Examples of the the word, eyewitness , in a Sentence Context

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  1. But simply read about it in the papers. He also published what he said was an, eyewitness ,account of the San Francisco fire of 1851 which he said was in June although it
  2. Argue that Harlow's history is polemical and is not consistent with all the, eyewitness ,accounts, such as those reported by Jefferson. Harlow bases his account on
  3. Is the material of the Martyrdom Ignacio which is presented as being an, eyewitness ,account for the church of Antioch, and as if written by Ignatius' companions
  4. Greece. One of the viewpoint characters of Ian Watson's novel Oracle is an, eyewitness ,to her defeat. She has also appeared in several comic book series, including
  5. The Vampire Beast in Fact, Fiction,and Folklore. The investigation included, eyewitness ,interviews, forensic and folkloric research, and " a field expedition to the
  6. Benedict and four companions had been killed by robbers in 1003. Bruno took, eyewitness ,accounts and wrote down a touching history of the so-called Five Martyred
  7. Before crossing the Rappahannock. Garrett's 11-year-old son, Richard,was an, eyewitness , In later years, he became a Baptist minister and widely lectured on the events
  8. Southampton Island. Almost nothing is known about their language, but the few, eyewitness ,accounts tell of them speaking a" strange dialect ". This suggests that they
  9. Along with prostrate vines and low-growing Sonia trees and shrubs. A 1942, eyewitness , description spoke of" a low grove of dead and decaying you trees" on a very
  10. Prince of the Pal lava dynasty in their capital of Kanchipuram. Yang Xuànzhī's, eyewitness ,account identifies Bodhidharma as a Persian (波斯國胡人 boys go HU men) from the
  11. At the beginning of the Gospel of Luke () freely admits that he was not an, eyewitness ,to the events of the Gospel. If one accepts that Luke was in fact the author of
  12. One appearing on thousands of books, magazines,and Websites as a credible, eyewitness ,description—is in fact based on a science fiction film. ” Bradford spent five
  13. Dio's possible bias against Nero and the likelihood that they did not have, eyewitness ,accounts of private events, postulate that Poppaea may have died because of
  14. Become extinct, citing the lack of significant sonar readings and a decline in, eyewitness ,accounts. Lines undertook one last expedition to look for remains of the
  15. Sinking have been preserved that describe the incident but the only confirmed, eyewitness ,account is the testimony of a surviving Flemish crewman written down by the
  16. Speeches and sermons is undertaken, a detailed biography is written and, eyewitness ,accounts are gathered. When sufficient information has been gathered, the
  17. Brutus: John Wilkes Booth and the Lincoln Conspiracies, writing in 2004 that, eyewitness ,accounts of Booth's hurried stage exit made it unlikely that his leg was
  18. Drama were shot, and their bodies mutilated and disemboweled and, according to, eyewitness ,accounts, thrown from a second floor window of the palace onto piles of garden
  19. But eventually Na spotted them and insisted on their involvement. A British, eyewitness ,of the first French cavalry attack, an officer in the Foot Guards, recorded his
  20. Schuster in 1996. Mitchell relied on several primary source documents and, eyewitness ,accounts written by women during the Civil War, including Life in Dixie During
  21. Of the Eureka Stockade a year after the Stockade, the only comprehensive, eyewitness ,account. * John Manning, a Ballarat Times journalist, from Ireland * John
  22. To the authors of the Talmud, was written by a prophet, and each prophet was an, eyewitness ,of the events described, and Joshua himself wrote" the book that bears his
  23. Photographs of British warships in flames – many of them faked – and bogus, eyewitness ,reports of the Argentine commandos' guerrilla war on South Georgia (6 May)
  24. Fact established by judicial notice in order to challenge the credibility of an, eyewitness , After an opposing witness testified seeing the crime in the moonlight, Lincoln
  25. Closely associated with the city are the diarist Samuel Pepys, noted for his, eyewitness ,account of the Great Fire, Charles Dickens, whose representation of a foggy
  26. For example, the gospel is based on Mark, and " it seems unlikely that an, eyewitness ,of Jesus's ministry, such as Matthew, would need to rely on others for
  27. Benjamin Bradford in 2010 revealed that Madeline Tolentino, the original, eyewitness , had described a creature she had recently seen in the science-fiction horror
  28. Between the two factions. Associated Press reporter Ibrahim Break wrote an, eyewitness ,account stating: Casualties From 2006-2007 more than 600 Palestinians were
  29. Rhinoceros, as it had more than one horn (six horns on the frill in one, eyewitness ,account),and that the father of one of the senior members of the community
  30. John of Würzburg and Theodoric. Aside from these, thereafter there is no, eyewitness ,to events in Jerusalem until William of Tyre, archbishop of Tyre and chancellor
  31. A" total failure ". Audio recollections William R. Ration is the only known, eyewitness ,of both Lincoln's arrival at Gettysburg and the address itself to have left an
  32. Markedly from the depiction on the Arch of Titus, probably carved by an, eyewitness ,to the actual menorah present at the time in the Temple at Jerusalem. This
  33. That Luke the Evangelist, an associate of St. Paul who was probably not an, eyewitness ,to Jesus' ministry, wrote the Gospel of Luke and Acts of the Apostles.
  34. Reflecting the loudspeaker positions (Sergei 2007,218). A contemporary, eyewitness ,described the potentiometer d'space in normal use: One found one’s self
  35. Night of the massive Tompkins Square Park Police Riot in 1988 and provided an, eyewitness ,account to The New York Times. It was shortly after the Tompkins Square Park
  36. Shipwreck on the island of Bermuda, and most especially William Strachey's, eyewitness ,report, A True Repertory of the Wracked and Redemption of Sir Thomas Gates
  37. On July 16, 1945,with numerous other Los Alamos personnel, von Neumann was an, eyewitness ,to the first atomic bomb blast, conducted as a test of the implosion method
  38. Of time to finish the game and still beat the Spaniards. There is no known, eyewitness ,account of this incident and the earliest retelling of it was printed 37 years
  39. Imbalance have generally put more store by contemporary (and especially, eyewitness ,) accounts. The Vesta Heinrich gives plausible figures for the English of 5,000
  40. Destroyed as a viable force following their first, epic charge. Examination of, eyewitness ,accounts reveal, however,that far from being ineffective, they continued to
  41. To have found in the main library in Metz. Rosenberg said that it was an, eyewitness ,account by the Maharal's son-in-law, who had helped to create the Golem.
  42. Information. There is considerable research in this area as it relates to, eyewitness ,identification testimony. It should be noted that eyewitness accounts are
  43. Also planned to study Mokèlé-mbèmbé. On this journey, Powell located a claimed, eyewitness ,to an animal called" n'Yamaha ", or " Paganini ", which Powell thought was
  44. Came to be called" the apostle of the Apostles ". Mary Magdalene was the first, eyewitness ,of the Risen Christ, and for this reason she was also the first to bear witness
  45. Designed to introduce less expensive and, by at least one yacht surveyor's, eyewitness ,accounts, less structurally sound materials. Cold molding is similar to FRP in
  46. Of the Temple and a number of passages that they consider characteristic of an, eyewitness , sufficient evidence that the gospel was composed before 100 and perhaps as
  47. Patricide of D. D. Palmer as a" myth" and" absurd on its face" and cites an, eyewitness ,who recalled that D. D. was not struck by B. J. is car, but rather, had
  48. Tribune under Suetonius Pauli nus, which almost certainly gave Tacitus an, eyewitness ,source for Boudica's revolt. Cassius Dio's account is only known from an
  49. The alien in the film, named SIL, is nearly identical to Tolentino’s chupacabra, eyewitness ,account:“ It was a creature that looked like the chupacabra, with spines on
  50. Circle). Today the majority of scholars do not believe that John or any other, eyewitness ,wrote it, and trace it instead to a" Johnnie community" which traced its

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