Examples of the the word, myocardial , in a Sentence Context

The word ( myocardial ), is the 12406 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Agriculture (1983–93) * 3 - David Lemmings,62,British actor and director, myocardial ,infarction * 4 - Jonathan Luna,38,United States Assistant Attorney, murdered
  2. Or to rubidium-82,which can be created in a portable generator and is used for, myocardial ,perfusion studies. Nevertheless, in recent years a few on-site cyclotrons with
  3. Cholesterol" ) in calcium supplementation, a possible increase in the rate of, myocardial ,infarction (heart attack) was found in a study in New Zealand in which 1471
  4. Of coronary artery disease: * Exercise radioisotope test (nuclear stress test, myocardial ,scenography) * Echocardiography (including stress echocardiography) Therapy
  5. BNF),morphine hydrochloride may be used in the treatment of acute pain, myocardial ,infarction, acute pulmonary edema, and chronic pain. The treatment of chronic
  6. 82,American lawyer and politician * 14 - Jeanne Train,78,American actress, myocardial ,infarction * 14 - Bias Opel,75,Filipino journalist and politician * 15 -
  7. 85,President of Guatemala 1970-74 * 6 - Jerry Quite,36,American wrestler, myocardial ,infarction * 7 - Carl F. H. Henry,90,American Evangelical theologian and
  8. The Lancet the results of major clinical study in 11,324 patients with a recent, myocardial ,infarction. Treatment 1 gram per day of n−3 fatty acids reduced the occurrence
  9. Pulmonary edema. A distinction should be made between myocardial ischemia and, myocardial ,infarction. Ischemia means that the amount of blood supplied to the tissue is
  10. Used historically for the treatment of rheumatic fever. For the prevention of, myocardial ,infarction in someone with documented or suspected coronary artery disease
  11. System such as a change in heart rate (HR),vasodilation/vasoconstriction, myocardial ,contractility, or stroke volume. A physiological psychologist may look at how
  12. COX-2 antagonists and traditional anti-inflammatories, increase the risk of, myocardial ,infarction and stroke. Naproxen seems least harmful. NSAIDs aside from (
  13. Development in arteries (atherosclerosis). This disease process leads to, myocardial ,infarction (heart attack),stroke, and peripheral vascular disease. Since
  14. Its use includes treatment for acute pain, such as in severe physical trauma, myocardial ,infarction, post-surgical pain, and chronic pain, including end-stage cancer
  15. Negative isotropic and phototropic effects - decreasing after load, improving, myocardial , efficiency,reducing heart rate and improving coronary blood flow. In vivo, the
  16. A heart attack). It leads to heart muscle damage, heart muscle death and later, myocardial ,scarring without heart muscle regrowth. Chronic high-grade stenosis of the
  17. And contraction of the myocardium. If the blood flow to the tissue is improved, myocardial ,ischemia can be reversed. Infarction means that the tissue has undergone
  18. Do not experience the same chest pain that others feel when they have angina or, myocardial ,infarction. To reduce cardiovascular risk, it is crucial to maintain optimal
  19. Steinem * 30 - John Gregory Dunne,71,American novelist and screenwriter, myocardial ,infarction * 31 - Sophie Daumier,69,French actress, comedienne,Huntington's
  20. Pre- and post-marketing studies suggested that Sioux might increase the risk of, myocardial ,infarction, and this was conclusively demonstrated by results from the Approve
  21. The estrogen-plus-progestin substudy of the WHO reported an increased risk of, myocardial ,infarction, stroke,invasive breast cancer, pulmonary embolic and DVT in
  22. Angina at rest and flash pulmonary edema. A distinction should be made between, myocardial ,ischemia and myocardial infarction. Ischemia means that the amount of blood
  23. Low doses of aspirin are seen as an effective medical intervention for acute, myocardial ,infarction. An unwanted side effect of the effective anticlotting action of
  24. Ischemic colitis * 22 - Dave Dudley,75,American country music singer, myocardial ,infarction * 23 - John Sanders,70,British organist, pneumonia * 26 - Phil
  25. Ischemic strokes, as well as increases the risk of other infarction, such as, myocardial ,infarction. Addiction Cocaine dependence (or addiction) is psychological
  26. A gradual narrowing of the coronary arteries, which led at that moment to a, myocardial ,infarction and a fatal cardiac arrhythmia. Adams had been due to deliver the
  27. To treat both acute and chronic severe pain. It is also used for pain due to, myocardial ,infarction and for labor pains. Morphine has also traditionally been used in
  28. Edition of Asimov's autobiography,It's Been a Good Life, revealed that the, myocardial ,and renal complications were the result of an infection by HIV, which he had
  29. This degree of coronary artery disease typically have suffered from one or more, myocardial ,infarction (heart attacks),and may have signs and symptoms of chronic
  30. Thrombosis in oral contraceptive users and an increased risk of stroke and, myocardial ,infarction in oral contraceptive users who smoke or have high blood pressure or
  31. Also used in the treatment of pericarditis, coronary artery disease, and acute, myocardial ,infarction. Taking aspirin before air travel in cramped conditions has been
  32. Cells. Myocardial cells may die from lack of oxygen and this is called a, myocardial ,infarction (commonly called a heart attack). It leads to heart muscle damage
  33. ACS): Acute coronary syndrome is a broad term encompassing many acute, myocardial ,infarction symptoms.; Angina sectors: Angina sectors literally means" breast
  34. Cardiac Syndrome X” have never been shown to cause acute heart attacks (, myocardial ,infarction) despite much speculation. The prognosis with syndrome-X coronary
  35. Pius XII died on 9 October 1958 of acute heart failure brought on by a sudden, myocardial ,infarction in Castle Randolph, the Papal summer residence. His doctor Gasparino
  36. Of the copies - a statistically insignificant increase in the incidence of, myocardial ,infarction was observed in patients on rofecoxib. Further data, from the
  37. The song" People Have the Power ". Fred Smith died on November 4,1994,of a, myocardial ,infarction. Shortly afterward, Patti faced the unexpected death of her brother
  38. Heart causes ischemia (cell starvation secondary to a lack of oxygen) of the, myocardial ,cells. Myocardial cells may die from lack of oxygen and this is called a
  39. Condition is atherosclerosis.; Myocardial infarction (aka heart attack): A, myocardial ,infarction is the death of a part of the heart which is typically caused by a
  40. Or abnormal electrical activity of the heart **Cardiac dysfunction, arrest, myocardial , infarction,and/or heart failure **Severe hyperthermia, potentially resulting
  41. Indicated decreases in total mortality and cardiovascular incidents (i.e., myocardial ,infarction) associated with the regular consumption of fish and fish oil
  42. Rupture: A gross structural failure of the heart. Commonly a result of, myocardial ,infarction. Disorders of the pericardium (outer lining of the heart) The
  43. Play an important role in the development of atherosclerosis. Survivors of past, myocardial ,infarction are less likely to die from an arrhythmic event if they are
  44. Of coronary artery disease. The acute rupture of a plaque may lead to an acute, myocardial ,infarction (heart attack). Pathophysiology Limitation of blood flow to the
  45. Character or frequency is termed unstable. Unstable angina may precede, myocardial ,infarction, and requires urgent medical attention. It may be treated with
  46. Found a region on Chromosome 17 was confined to families with multiple cases of, myocardial ,infarction. A more controversial link is that between Chlamydophila pneumonia
  47. The mechanical properties of the heart. A more poignant disorder is that of a, myocardial ,infarction (MI) or heart attack. An MI causes cellular death of the heart
  48. Protective value against cardiovascular diseases such as ischemic stroke and, myocardial ,infarction. Low concentrations of HDL (below 40 mg/DL for men, below 50 mg/DL
  49. People with rheumatoid arthritis are more prone to atherosclerosis, and risk of, myocardial ,infarction (heart attack) and stroke is markedly increased. Other possible
  50. Plan. On 18 April 2004,doctors reported that Maradona had suffered a major, myocardial ,infarction following a cocaine overdose; he was admitted to intensive care in a

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