Examples of the the word, rectify , in a Sentence Context
The word ( rectify ), is the 12386 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- An important function of his newspaper group, the Irish Press group, was to, rectify ,what he saw as the errors and omissions of a decade in which he had been the
- That persists is Sara, the giving of a female relative to someone in order to, rectify ,a dispute. It was declared illegal in Pakistan in 2000 but continues in tribal
- Inductor to capture some incident radio-frequency interrogation signal, rectify ,it, and use it to power the card's electronics. Communication protocols
- Voltage × √) directly, because the first thing they do to the AC input is, rectify ,it. This does cause unbalanced heating in the input rectifier stage as the full
- The importance of the content as well as the role of the teacher. In order to, rectify ,this dilemma, Dewey advocated for an educational structure that strikes a
- Stating that the moral collapse of the pre-Qin was a result of the failure to, rectify ,behavior to meet the moral commitment inherent in names:" Good government
- Conduction properties, and semiconductor junctions can therefore be used to, rectify ,electrical currents. In a rectifier, a voltage bias that produces a current
- Fast and the Bluetooth symmetric key establishment method to be vulnerable. To, rectify ,this vulnerability, they carried out an implementation which showed that
- We should expect that at the top of their human rights agenda would be to, rectify ,the legal inequality of women, the suppression of political dissent, the
- And confusingly calls both swords Excalibur. The film Excalibur attempts to, rectify ,this by having only one sword. The Lady of the Lake gives the sword to Merlin
- Fullness that encounters the ignorance of the world of Lack and interacts to, rectify ,the error of ignorance in the world of materiality. Words like or similar to
- Proved difficult to distinguish the Stars and Bars from the Union flag. To, rectify ,the situation, a separate" Battle Flag" was designed for use by troops in the
- 1960s. However, the Welcome Trust, UK,has funded the Malaria Atlas Project to, rectify ,this, providing a more contemporary and robust means with which to assess
- Painstaking adjustment of the contact to the crystal in order for it to, rectify , The diode tube was a reliable alternative for rectify ing radio signals. Higher
- FP),which pledged to continue and pursue the goals of the revolution and to ", rectify ," Sankara's" deviations" from the original aims. The new government
- One of the aims of the Scottish Mountaineering Club, formed in 1889,was to, rectify ,this situation and accurately document all of Scotland's mountains over 3,000
- Monk in 1959. The policy of standardization by Shimano government in 1973 to, rectify ,disparities created in university enrollment, which was in essence an
- Of very high-quality pseudorandom numbers, having been designed specifically to, rectify ,many of the flaws found in older algorithms. Its name derives from the fact
- North,during the 1970s. The policy of standardization by Shimano government to, rectify ,disparities created in university enrollment, which was in essence an
- An actual mistake made by the props department that they could not afford to, rectify , so Stallone wrote the brief scene to ensure the audience didn't see it as a
- Would never earn a star on Hollywood Boulevard. The music executives decided to, rectify ,this by creating an award given by their industry similar to the Oscars and the
- Held a special draft of the surviving Negro league players to acknowledge and, rectify ,their exclusion from the major leagues on the basis of race. The idea of the
- Nuclei send output signals to motor areas that can generate actions to, rectify ,deficiencies. Some outputs also go to the pituitary gland, a tiny gland
- On the part of Romero. He suggests that the character was made stronger to, rectify ,the depiction of female characters in the original film. The second remake was
- Country. Beginning in 2005,a series of major transportation projects sought to, rectify ,this problem. The first such project, the Anton Tunnel, was inaugurated in 2006
- Her relationship with the Corteses Du Barry was one which was important to, rectify , at least on the surface, because Madame du Barry was the mistress of Louis XV
- Plane would become the DC-6. These DC-6s would be grounded for 6 months to, rectify ,a few safety issues that were causing in-flight fires. Soon after the DC-4
- Model names. The redesign significantly enhanced the CPC hardware, mainly to, rectify ,its previous shortcomings as a gaming platform. The redesigned video hardware
- Nigeria’s railways are in a parlous condition, the government is trying to, rectify ,the situation by privatizing the Nigerian Railway Corporation. Similarly, the
- Without Christ. The underlying point is that God has given humanity a chance to, rectify ,their sins. Edwards says that it is the will of God that keeps wicked men from
- And fiscal reforms. In 1661,the treasury verged on bankruptcy. To, rectify ,the situation, Louis chose Jean-Baptiste Colbert as Controller general DES
- This has led successive governments to develop regional policy to try to, rectify ,the imbalance. This is not to say that the north-south divide is uniform. For
- The Plasma that encounters the ignorance of the world of Lack and interacts to, rectify ,the error of ignorance in the world of materiality. Abraham stones A vast
- By Clérambault. Fatally, Tallard, aware of the situation, did nothing to, rectify ,this grave mistake, leaving him with just the nine battalions of infantry near
- By a procès-verbal; but a procès-verbal is generally reserved for changes to, rectify ,obvious errors in the text adopted,i.e. where the text adopted does not
- Programs may be required of countries that ratified the convention, in order to, rectify ,systematic discrimination. It states, however,that such programs" shall in no
- Appears as soon as he says this, proving the Doctor wrong and allowing him to, rectify ,the problem. Apart from the ability to travel in space and time (and, on
- There are many speculative theories beyond the Standard Model that attempt to, rectify ,these deficiencies. Grand unification One extension of the Standard Model
- Only to disseminate information on Islam, Islamic issues and movements, and to, rectify ,the distortions and misunderstandings created by" different forces against
- Government of Shimano Bandaranaike introduced the Policy of standardization to, rectify ,disparities created in university enrollment in Sri Lanka under colonial rule.
- Islam Pre-Islamic Arabs (whose religion Islam rejected and undertook to, rectify ,) were monotheists. The Quranic term for their religious doctrine is shirked (i.
- Deepest assumptions, and revisionary metaphysics, which sets out to improve or, rectify ,them. History and schools of metaphysics Pre-Socratic metaphysics in Greece The
- The first thing to be done? " The Master replied," What is necessary to, rectify ,names. "" So! Indeed! " Said Zulu. " You are wide off the mark! Why must
- Best Screenplay (Adaptation) was awarded to him. Only in 1984 did the Academy, rectify ,the situation by retroactively awarding the Oscar to Foreman and Wilson
- To, rectify ,many of the shortcomings of the very primitive prototypes then floating around
- Such calculations could resolve many differences of opinion: The only way to, rectify ,our reasoning is to make them as tangible as those of the Mathematicians, so
- The orbit loops around phase space differently, then it is impossible to, rectify ,the vector field in the whole series of patches. Near periodic orbits In
- Expenditure £59,420,000). Gladstone refused to borrow the money needed to, rectify ,this deficit and instead increased the income tax by one half from seven pence
- II, they had not yet received any official sanction from the Papacy. To, rectify ,this situation, some members of the order appeared before the Council of Troyes
- In a straight line to a place called Peindjalang, near Tailed Bend. Eager to, rectify ,his failure to catch his prey, the hunter and his two wives (sometimes the
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