Examples of the the word, glitter , in a Sentence Context
The word ( glitter ), is the 12388 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And prejudice against Jews. Mordecai's story, so easily forgotten beside the, glitter ,and passions of Gwendolen's, nonetheless finishes the novel. Partly based on
- Including varieties that glow in the dark or have internal, glitter ,; peg boards come in various shapes and several geometric patterns.
- The air. A dense burst of glitter ing silver or gold stars which leave a heavy, glitter ,trail and are very shiny in the night's sky. Cassette A shell containing
- That was Broken actually emerged from the verse 'All that is gold does not, glitter ,': on this view, in the earliest form of the verse ... the words a king may yet
- Dwelt, Who all the joys and pangs of riches felt; His sideboard, glitter ,'d with imagin'd plate, And his proud fancy held a vast estate. "
- Derives its title from a Victor record catalog, and it suggests the romantic, glitter ,of the life which F. Scott Fitzgerald and Zelda Sabre Fitzgerald lived and
- Case was introduced in 2006,and includes 118 regular color crayons,16, glitter , crayons,and 16" Metallic FX" crayons, as well as a built-in sharpener at the
- His appearance on the UK TV program Top of the Pops in December 1970 wearing, glitter ,and satin, to perform what would be his first Top 10 hit," Ride a White Swan
- Another strong influence on the band's final sound was Solar X, a theatrical, glitter ,rock band popular in the Los Angeles area circa 1972–1980. Crash and Smear were
- Clothes, makeup and hairstyles, particularly platform-soled boots and, glitter , The flamboyant costumes and visual styles of glam performers were often camp
- Candies such as gumdrops, marshmallows,M&M's chocolate candies and edible, glitter , a very popular, modern cake-decorating staple. For artists, it is the
- Object of power, has the same effect on each of its successive owners: A cold, glitter ,in their eyes betrays awakening greed and ambitions, as they become more
- Enemy, besides their other warlike preparation, had made their battle-line to, glitter ,with new and splendid arms. There were two corps: the shields of the one were
- Of its atoms. The word" mica" is derived from the Latin word," to, glitter ,". Mica classification Chemically, micas can be given the general formula:
- Edges, contrasting " eyes" in the center of a bloom, and an illusion of, glitter ,which is called" diamond dust. " Sought-after improvements include foliage
- Wonderful way he works his audience. Surprisingly enough, behind all the glitz, glitter , the corny false modesty and the shy smile, Liberace exudes a love that is
- In a humorous way. His work is often built up in layers of paint, resin, glitter , dung (mainly elephant) and other materials to create a collage. Film has
- His appearance on the UK TV program Top of the Pops in December 1970 wearing, glitter , to perform what would be his first number 1 single" Ride a White Swan ". From
- Create sculpture. In the 1970s Frank Stella introduced honeycombed aluminum and, glitter , In the 1980s Julian Schnabel made" plate paintings" with broken crockery
- Appeared in later models. They were clad in black non-slip rubber with embedded, glitter , The case lid had tabs along the edge that interlocked with depressions in the
- Former members Discography Studio albums Glam rock (also known as, glitter ,rock) is a style of rock and pop music that developed in the UK in the early
- Boleyn told John Pigeon in a 1974 interview on Radio 1 that he noticed the, glitter ,on his wife's dressing table prior to a photo session and casually daubed some
- It ends with him, or her, leaving the house with a knife. " The pavements, glitter ,suddenly. I touch your arm. " Duffy called the decision ridiculous. " It's an
- Took to wearing top hats and feather boas on stage as well as putting drops of, glitter ,on each of his cheekbones. Stories are conflicting about his inspiration for
- Parliaments and removed the triumvirs from their posts. Behind the splendor and, glitter ,of 18th-century Versailles there existed a contentious and dangerous hotbed of
- Aventurescence (or vectorization) is a reflectance effect like that of, glitter , It arises from minute, preferentially oriented mineral platelets within the
- Inks are available in a range of colors, including metallic paint colors and, glitter ,effects. Historic types These historic types of pens are no longer in common
- Uses for live shows, as well as a custom Fire bird, which is painted in blue, glitter , He owns eight Fire birds overall. He also uses a Classic Gibson Fire bird.
- gæispa),get (get),give (gift/EFA, related to OE. cognate" Gaiman" ), glitter ,(guitar),hit (pitta),lift (Lyft),raise (ræisa),ransack (Kannada
- World of German music making—a world that stresses musical values over virtuoso, glitter , Bauer later wrote, Joachim was an inspiration for me and opened before my eyes
- Working-class movement in Russia. All that glitter s is not gold. There is much, glitter ,and sound in Trotsky’s phrases, but they are meaningless. " However, after
- Using Greek alphabet),which in turn is a verb with the same meaning as, glitter ,or shine. Nowadays, Lampos is used as a surname of many families in Greece.
- He also wrote:“ The Christian nations have dazzled themselves with a baneful, glitter ,of material progress. They are not the peoples who will furnish the clearest
- Shred guitar solos. Aesthetically glam metal draws heavily on the glam rock or, glitter ,rock of the 1970s,often with very long backcombed hair, use of make-up, gaudy
- The helmet into the sea and end the madness, but not before Louie gets the same, glitter ,in his eyes. Working again as a guard in the museum, Donald decides to get
- On anyone else's time anyway; we were always unconventional. I still have my, glitter ,boots to prove it. " The group performed a triumphant show at the Apollo
- A suitable meaning for the word. The translation of Maestros was originally “, glitter ,of metal ”, but was later changed to“ well-formed/shapely copper ”. Tolkien
- Protestantism, both American Puritan and Lutheran-Barthian, with its cold, glitter , its insistence on the aching gap between God and His creatures, Updike seems
- Serious" rock music rather than chart hits was emphasized by a lack of showbiz, glitter ,: bands would often perform their songs in front of either the bare studio walls
- Qualities govern the sound of a violin. Patterns of the node made by sand or, glitter ,sprinkled on the plates with the plate vibrated at certain frequencies, called
- Sweet, Slade, Mott the Hoopla, Mud and Alvin Stardust. In the UK the term, glitter ,rock was most often used to refer to the extreme version of glam pursued by
- On Hernández's work has been rock music, including punk, new wave and, glitter ,rock. In particular, the " Brothers Hernández" were influenced by the energy
- As opposed to the standard brocade" rain" effect where a large amount of, glitter ,material is released at once. Multi-break shells A large shell containing
- In Blade Runner replica Roy Batty evoked it as he dies," I watched C-beams, glitter ,in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time
- I’m Building Up to an Awful Let-Down ". Though all but overwhelmed by the, glitter ,of Hollywood, Mercer found his beloved jazz and nightlife lacking. As he wrote
- Sweet, Slade, Mott the Hoopla, Mud and Alvin Stardust. In the UK the term, glitter ,rock was most often used to refer to the extreme version of glam pursued by
- Filaments. Description and ecology Silverfish are so-called due to the silvery, glitter ,of the scales covering their bodies. Their movement is" fish-like" and makes
- Said that" Charles's romantic affection for Sebastian is part due to the, glitter ,of the new world Sebastian represents, part to the protective feeling of a
- Is The Glittering Heaven. Its hills are studded with precious gemstones that, glitter ,in the light. Messiah, The Heavenly City is a huge seven-layered ziggurat
- You recognize the base vehicle ". For example, if a 1967 VW van covered with, glitter , dolls' heads and old cooking utensils can still be recognized as a VW van, it
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