Examples of the the word, tenancy , in a Sentence Context
The word ( tenancy ), is the 12390 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Moth resting site. European occupation There are over 100 years of European, tenancy ,of the reserve. Nil Desperado and Rock Valley Homestead are both pisé rammed
- Played their first two home games at Yankee Stadium in 1973,concluding their, tenancy ,on September 23 with a 23–23 tie against the Philadelphia Eagles. In October
- Himself back in the area and decides to stay at Thrush cross Grange (since his, tenancy ,is still valid until October). He finds that Ellen is now living at Withering
- The heirs of those who had offered military or other services in exchange for, tenancy , This was contingent on the heirs being reasonably loyal and capable. Churches
- The British expected that if they won, they would either be released from their, tenancy , or at the least, be allowed to purchase the land at fair market value. Instead
- Deaths of a million people. Subsequently, a change in the law required that the, tenancy ,go to only one legitimate son. With the wholesale deaths and massive
- And one of the wealthiest men in post-Conquest England. He in turn granted the, tenancy ,of Kensington to his vassal Aubrey de Vere I, who was holding the manor in 1086
- Or 52-week payments should be all booked according to the terms agreed in the, tenancy ,agreement. * Oil or gas well completion, the process of making a well ready for
- The specific words" with right of survivorship" must be used, or the, tenancy ,will assume to be tenants in common without rights of survivorship. The
- Will be interested in base women. Chapati in the 9th House Jovian, tenancy ,of the Ninth makes one highly spiritual. Will have devotion to preceptors, will
- A downsizing in 1964 resulted in him being let go. His family bought him the, tenancy ,of a country restaurant, a role in which he was quite successful, but this
- It was found by a jury of grand assizes that his ancestors held this land in, tenancy ,from the abbot and convent at a rent of twelve pounds per annum. 14th century In
- A new education building at Kingston Hill. The university operates a" headed, tenancy ," scheme in which the university sublets local properties to students from
- Mornings leaving the toilets unusable. One curious clause in the contract of, tenancy ,stipulated that children born to parents living in Dagenham could not be housed
- Terms of the treaty are that Israel holds the land from Yahweh, but Israel's, tenancy ,of the land is conditional on keeping the covenant, which in turn necessitates
- With an entitlement. Copy hold for Lives is therefore regarded as a less secure, tenancy ,than Copy hold for Inheritance. Genealogists may find it helpful to note that
- And in 1773 Lawrence senior removed his family from Bristol and took over the, tenancy ,of the Black Bear Inn in Devices, a favorite stopping place for the London
- Of possession, Australian judge order to terminate a residential real estate, tenancy ,* Possessor warrant, civil writ issued by a judge ordering property delivered
- The claim instructing residents to contact his lawyer" for registering, tenancy ,and signing agreements, or regard themselves liable to litigation for
- Gave him ownership of Hollis Street Farm, near Infield, Sussex,with a life, tenancy ,to his mother. It was here that they came to escape the occasional violent
- AST); Time zones; Other uses * Assured short hold tenancy , a form of Assured, tenancy ,with limited security of tenure * Asturian language, a Romance language spoken
- Of the estate and the shares of interest that each tenant owns. In a joint, tenancy ,with rights of survivorship deed, or TWOS, the death of one tenant means that
- And the end of the township system followed changes in land ownership and, tenancy ,and the replacement of cattle by sheep. The Great Irish Famine of the 1840s was
- Of ridicule. Will have stomach problems. Chapati in the 4th House Jovian, tenancy ,of the fourth makes one hedonistic with a lot of friends and relatives. Will be
- A statement in 1120 indicating the poor and unfree should be allowed to inherit, tenancy ,without payment of fees. It appears to have been something novel. The growing
- Government declared all rural land State-owned, and announced the end of the, tenancy ,system. However, much of the benefit of this reform was counteracted by
- Widowhood was moisture, in which property, often land, would be held in joint, tenancy , so that it would automatically go to the widow on her husband's death.
- Plants. Crofting, the farming of small plots of land on a legally restricted, tenancy ,basis, is still practiced and viewed as a key Shetland tradition as well as
- His tenants. The god and his vice regent, the king, had long ceased to disturb, tenancy ,and were content with fixed dues in natural, stock,money or service. One of
- Consequently, reformers have emphasized the need to assess residential, tenancy ,laws in terms of protection they provide to tenants. Legislation to protect
- Of the lord. The tenant could be expelled from the land at any time. His, tenancy ,was precarious. Counts’ benefices came to be inherited as counties were broken
- Power, state administrations have actually carried out the most extensive land, tenancy ,and agrarian labor wage reforms in the non-socialist late-industrializing world
- Of the settlers. The Ordinance of 1939 finally eliminated squatters' remaining, tenancy ,rights, and permitted settlers to demand 270 days' labor from any squatters
- England (National Rail code: AST); Time zones; Other uses * Assured short hold, tenancy , a form of Assured tenancy with limited security of tenure * Asturian language
- Enfranchised) continued to be held by what was thenceforth known as a copy hold, tenancy , which was not completely abolished until 1925 (although it was whittled away
- By independent producer Norman Wilding, who made industrial films. Wilding's, tenancy ,was actually much longer than Essanay's. In the early 70s a portion of the
- Was that other sons, who previously inherited part of the family farm, tenancy , instead was forced to seek employment elsewhere. Many emigrated. Many chose a
- To lessen inequality in the countryside ", and " encouraged conversion to cash, tenancy ,and greater reliance on farmworkers ". From 1972 to 1980,agricultural
- To have had serfdom until 1959,but whether the Tibetan form of peasant, tenancy ,qualified as serfdom was widespread is contested. Bhutan is described by Tasha
- With almost no modern facilities in a tiny village. Orwell took over the, tenancy ,and had moved in by 2 April 1936. He started work on the book by the end of
- Market when it released the first ink jet printer in 1984. In addition,the, tenancy ,of Eastman Kodak and General Electric made Stanford Industrial Park a center of
- In 1885, he was elected honorary fellow of Peter College, Oxford. Dr Temple's, tenancy ,of the bishopric of London saw him working harder than ever. His normal working
- Relations Law laid down a redistribution of rights in landownership, tenancy ,and management. A culmination of factors led to the halt of the reforms in 1961
- And the end of the township system followed changes in land ownership and, tenancy ,and the replacement of cattle by sheep. The Irish potato famine of the 1840s
- Which is itself made of Masai) decide on distribution of family exchanges and, tenancy ,of communal lands. The majority of lands in American Samoa and independent
- Been found. If the story is true, the plotters ceased their efforts when the, tenancy ,to the under croft beneath the House of Lords became available. Several months
- Of retail trade law. By direction of the President, it enforced the, tenancy ,law, the law on scrap metal, iron and gold, ban on slaughter of caravan, etc.
- The Papery Act (Penal Law) of 1704 required land held (typically in, tenancy ,) by Roman Catholics to be divided equally between all the sons, both
- Meets certain criteria. As of March 2005,these criteria include priority, tenancy ,or ownership of a stadium with at least 6,000 seats, and an under soil heating
- Barony was declared forfeit. Aubrey de Vere I had his tenure converted to a, tenancy ,in-chief, holding Kensington after 1095 directly of the crown. He granted land
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