Examples of the the word, chassis , in a Sentence Context

The word ( chassis ), is the 12400 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Anti-tank vehicles built on ordinary armored personnel carrier or armored car, chassis , Examples include the U. S. M901 ITV (Improved TOW Vehicle) and the Norwegian
  2. This machine was unusual in that it was housed in a heavy cast aluminum, chassis , The Basis 108 was equipped with built-in Centroids (parallel) and RS232c (
  3. Integral manufacturer),or by one manufacturer's building a bus body over a, chassis ,produced by another manufacturer. Design Accessibility Transit buses
  4. Or Soviet ISU series was the Churchill Gun Carrier - a Churchill tank, chassis ,with a boxy superstructure in place of the turret and mounting an anti-aircraft
  5. SU-152,which were followed by the ISU-122 and ISU-152 on the new IS heavy tank, chassis , The primary German assault gun was the Sturmgeschütz III (Tug III). Armed
  6. With large engines through to the AC Cobra. The combination of mostly-British, chassis ,and American V8 engines gave rise to the Can-Am series in the 1960s and 1970s.
  7. The Soviets produced the SU-85 and SU-100 self-propelled guns based on the same, chassis ,as the T-34 medium tank, as well as the ISU-122 and ISU-152 which shared
  8. The Birch gun, a general purpose artillery piece on an armored tracked, chassis ,capable of maintaining formation with their current tanks. The gun could be
  9. Hunters" ) which took an existing anti-tank gun and mounted it on a convenient, chassis ,to give mobility, usually with just a three-sided gun shield for protection.
  10. Having to settle on one fixed design — the buyer can choose the body and the, chassis ,separately. Second it is likely that over the lifetime of a vehicle (in
  11. 105 mm rifled gun is available for export). PTL02 is built on the 6×6 wheeled, chassis ,of the WZ551 APC. Italy and Spain use the Italian-built Centaur, a wheeled
  12. Artillery gun, the Sturmgeschütz III. Based on the Panzer III tank, chassis , the Sturmgeschütz III was originally fitted with a low-velocity gun, and was
  13. And FV102 Striker and the German Raketenjagdpanzer series built on the, chassis ,of the HS 30 and Murder IF. A US Army combined arms battalion has two infantry
  14. Endurance records at Brook lands. Three works Team Cars with 16 valve and short, chassis , The company went bankrupt in 1924 and was bought by Lady Hardwood, who put
  15. For the least vertical height. The back plane would be mounted vertically in a, chassis ,oriented front to back and the plug-in SBC and cards would lay flat, protruding
  16. S patented combustion chamber design, and had tested it in an Enfield Allay, chassis , It was the only" Renwick and Berkeley" motor car made. It was known as "
  17. Version of this car was actually built by Gaia using the last Bugatti Type 101, chassis , and was shown at the 1965 Turin Motor Show. Finance was not forthcoming, and
  18. Better vehicle, that were very different in spite of being based on the same, chassis ,: Murder was straightforwardly an anti-tank gun on tracks whereas Better traded
  19. In the 50s and 60s and raced on both sides of the Atlantic, featuring European, chassis ,and large American engines – from the early Ballard cars via hybrids such as
  20. Side of the chassis accepts system processing cards and the other side of the, chassis ,accepts network interface cards. Platforms PI CMG A Single Board Computer
  21. Drive wheels and one rear, steered wheel. The engine was in the rear, and the, chassis ,and body were original designs. The aerodynamic, somewhat tear-shaped body was
  22. A strip of canvas) to keep the overall weight down to the limit that the, chassis ,could bear. After hard lessons early in the war, machine guns were mounted for
  23. Project (Developed by BAE-Systems in Sweden),a 155 mm howitzer on a wheeled, chassis ,claiming to be able to deliver up to 7 shells on target simultaneously from the
  24. To engage enemy armored vehicles. Many have been based on a tracked tank, chassis , while others are wheeled. Since World War II, main battle tanks have largely
  25. Reducing power, and an additional of weight compared to the newer LMP1, chassis , On average, the R8s were about 2–3 seconds off pace compared to the
  26. For the mounting of a larger weapon and heavier frontal armor on any given, chassis , In most cases, these turretless vehicles also presented a lower profile as a
  27. Were of a somewhat extemporized nature. Mounting the gun on the Valentine tank, chassis ,gave the Marder-like Archer. The 17 pounder was also used to re-equip the
  28. Sumter ordered" fighting cars" based on Rolls-Royce, Talbot and Wolseley, chassis , By the time Rolls-Royce armored cars arrived in December 1914,the mobile
  29. Multiple machine guns and light cannon on various tank and armored car, chassis ,and by 1943,the Crusader AA tanks, which mounted the Boors 40 mm gun or
  30. Front. Captured Soviet anti-tank guns were mounted on modified Panzer II, chassis , producing the Murder II self-propelled anti-tank gun. The most common mounting
  31. And high performance. Prior to that effort, Audi used examples of the Type 44, chassis , fabricated out of aluminum as test-beds for the technique. Drive layout In all
  32. Racing to the FIA Thoroughbred Grand Prix Championship for classic Formula One, chassis , While there are several professional teams and drivers in historical racing
  33. The Audi image at this time was a conservative one, and so, a proposal from, chassis ,engineer Jörg Ben singer was accepted to develop the four-wheel drive technology
  34. By the time of the armistice in 1943. Other nations tended to work on truck, chassis , Starting in 1941,the British developed the" en Porter" method of mounting
  35. The" Carrier, SP,4x4,40 mm AA" ), a Boors 40 mm AA gun mounted on a, chassis ,derived from the Morris" Quad" Field Artillery Tractor truck. Name "
  36. Was created by Martin by fitting a four-cylinder Coventry-Simplex engine to the, chassis ,of a 1908 Isotta-Fraschini. They acquired premises at Jennifer Place in
  37. S. M901 ITV (Improved TOW Vehicle) and the Norwegian NM142,both on an M113, chassis , several Soviet ATOM launchers based on the BRDM reconnaissance car, the
  38. An assault gun is a gun or howitzer mounted on a motor vehicle or armored, chassis , designed for use in the direct fire role in support of infantry when attacking
  39. Of the casemate-design Jagdpanzer designs. It featured a cannon fitted to the, chassis ,of the medium Panther tank, providing greatly improved armor-penetrating
  40. Cars. " Ford son" armored cars were Rolls-Royce armored cars which received new, chassis ,from a Ford son truck in Egypt. The American M8 Light Armored Car was a 6x6
  41. Bodied by Bert Bertelli's brother Enrico (Harry) a few long, chassis ,four-seater tourers, dropheads and saloons were also produced. Berkeley was
  42. Popular in networking and telecommunications equipment where one side of the, chassis ,accepts system processing cards and the other side of the chassis accepts
  43. This, for example, allows the use of up to four full height boards in a 2U, chassis , Back planes in storage Servers commonly have a back plane to attach hot
  44. Of a bigger cannon than could be mounted in a turreted tank on the same, chassis , and increased the vehicle's internal volume, allowing for increased
  45. Most common mounting was a German anti-tank gun on the Czech Panzer 38 (t), chassis , to produce the Murder III. The Panzer 38 (t) chassis was also used to make
  46. Or truck manufacturers. Early buses were merely a bus body fitted to a truck, chassis , This body+ chassis approach has continued with modern specialist manufacturers
  47. Czech Panzer 38 (t) chassis to produce the Murder III. The Panzer 38 (t), chassis , was also used to make the Jagdpanzer 38 'Better' case mate style tank destroyer
  48. Racing subsequently took delivery of a new Lola to replace the written off, chassis , Results * 2009number 007 car,373 laps, finished 4th overall and 4th in
  49. Guns usually mounted the gun or howitzer in a fully enclosed case mate on a tank, chassis , The use of a case mate instead of a gun turret limited these weapons field of
  50. And buses in less developed countries, which may be derived from truck, chassis , rather than purpose-built bus designs. Most buses have two axles, articulated

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