Examples of the the word, campaigning , in a Sentence Context
The word ( campaigning ), is the 12405 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Themselves to be drawn into this conflict by Protagoras, and during their only, campaigning ,season (498 BC) they contributed to the capture and burning of the Persian
- The long struggle with Babylonia and Elam and their allies, and the constant, campaigning ,to control and expand its vast empire in all directions, left Assyria exhausted
- He could not immediately suppress the rogue commander, and so, for the whole, campaigning ,season of 287,campaigned against tribes beyond the Rhine instead. The
- In power may arrest or assassinate candidates, suppress or even criminalize, campaigning , close campaign headquarters, harass or beat campaign workers, or intimidate
- South),Roosevelt involved himself in the 1938 Democratic primaries, actively, campaigning , for challengers who were more supportive of New Deal reform. His targets
- To securing the Danubian border, where he spent the early months of 352, campaigning , against the Sarmatians along the middle Danube. After having achieved his aims
- In 310,he marched to the northern Rhine and fought the Franks. When not, campaigning , he toured his lands advertising his benevolence, and supporting the economy
- And military structures of Normandy by the battle. It took several years' more, campaigning , but Henry was eventually able to fulfil all his objectives. He was recognized
- Hillary, voters would be getting two presidents" for the price of one ". While, campaigning ,for U. S. President, the then Governor Clinton returned to Arkansas to see that
- Unregistered political party in the United Kingdom, led by Dr James Whether and, campaigning ,for independence for. However, it did not contest the local or European
- Party voters. At the time of the Lisbon Treaty ratification, they were actively, campaigning ,against it, unlike the governing Civic Democratic Party, who endorsed it in the
- An active stance against the upcoming United States-led Iraq War. His extensive, campaigning ,on this stance was widely seen as swinging the election to the SPD in the weeks
- Harder with eight or nine thousand men, it is plausible that after weeks of, campaigning ,and disease in hostile territory they would have lost two or three thousand
- Dorian's, who lived in a land called Hestiaeotis under king Regimes and were, campaigning ,against the numerically superior Capital. The Dorian's promised him 1/3 of
- There are mixed accounts, though the Sassanian threat was checked; however, when, campaigning , against Germanic tribes of Germania, Alexander apparently alienated his legions
- Power-hungry Magician rebelled against Constantine while Constantine was away, campaigning ,against the Franks. Magician had been sent south to Axles with a contingent of
- Movements—the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League—had been, campaigning ,for independence for decades, but disagreed as to how it should be implemented.
- Range of forms from writing letters to newspapers or politicians, political, campaigning , economic activism such as boycotts or preferentially patronizing businesses
- The Second World War as part of a United Nationalist Front which achieved power, campaigning ,on a simple anticommunist, ultranationalist platform. However, the vote
- 25 % casualties on the Allies – may have saved France from destruction. Final, campaigning ,: Eugene alone In August 1709 Eugene's chief political opponent and critic in
- Earned the title of" The First American" for his early and indefatigable, campaigning ,for colonial unity; as an author and spokesman in London for several colonies
- To submit a single list to voters, headed by Balfour, who began actively, campaigning ,for Fatah from his jail cell. There have been numerous other expressions of
- A brave, unglamorous soldier in the French army spent much of his time away, campaigning , while Olympia's passion for court intrigue meant the children received little
- Sector is a highly politicized sector and with 2008 presidential election, campaigning ,already in motion, the prospect of further effective reforms of the electricity
- Be nominated. In some non-partisan representative systems no nominations (or, campaigning , electioneering, etc.) take place at all, with voters free to choose any
- Leaving Alexander's northern frontier secure. While he was triumphantly, campaigning ,north, the The bans and Athenians rebelled once more. Alexander immediately cut
- Constantine was able to spend a year in northern Britain at his father's side, campaigning ,against the Pict's beyond Hadrian's Wall in the summer and autumn. Constantius
- Romans offered stability. Also, Caracalla perhaps felt more comfortable about, campaigning ,in the upper Main because he was not declaring war on any specific historic
- And peace camps at the Nevada Test Site during the 1980s and 1990s. More recent, campaigning ,by anti-nuclear groups has related to several nuclear power plants including
- For a boy. Germanic us was a candidate for future succession and had won fame, campaigning ,in Germania and Gaul. During the military campaigns, Agrippina accompanied
- In Hoboken, bringing with him President Reagan, who was in the midst of, campaigning ,for the 1984 presidential election. Reagan had made Sinatra a fund-raising
- Fended off a raid by a neighboring tribe, while the menfolk were off, campaigning ,against Pharaoh Meiosis, the women formed their own army under Magnesia and
- The prospects of facing other powerful Indian armies and exhausted by years of, campaigning , his army mutinied at the Emphasis River, refusing to march further east. This
- Of Babylon. Esarhaddon (680-669 BC) expanded Assyria still further, campaigning ,deep into the Caucasus Mountains in the north, breaking Part completely in
- Of sound bite-ready dialogue, personal charisma, and public perception-oriented, campaigning ,was a major factor in his high public approval ratings. When Clinton played the
- At many campaign office openings across Australia. As well as, campaigning ,against Workhouses, Hawke also attacked John Howard's record as Treasurer
- Efforts faced setbacks: Union raids and in particular Sherman's scorched-earth, campaigning ,destroyed much economic infrastructure. Demographics The United States Census
- Or service buses. Promotion Buses are often used for advertising, political, campaigning , devices. Bus advertising takes many forms, often as interior and exterior
- Battle of Antietam). Such a move would upset Federal plans for the summer, campaigning ,season and possibly reduce the pressure on the besieged Confederate garrison at
- S great cathedrals and was relegated to a small village church. Robertson is, campaigning ,for a rigorous search for the remains, which he believes should be re-interred
- Heritage and private railways. Railway re-opening Several pressure groups are, campaigning ,for the re-opening of closed railway lines in Great Britain. These include:
- Was down to the same debate that was occurring in most of the political parties, campaigning ,for autonomy from the United Kingdom at the time (for example the Scottish
- It. In 1958 CND had cautiously accepted direct action as a possible method of, campaigning , that the campaign against nuclear weapons was weakened by the friction between
- At River Berry near Narbonne in 737. Interregnum In 737,at the tail end of his, campaigning ,in Provence and Septicemia, the king, Theuderic IV, died. Martel, titling
- Court ceremonial and architecture. Bureaucratic and military growth, constant, campaigning , and construction projects increased the state's expenditures and necessitated
- Hacked it apart with his sword. The Levant and Syria After spending the winter, campaigning ,in Asia Minor,Alexander's army crossed the Civilian Gates in 333 BC, and
- Single go to the Burma Campaign UK. Rice and Hannigan recorded a charity song, campaigning ,for her release, called " Unplaced Piano ", which they performed at the 2006
- Of British Counties, an advocacy group * Anti-Bases Campaign, an organization, campaigning ,to remove foreign military bases and intelligence installations from New
- To be unsatisfactory, and the two would spend years apart while Wellesley was, campaigning , He then took a period of extended leave from the army and was elected Tory
- Prevent minor-party candidates from being spoilers, and reduce negative, campaigning , The effect of this system as an electoral reform measure is not without
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