Examples of the the word, microsystems , in a Sentence Context
The word ( microsystems ), is the 12402 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- CPMT) is a professional society of the IEEE that deals with the advancement of, microsystems , packaging and manufacture. History The IEEE Components, Packaging &
- Computer vol. 41 (2008) 33-37. 3. K. D. Wise,“ Integrated sensors, MEMS, and, microsystems , : Reflections on a fantastic voyage ”, Sensors and Actuators A vol. 136 (2007)
- SUSE Linux supports SLP for a variety of services since version 9.1. * Sun, microsystems , supports SLPv1 and SLPv2 including SA, UA and DA functionality. * The
- Education level, involvement in extracurricular activities, etc. Examples of, microsystems , outside the self also include groups of friends, family,unorganized athletics
- In addition to planned increases in both large-scale generating capacity and, microsystems , using renewable sources, various related schemes to reduce carbon emissions are
- Recent studies focus on the integration of nanofluidic devices into, microsystems , An interface should be created for the connection between two length-scales. A
- Microfluidics and microfabrication, and “ manufacture” of chip-driven, microsystems , for monitory, detection,diagnosis and therapy. Note on publications and
- Level integration provides the ultimate functionality per unit volume for, microsystems , The Anamorphic Cell abstraction allows one to analyze the fundamental limits
- At Buffalo and Alfred University in an initiative to create key technologies in, microsystems , photonics, nanomaterials,and remote sensing systems and to integrate next
- IEMN focuses on the following research area: physics of matter, nanostructures, microsystems , and microtechnologies, microwave components and microelectronic circuits, RF
- Who helps to construct the settings. *Ecosystem: Refers to relations between, microsystems , or connections between contexts. Examples are the relation of family
- Also known as microfluidic or lab-on-a-chip. Today it is possible to build up, microsystems , without any tooling needed by computer-aided direct parallel batch processing
- The business mainly involves developing portable/implantable biochip-based, microsystems , for monitory, detection,diagnosis and therapy, and producing organic products
- Spans a range of technologies from atoms to systems in the areas of photonics, microsystems , and micro-nanoelectronics and addresses key challenges in the areas of
- It deals with electromechanical, materials,design, and manufacturing of, microsystems , and their components. Subjects covered The journal’s coverage of MEMO/NEWS
- Perform non-electronic functions: typically sensing and actuation. Typical, microsystems , have mechanical parts, like microbridges in RF switches or bending cantilevers
- Of Technology. Dr. Fang’s subjects of interest include VLSI biomedical, microsystems , neural networks and intelligent systems, multimedia signal processing
- Canadian Microelectronics Corporation, a Canadian organization that provides, microsystems , researchers with design resources, technologies,tools and support services *
- Out research in the following areas: magnetic, quantum electronics, optics, microsystems , photonics and laser technology. The Institute works with both universities
- Industrial components, the latest applications include rapid manufacturing and, microsystems , A list of original cold spraying equipment manufacturers includes: *
- Fabrication ". In the last two decades microelectromechanical systems (MEMO), microsystems , ( European usage),micromachines (Japanese terminology) and their subfields
- Electromagnetism, applications and measures, numericals radio communications, microsystems , and microtechnologies, photonics et microwaves. The postgraduate degree in
- Advanced information and communication technologies # Advanced materials and, microsystems , # Biotechnologies and biomedical engineering Research is divided into six
- Scheme deployed. Romania joins. * 1998 - ICT Clusters Σ! 1884 CURIOUS (, microsystems , ) and Σ! 2023 IDEA (software-intensive systems) launched. EUREKA participates
- Microsystem (such as the family or classroom); the ecosystem (which is two, microsystems , in interaction); the ecosystem (external environments which indirectly
- Became the first classical university to combine traditional disciplines with, microsystems , technologies. The University Medical Center Freiburg (Universitätsklinikum
- In microfluidic, because it offers a way to manipulate and convey fluids in, microsystems , using only electric fields, with no moving parts. The force acting on the fluid
- Environmental biotechnology and nanobiotechnology, Technopol Wiener Neustadt in, microsystems , engineering,tribology and medical systems' technology. There are several
- In addition to planned increases in both large-scale generating capacity and, microsystems , using renewable sources, various related schemes to reduce carbon emissions are
- Of Hawaii at Manor. His tenure at IT saw additional PhD programs (in, microsystems , engineering,computing and information sciences, and color science)
- Systems, digital photography and video equipments, stereo and hi-fi systems and, microsystems , STO People's Choice Home Improvement - Established in May 1995,deals with
- And environmental sensors and subsystems, and advanced packaging to create, microsystems , that will have a pervasive impact on society during the next two decades.
- Advantage of this machining process is the possibility of realizing monolithic, microsystems , in which the electronic and the mechanical components (functions) are built
- Business accelerator ". Arrest invested in and incubated startups in the MEMO, microsystems , and nanotechnology sector. In addition, Ardesta sought to grow the entire
- Started several activities in a variety of domains including multimedia, microsystems , design and augmented spaces. MIT started an Ambient Intelligence research group
- University. This partnership combined UM's programs in sensors and, microsystems , with MSU's leadership in materials, especially in diamond and in carbon
- Covering for mathematics, neuroinformatics, biological basic research, microsystems , and medicine. (with J. Alzheimer). Alterations of personality traits (
- Designed and supported by a small ETH Zürich spin-off company called Oberon, microsystems , Their IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is called Blacktop Component
- Modeling and heterogeneous simulation, microelectronic manufacturing, microsystems , integration,and micro-optical networks for computational applications. The
- Streams, magnetic and electric fields, thermal gradients etc. In chemical, microsystems , operations like sample pretreatment, separation and detection are built on
- Governors at West Hill Park School until 1994. Proximity communication is a Sun, microsystems , technology of wireless chip-to-chip communications. Partly by Robert Frost and
- CMOS and other novel information processing devices. The multifunctional, microsystems , becomes Orphic (literally means in the shape of) because its architecture
- History of early modern Europe (University of Münster) * Andreas Hubermann -, microsystems , technology (Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering
- Centers in optics, reconfigurable manufacturing systems, wireless integrated, microsystems , and social sciences. The University of Michigan Transportation Research
- Provide the theoretical basis for the invention of artificial implantable, microsystems , In 1992 Neurobionics was founded by Hans-Werner Both organizing the 1st
- Systems, and SOA middleware suites include HP, wwite, IBM,Oracle and Sun, microsystems , Network equipment vendors also provide SDPS such as IMS, IPTV,Mobile TV, etc.
- Application areas Microfluidic structures include micropneumatic systems, i. e., microsystems , for the handling of off-chip fluids (liquid pumps, gas valves, etc.),and
- History, culture (2004) * View into the Invisible: subatomic particles, microsystems , and parasites (2006/07) * Space Adventure: Break out into the universe (
- MST. Research: Applied research for radio communications, radar systems, microsystems , and optoelectronics. MST. Development: Contract-based industrial design and
- Society GMM supports research and development in the areas of microelectronics, microsystems , and nanotechnology as well as precision engineering. * VDI/VDE Society of
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