Examples of the the word, liu , in a Sentence Context
The word ( liu ), is the 12385 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Raiders of Losing Treasure (1992) (Treasure Hunters) * Run you DI, liu , gan (1992) (Passionate Killing in the Dream) * Zoo via Wei paid ang (1990
- Dynasty Singing Chuan (Biography of Coo Singing),the Qing dynasty FM Sheng, liu , ji (Six Chapters of a Floating Life),the humorous and intentionally
- You Hui de fans PIPA 16 March 1994 * 《憤怒之愛: 六零年代美國學生運動》 Fen nu hi AI:, liu , ling Nina die Magus due Sheng you dong 1991 * The King Campus 《伊底帕斯王的悲劇》 Yi De
- Act (ERA) in 1979,the legislation that guides US-Taiwan relations in, liu , of official diplomatic recognition. 1980s The 1980s brought the Council an
- Locator at km. Lysator. Liu. Se. Lysol installations *Lysol (km. Lysator., liu , Se) at Locator in Linköping. *Lysol, LysKOM in English (com. Lysator. Liu.
- Rap name from the 1978 kung fu film Shaolin Master Killer, ( Shaw Lin San Shi, liu , fang ). Malta only appeared on one track on the Wu-Tang Clan's first album, in
- Clear" → mo moos" spotless "," immaculate" When making comparisons, the word, liu , ( " more" ) is used after the adjective, followed by Duke (" than" from
- Cinaoggi, ASU Works by: Lisa Party (The new flowers of Beijing, Pao ma, liu , liu ),Adelaide, He Via, Guan Gang, Zhang Yang, Singing Chen, Chen Chairmen
- 1726. Sources *http://google.com/search? Q cache: CFxvz2iwd_we: WWW. Lysator., liu , Se/~tube/scores/target/+harmonizer+gottes-dienst&hl enact conked 1
- Owl, the reindeer and the beluga. The Blade Spares None (Chinese: 刀不留人; Day by, liu , ren) is a 1971 Hong Kong action film with sword fighting directed by Teddy Yip
- Family Hung Gar system and not genuine The Sheng Pi GUA Kung Fu. *Chu long ma, liu , English title Monkey's Fist Floating Snake, (
- Cinaoggi, ASU Works by: Lisa Party (The new flowers of Beijing, Pao ma Liu, liu , ),Adelaide, He Via, Guan Gang, Zhang Yang, Singing Chen, Chen Chairmen, Tsui
- Is a variation of the LAU Family Hung Gar system. * The movie Chu long ma, liu , ( 1979) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078969/ also features the Monkey styles
- Presley, Christopher Lee, Irene Papas, Marcello Mastroianni, Salma Hayek, Lucy,Liu, Samuel Jackson, Tom Banger and Omar Sharif, as well as directors like Robert
- Festival held in Thailand. In June, she finished her new Chinese movie" Yi by, liu , shen" ( English title to be announced). In September, she filmed romantic
- Wilhelm). External links * http://wotan. liu .edu/~pj/griswold. HTML at Wotan., liu , Edu Putnam Griswold Plaiting is a community east of Munich in the northwest of
- Of Shaolin (1978) (aka The Master Killer; Mandarin title: Shaw Lin San Shi, liu , fang ) - Teacher *Snake in the Eagle's Shadow (1978) - Pie Chang-tien *Boys
- Six points needed to win is where part of the title of the game comes from, for,Liu, in Chinese means the number six. External links *
- KM (community. Roxen. Com) at Oxen in Linköping. *Radio (km. Hem., liu , Se) in Red in Linköping. (Not functional. )
- Liu. Se) at Locator in Linköping. *Lysol, LysKOM in English (com. Lysator., liu , Se) at Locator in Linköping. (Not functional as of November 2008. ) *CD-ROM
- 湘南海鷗 (Pinyin: Xians Nan HAI of; Hunan Seagull) # 笑著流淚 (Pinyin: Xiao the, liu , lei; Laugh while crying) # 無瑕 (Pinyin: WU via; Flawless) # 公主戀愛 (Pinyin:
- S firm built Moy's Peacock Inn in Uptown in 1920. A good substitute for the, liu , li glazed ceramic found in traditional Chinese architecture, Rognstad designed
- I too taxa savanna CHORUS: Me bulk GA KO Vito Key me too GA I, liu , Me Ra Purana pinata KO IRA Na i Lulu Me Ra intake Na Tamara
- BDFutbol profile * Sal ix integral (Chinese: 杞柳 QI, liu , ; Japanese: イヌコリヤナギ inukoriyanagi; syn. S. multiverses French. & Avatar) is a
- County, Jiangsu province to care for these new settlers, who were called, liu , wang KE men 'refugee guests ', in several regions... The refugees settled down
- Of the era: *Qin tong (琴筒),sound box or resonator body; it is hexagonal (, liu , jiao, southern ), octagonal (BA ciao, northern ), or,less commonly, round.
- Adjective, followed by Duke (" than" from Portuguese do Que):: Maria than, liu , duké Ana — Maria is older than Ana. To describe something as the most or least
- Ta kWh Ling in Hong Kong. Cultural depictions In the 1997 play, Fei BA! Lin, liu , niao, fei BA! (" Archaeological Bird" ) by Chan Ping Chip, the Che people are
- Refer to the discontent among the people caused by this. The seal character for, liu , suggests the“ arms akimbo” posture. The coin was withdrawn in 582 when the
- Treasures of the study. The text mentions a kind of decorative paper called 流沙箋, liu , sha Jean meaning“ drifting-sand” or“ flowing-sand notepaper" that was made
- Which Chinese social intercourse is regulated. (1935: 199-200) Lin refers to, liu , mianzi 留面子" grant face; give (someone) a chance to regain lost honor ", shi
- Lands Commission in 1933 for the Village of Lusaka asserts," Ai tomato key, liu , ko Nicola. SA bulk Na Kenya Kara. " (The leading family is of the household
- Century. It was raised in memory of a son. Latin transliteration:: oilier ÷, liu , ( t)lbs | | sun: RAI (s)ti Mrs * -Na: AI (f) (t)IR * ... -b: sun sin Old
- It is a homonym for the word" flow. " The pronunciation for the number 6 is “, liu ,” and it means smooth in English. Therefore, Chinese people often use 6 when
- Yi LU 1977 * * 1978 *The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, originally Shaw Lin San Shi, liu , fang 1979 1980 *Clan of the White Lotus, originally Hung we tin San PO pie
- Also refers to the specific installation hosted by Locator at km. Lysator., liu , Se. Lysol installations *Lysol (km. Lysator. Liu. Se) at Locator in
- More power than before, and initially he promoted EU Xiaomi, Xiao Gandhi, liu , Xuan,Can HU, as well as the official Shen Wendi (沈文季),to reward them for
- Ni Fabian median (2001),English title:" What Time Is It There? " * He, liu , ( 1997) (as Hsiao-Ling Lu),English title:" The River" * Ai Qing wan sew (
- FEI Hong's Iron Rooster vs. Centipede: Shaw Nina Huang Haiphong hi tie ma, liu , ( Mandarin): Iron Monkey (US / UK): Iron Monkey: The Young Wong FEI Hong:
- Rain. The Li Shut To Shi ciao yang jun Shi Liu, yang,Liu, qing yang hi Shang thong Xiao Jim. Wen run Wu Gang he so you,
- Falling as mighty rain. The Li Shut To Shi ciao yang jun Shi, liu , yang Liu Qing yang hi Shang thong Xiao Jim. Wen run Wu Gang he
- Thinkers, like the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove, was the concept of fend, liu , ( lit. Wind and flow),a sort of romantic spirit which encouraged following
- I ", but in a canntaireachd, it is often denoted by a preceding" l ", thus ", liu ,", and so confusion is avoided. " Low A" is either" in "," en "," em ", or
- Montage in Hong Kong cinema is The 36th Chamber of Shaolin (Shaw Lin San Shi, liu , fang ). In The 36th Chamber the student displays an arrogance and unwillingness
- Crystal Palace Baltimore bio Iron Monkey (Tie ma, liu , aka “ School of Shaolin (USA) ”, Bloody Monkey Master) is a martial art
- Something as the most or least, the word hot (" all" ) is added:: Maria than, liu , hotu — Maria is the oldest. Adverbs can be formed from adjectives or
- Features real-life Monkey Kung Fu specialist Chan SAU Chung. *Tie ma, liu , English title Iron Monkey, ( 1977)http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076822/
- Unchanged: sang). * Unlike Wade-Giles and Any Pinyin,-IU and -UI e.g., liu , ( 六) and GUI (鬼) contractions can be optionally written out in full as -IOU
- Character edition) 台湾:生智,2002 ISBN 957-818-380-1 * Sun BO (孙博),《回流》 (Hui, liu , ) (Reflux) 北京:中国青年,2002。ISBN 7-5006-4856-1 * Sun BO (孙博),《小留学生泪洒异国》(Xiao
- Upon region, construction and intended use. Other names in use include, liu , xing chew, dai chew, flying hammer or dragon's fist. It belongs to the broader
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