Examples of the the word, governors , in a Sentence Context
The word ( governors ), is the 12404 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Haman Shah (1793-1801) After the death of Timur Shah, three of his sons,the, governors ,of Kandahar, Herat and Kabul, contended for the succession. Haman Shah
- Ordered the Minister of the Interior to send a circular to the provincial, governors ,of European Russia, containing a copy of the instructions forwarded to the
- Closed the Congress and ruled with emergency powers, replacing the states ', governors ,with their supporters. Under the Claiming of the broken promises of changing
- Always been exposed to the raids of the corsairs and was cursed with oppressive, governors ,during these last 30 years of Venetian rule. Venetian nobles weren't willing
- Of Afghanistan and the district governors are selected by the provincial, governors , The provincial governors are representatives of the central government in
- Of the state of Alabama; this official numbering skips acting and military, governors , This limit remained in place until the constitution of 1868,which simply
- Reign, but instead dealt with provincial matters of war and peace through their, governors ,or through imperial letters to the cities such as Ephesus (of which some were
- Necessarily becoming governor, but the official listing includes these as full, governors , The governor and lieutenant governor are not elected on the same ticket.
- Undertaking failed. A few days after Emancipation was announced,13 Republican, governors ,met at the War Governors' Conference; they supported the president's
- Was not moved further east; however, Philip sent a number of Macedonians, governors ,to Amphiboles, and in many respects the city was effectively ‘ Macedonianized ’
- State Dinner to celebrate Apollo 11,attended by members of Congress,44, governors , the Chief Justice of the United States, and ambassadors from 83 nations at the
- Anna, at You’re, in the extreme south of Summer; to install sons as provincial ENSI, governors ,in strategic locations; and to marry their daughters to rulers of peripheral
- The current constitution of 1901 increased terms to four years, but prohibited, governors ,from succeeding themselves. Amendment 282 to the constitution, passed in 1968
- Clear that Najibullah had lost control of the nation, his army commanders and, governors ,arranged to turn over authority to resistance commanders and local notables
- Was governed by a governor (Hakim) appointed by the Amir. Below is a list of, governors ,of Afghan Turkestan. *Nail Muhammad Adam Khan -? -1873-?
- Goa, concluding peace with Cali cut and receiving embassies from Indian, governors , strengthening the city and stimulating the marriage of Portuguese with local
- From the Democratic-Republican and Democratic parties. It had two Republican, governors ,following Reconstruction, but after the Democratic Party re-established control
- For 90 days. For months before that, several Northern, governors ,had discreetly readied their state militias; they began to move forces the next
- Could no longer support or stabilize the country's economy. Regional, governors ,could not rely on the king for help in times of crisis, and the ensuing food
- As a proconsul Augustus did not want this authority of overriding provincial, governors ,to be stripped from him, so imperium proconsular mails, or " power over all
- To two full terms plus any partial terms before the first full term. Arkansas, governors ,served two-year terms until a referendum lengthened the term to four years
- Voters chose another Republican. Other high offices held Eighteen of Alabama's, governors ,have served higher federal or confederate offices. All but three were elected
- Of music at Prague from 1869 to 1871. Also in Prague, he seated on the board of, governors ,in the Prague Royal Conservatory. By 1872,he was living in Vienna and was
- Parts was arranged by Massed. He united political and cultural personalities, governors , commanders, clergymen and representatives, in order to reach a lasting
- And senators listed represented Alabama except where noted. Living former, governors , seven former governors were alive. The most recent death of a former governor
- Recognized him only nominally, if not being in open revolt. Most of the loyal, governors ,of the cities were in a tottering position, such as the one of Elora, who could
- Themselves. Amendment 282 to the constitution, passed in 1968,allowed, governors ,to succeed themselves once. The constitution had no set date for the
- Limit remained in place until the constitution of 1868,which simply allowed, governors ,to serve terms of two years. The current constitution of 1901 increased terms
- The district governors are selected by the provincial governors . The provincial, governors ,are representatives of the central government in Kabul and are responsible for
- Centralized administration. As the power of the pharaoh diminished, regional, governors , called monarchs began to challenge the supremacy of the pharaoh. This, coupled
- Had overthrown their existing governments, closing courts and driving British, governors , agents and supporters from their homes. They had elected conventions and "
- Payment). The fourth Act was the Quartering Acts of 1774,which allowed royal, governors ,to house British troops in the homes of citizens without requiring permission
- Mughal ", an inadequate focus on maintaining central administration leading to, governors ,forming their own empires, a gradual depletion of the fortunes amassed by his
- States Attorney General. One governor served as Minister to Russia. Two, governors ,(marked with *) resigned to take seats in the Senate, and two (marked with)
- And turned back before it reached the fort. However, governors ,in Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania quietly began buying weapons and
- Represented Alabama except where noted. Living former governors , seven former, governors ,were alive. The most recent death of a former governor was that of H. Guy Hunt
- Failure of Davis to maintain positive and productive relationships with state, governors ,(especially Governor Joseph E. Brown of Georgia and Governor Zebulon Baird
- D. C. He kept close tabs on all phases of the military effort, consulted with, governors , and selected generals based on their past success (as well as their state and
- Responsibility and Ethics in Washington named Schwarzenegger one of 11" worst, governors ," in the United States because of various ethics issues throughout
- Franks, Charlemagne. " (Charlemagne's) army was enlisted to help the Muslim, governors ,of Barcelona and Zaragoza against the Umayyad (emir) in Córdoba ... "
- Angel, Schleswig,and Rends burg. Danish tradition has preserved record of two, governors ,of Schleswig, father and son, in their service, Frowinus (Freaking) and Wig
- To grant pardons, except in cases of impeachment. There have officially been 53, governors , of the state of Alabama; this official numbering skips acting and military
- Last years in Persia Discovering that many of his satraps and military, governors ,had misbehaved in his absence, Alexander executed a number of them as examples
- Villages. Each district is represented by a district governor. The provincial, governors ,are appointed by the President of Afghanistan and the district governors are
- City of Hyderabad in 1687 and, during this short Mughal rule, Mughal-appointed, governors , of the city soon gained autonomy. In 1724,USAF Jay I, who was granted the
- The ANSIs generally retained their positions, but were seen more than provincial, governors , The title SAR kiss became recognized as meaning" lord of the universe ".
- Lincoln appointed Generals Andrew Johnson and Frederick Steele as military, governors , respectively. In Louisiana, Lincoln ordered General Nathaniel P. Banks to
- With) resigned their positions to take office as governor. Additionally, two, governors , were elected to the U. S. Senate shortly after the American Civil War, but were
- And a half dollars came into the treasury between 1781 and 1784,although the, governors ,had been asked for two million in 1783 alone. When Adams went to London in 1785
- Governors are appointed by the President of Afghanistan and the district, governors ,are selected by the provincial governors . The provincial governors are
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