Examples of the the word, runaway , in a Sentence Context

The word ( runaway ), is the 12396 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Approached with odd commissions, which included: assassination, tracking, runaway , teenagers,locating missing persons, and large firms asking him to collect
  2. Another hypothesis for the thick body hair on humans proposes that Fisherman, runaway ,sexual selection played a role (as well as in the selection of long head hair
  3. Into existence. It is hypothesized that the Eocene hothouse world was caused by, runaway ,global warming from released methane classmates deep in the oceans. The
  4. Who are cultural descendants of The West Indies or are former African American, runaway ,slaves and loyalists, largely concentrated in Nova Scotia but also in various
  5. Was conceived with Diana Carpenter (also known as Regina Jackson),a teenage, runaway ,and prostitute that he briefly stayed with. Her claim has not been recognized
  6. Defects or damage to batteries that can lead to spontaneous thermal, runaway , Helene Bertha Amalia" Lens" Riefenstahl (; 22 August 1902 – 8 September 2003
  7. A large difference to the level of distortion (and to the risk of thermal, runaway , that may damage the devices); often the bias voltage applied to set this
  8. Jamaica in 1655 the Spanish colonists fled after freeing their slaves. These, runaway ,slaves, who became known as the Jamaican Maroons, fought the British during the
  9. Prosecuting attorney. When the grand jury does, so the situation is called a ", runaway ," grand jury. Runaway grand juries sometimes happen in government corruption or
  10. Front of both at the start of their third season (1984),the line-up became a, runaway ,ratings success that NBC eventually dubbed" Must See Thursday ". The next
  11. Hits a limiting constraint. Such a constraint may be destructive, as in thermal, runaway ,or a nuclear chain reaction. Self-reinforcing loops can be a smaller part of a
  12. The higher court of God to accomplish this change himself. That Onesies was a, runaway ,slave could be suggested by the pun Paul makes on his name (which means "
  13. Became a well known British economist. As a consequence of his experience of, runaway ,inflation and high unemployment in Weimar Germany Poland began to study
  14. Leading to overheating and possible explosion in a process called thermal, runaway , Most consumer lithium batteries have thermal overload protection built-in to
  15. Below) state guards were fined for escaping prisoners. Locals who captured a, runaway ,were given rewards. It's also said that Gulags in colder areas, were less keen
  16. Including a note to the Phelps warning them of a gang planning to steal their, runaway ,slave. During the resulting pursuit, Tom is shot in the leg. Jim remains with
  17. Mira max Films, was bought by Disney the year before the release of Tarantino's, runaway ,hit Pulp Fiction in 1994. The same year marked the beginning of film and video
  18. Said they were too weak from hunger to testify. 2006 to 2007 In August 2006, runaway , inflation forced the government to replace its existing currency with a
  19. Was also charged with preventing Spanish Florida from becoming a refuge for, runaway ,slaves. Critics later alleged that Jackson exceeded orders in his Florida
  20. Indentured servants; in April 1775,he offered a reward for the return of two, runaway ,white servants. One historian claims that Washington desired the material
  21. However, in Harp Marx's autobiography, Harpo Speaks, he states that the, runaway ,mule incident occurred in Ada, Oklahoma. The act slowly evolved from singing
  22. Fully understood when hydrogen bombs were first tested, was responsible for the, runaway ,yield of the Castle Bravo nuclear test. Tritium fuses with deuterium in a
  23. Eventually died. With Atari's further financial problems and the Famicom's, runaway ,success in Japan after its July 16, 1983 release date, Nintendo decided to go
  24. Areas with weak economies, as the euro is seen as a stable currency, prevents, runaway , inflation and encourages foreign investment due to its stability. Within the EU
  25. Background The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 required individuals to return, runaway ,slaves to their owners. During the war, Union generals such as Benjamin Butler
  26. The likelihood of homeostatic positive feedback potential associated with, runaway ,global warming. Similarly, the warming of the oceans is extending the oceanic
  27. For partial or complete debt payment by his Anita or editor. Faced with, runaway ,re-enlistment fees for skilled automatic, Marcus Aurelius set their upper limit
  28. Himself. With Sullivan's brother, Fred,as the Learned Judge, the opera was a, runaway ,hit, outlasting the run of La Jericho. Provincial tours and productions at
  29. House in Nacogdoches, Texas was interrupted by shouts from outside about a, runaway ,mule. The audience hurried outside to see what was happening. When they
  30. Scarborough. However, the following play, How the Other Half Loves, secured his, runaway ,success as a playwright. The height of Ayckbourn's commercial success included
  31. Are wary of concentration in this industry due to the danger of groupthink and, runaway ,lending bubbles based on a single point of failure, the credit culture of the
  32. We'd pull these tunes down a set 'em in a dance category. It wouldn't be a, runaway , and just lay a real nice beat behind it and the people would get to really like
  33. People, including nearly 200 rescue workers, die near Nassau in Iran when a, runaway ,freight train carrying sulfur, petrol and fertilizer catches fire and explodes.
  34. Fueled the dispute; these secondary differences included issues of free speech, runaway ,slaves, expansion into Cuba, and states' rights. The immediate spark for
  35. Tokyo International Airport is currently undergoing construction of a new, runaway , due to open in October 2010. With this opening it will open a new
  36. Lead to the evaporation of all greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. A, runaway ,greenhouse effect involving carbon dioxide and water vapor is thought to have
  37. Quite regardless of the storm of scolding with which the mother follows her, runaway ,steps. " The first team to play baseball under modern rules were the New York
  38. From obtaining a divorce, and the wife's parents were obliged to return a, runaway ,daughter to the husband or else suffer shame which could even result in a
  39. Suggest that carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere would create a, runaway ,greenhouse effect. This would warm the planet well above the boiling point of
  40. And the traffic lanes were added in 2003,primarily as a measure to prevent, runaway ,cyclists from falling into the roadway. The speed limit on the Golden Gate
  41. John Atomized as their son. Chapman met Atomized when the teenager was a, runaway ,from Liverpool. After discussions with Tomiczek's father, it was agreed that
  42. Also exhibits behavior superficially similar to the anti-greenhouse effect. A, runaway ,greenhouse effect occurs if positive feedbacks lead to the evaporation of all
  43. An Indiana Jones-titled ride where people speed off through ancient ruins in a, runaway ,mine wagon similar to that found in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.
  44. 1996),and The Full Monty (1997). The latter film unexpectedly became a, runaway ,success and broke British box office records. Produced for under $4 m and
  45. They were included only by Constantine's children. Monetary reforms After the, runaway ,inflation of the third century, associated with the production of fiat money to
  46. However, these results were not sustainable and in 1972 the Chilean escudo had, runaway ,inflation of 140 %. An economic depression that had begun in 1967 peaked in
  47. Climate may reach a" tipping point" where positive feedback effects lead to, runaway ,global warming; such feedbacks include decreased reflection of solar radiation
  48. So named because Spanish horsemen venturing into this region of hostile, runaway ,slaves were said to have ridden two to a mount, one rider facing to the rear to
  49. By Gregory L, Fay,PhD. The dominant scholarly consensus is that Onesies is a, runaway ,slave who became a Christian believer. Paul now sends him back to face his
  50. That session," Got the Blues" and" Long Lonesome Blues," which became a, runaway ,success, with sales in six figures. He recorded about 100 tracks between 1926

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