (but plural and feminine singular forms,i.e. when followed by a, suffix , still sound as). *Full endings (including case endings) occur when a critic
  38. Place, but different from, as above). *The Nisha suffix -icy-. This, suffix ,is extremely productive, and forms adjectives meaning" related to X ". It
  39. Or in Dutch. This is usually pronounced as just a weak vowel, The diminutive, suffix ,in Afrikaans is ‹ -tie ›, whereas in Dutch it is ‹ -the ›, hence a" bit" is
  40. Root chain using standard naming rules * Name each side chain by changing the, suffix ,of the name of the alkane from" -ANE" to" -YL" * Number the root chain so
  41. In pronunciation, but this can also be ignored here). Note how the lexical, suffix ,is neither" the baby" ( definite) nor" a baby" ( indefinite); such
  42. Word, in preference to aluminum, which has a less classical sound. " The -IBM, suffix ,conformed to the precedent set in other newly discovered elements of the time:
  43. Or modifying final endings are also applied when a critic object or possessive, suffix ,is added (e.g. " Us/our" ). If this produces a sequence of three consonants
  44. Of the India alphabets. For example, the Tibetan alphabet utilizes prefix, suffix , super fix, and suffix consonant letters. Allegory is a figurative mode of
  45. Except that the rules for dropping final vowels apply even when a critic, suffix ,is added. Basically, short-vowel case and mood endings are never pronounced
  46. Also incorporates the Greek term σαυρος/Sauron (" lizard" ), the most common, suffix ,in dinosaur names. The type species is A. sarcophagus, which means "
  47. Endings (including case endings) occur when a critic object or possessive, suffix ,is added (e.g. " Us/our" ). Informal short pronunciation This is the
  48. Not important in European languages. The other terms are uncommon. Prefix and, suffix ,may be subsumed under the term affix in contrast to infix. In transcription
  49. Word endings -a or -e will (even if they are the endings of a preceding, suffix ,) change to -á and -é, respectively,before -t. E.g.: fa (tree) → fat. The
  50. Also a writing-related place, but different from, as above). *The Nisha, suffix ,-icy-. This suffix is extremely productive, and forms adjectives meaning "

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