Examples of the the word, magician , in a Sentence Context
The word ( magician ), is the 12395 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Were the following: that Christ was not God but merely an unusually skillful, magician , that the Holy Ghost is the soul of the world, that the Devil will be saved
- MacGregor Mather's had become so jealous of his progression as a ceremonial, magician ,that he had begun using magic against him, and the relationship between the two
- Eng stead, American photographer (b. 1909) *1984 – Tommy Cooper, Welsh comedy, magician ,(b. 1921) * 1984 – Alexander Bronchi, Scottish writer (b. 1925) *1988 –
- Law enforcement official (d. 1974) * 1940 – Frances Willard, American, magician , *1943 – Vassilis Alexis, Greek-French writer * 1943 – Dickey Beats, American
- Many similarities with Gardner Wicca. On May Day 1947,his friend, the stage, magician ,Arnold Crowther, introduced Gardner to his friend, the Magus Plaster Crowley.
- Times are good—that is, when the truth offers no threat—people don't mind. … A, magician , on the other hand, tells people what they wish were true—that perpetual motion
- 1989 – Raul Sagas, Brazilian singer (b. 1945) *1992 – Die Vernon, Canadian, magician , ( b. 1894) *1993 – Tatiana Trojans, American mezzo-soprano (b. 1938) *1995
- In the anime/manga Their Majors no Index and Yondemasuyo, Azazel-san. The, magician ,Alice Margatroid in Thou Project also uses a grimier. Le Theater Du
- The day after. Increasingly attracted to parapsychology, Fellini met the Turin, magician ,Gustavo ROL in 1963. ROL, a former banker, introduced him to the world of
- Once again became interested in Frances and Elsie's photographs. In 1978 the, magician ,and scientific skeptic James Randi and a team from the Committee for the
- Stephens, American politician (b. 1859) * 1944 – Charles Jordan, American, magician , ( b. 1888) *1945 – Ernst-Robert Gleiwitz, German physician (b. 1899) *1947 –
- McCord (born 1949) *Austin Osman Spare (1886 – 1956),English artist and, magician ,*Austin Stevens (born 1950),South African photographer Fiction *Steve Austin
- Beast, was an influential English occultist, astrologer,mystic and ceremonial, magician , responsible for founding the religious philosophy of Thelma. He was also
- Been described as a spy, a brawler, a heretic and a homosexual, as well as a ", magician ,"," duelist "," tobacco-user "," counterfeiter" and" rake hell ". J. A.
- Pun, Puerto African-American rapper (b. 1971) * 2000 – Doug Henning, Canadian, magician , ( b. 1947) * 2000 – Dave Everett, English musician (Fog hat, Savoy Brown) (
- A musician, Pierre,a hero-in-training, or Guile, a mysterious, magician , Though tussling with Serge initially, the Acacia Dragoons—whose ranks include
- 2001; Milton & Wiseman,2002; Storm,2000,2003). One skeptic, magician ,James Randi, has a longstanding offer—now U. S. $1 million—“to anyone who
- German organ builder (d. 1875) * 1805 – Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin, French, magician , ( d. 1861) *1812 – Robert Spear Hudson, English businessman (d. 1884) *1823
- American screenwriter (d. 1992) * 1928 – James Randi, Canadian-American, magician , *1931 – Charles E. Rice, American legal scholar and author *1932 – Abbe Biking
- Medieval theologian Modern * Alexander ( magician ) (1880–1954),stage, magician ,specializing in mentalist * Olivia (b. 1983),a Brazilian basketball player
- The Three Books of Occult Philosophy, in 1533. A similar figure was the Swiss, magician ,known as Paracelsus (1493–1541),who published Of the Supreme Mysteries of
- Sorcerer, they wage war against humanity. While Magus appears to be a powerful, magician , his seclusion conceals a long-lost past; in Antiquity, he was known as Janus
- Alexander of Hales,13th-century Medieval theologian Modern * Alexander (, magician ,) (1880–1954),stage magician specializing in mentalist * Olivia (b. 1983
- Lin ant de Bellefonds, explorer and canal engineer *Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin, magician , namesake of" Harry Houdini" *Pierre See, homosexual survivor of the
- Not go unnoticed when he arrived in Montpellier in 1988. The Colombian midfield, magician ,had been on the shopping list at the modest French club for some time. It was
- With Simon Magus, a figure who receives mention in Acts 8:9-13 for being a, magician ,from the city of Samaria. However, Eusebius takes it a step further saying that
- Series was well liked, but it only lasted one season. An accomplished amateur, magician ,himself, he hosted several TV specials in the mid-1970s which featured other
- Also came from his mother's side: Taliesin in Welsh mythology was a poet, magician , and priest. The family motto was Y WIR in Urban y BYD which means" The Truth
- A court case in which he sued the artist Nina Hammett for calling him a black, magician ,in her 1932 book, Laughing Torso. In addressing the jury, Mr. Justice Swift
- Bullshitters ", a Comic Strip film first aired on Channel 4. * 1985 as inept, magician ," Rocco de Ville" in the Alan Teasdale film, No Surrender * 1987 as" Hives
- Since his death, many stories arose about Albert us as an alchemist and, magician , On the subject of alchemy and chemistry, many treatises relating to Alchemy
- Order:, a medieval group that related to Gnosticism. ** Simon Magus,the, magician ,baptized by Philip and rebuked by Peter in Acts 8,became in early Christianity
- A different version. Not perceives Crowley as a black or at least ignorant, magician ,and says his teacher" kept a sharp watch" on the visitor, but mentions no
- The Castle of FM Manchu (1969). An unrelated character of a crime-solving, magician ,called FM Manchu, portrayed by actor David T. Bamberg appeared as the main
- Burn most of the books of chivalry, and seal up his library pretending that a, magician ,has carried it off. Don Quixote approaches another neighbor, Sancho Panza, and
- About his filmmaking methods, claiming such a thing would be tantamount to a, magician ,spoiling his own illusion. In fact, until he began making spoken dialogue films
- This respect. Frigga then sent her maid Full to Garrote, advising him that a, magician ,would soon enter his court to bewitch him, and saying that he could be
- Work My Life and Loves. Admittedly, Maugham did model the character of his, magician ,Oliver Had do after Crowley himself and Crowley confessed Maugham acquiesced
- Year 6347 BC, but that it was only written down in the 5th century BC by the, magician ,Os thanes - his claims are not however supported by modern historians. The
- Many myths and stories surrounding his name. He was said to have been a, magician ,and controller of storms, and he himself, in his famous poem Purification
- Clay features one of the protagonists, Josef Cavalier, an amateur Jewish, magician ,smuggling himself out of Nazi Europe along with the Prague Golem. The theme of
- Strange & Mr. Morrell, in which he is aided in the Peninsular War by the, magician ,Jonathan Strange. The latter provides him a magical road for the soldiers to
- For the first time. Fortune had already used Crowley as a model for the black, magician ,Hugo Ashley in her 1935 novel The Winged Bull. During World War II, future 007
- South African rugby coach (b. 1940) *1999 – Chan Canasta, Polish-British, magician , and mind reader (b. 1920) * 1999 – Apostles Nikolai dis, Greek singer (b.
- O'Brien, American sportscaster and television host * 1948 – Teller, American, magician , ( Penn and Teller) *1950 – Roger Fisher, American musician (Heart) * 1951 –
- And has become infested with various predatory monsters (possibly created by a, magician ,in a former age). Influence The series has lent its name to a whole sub-genre
- Evangelist and founder of the Cognate and Two by Two sects *Charles Cameron (, magician ,) Scottish Magician (1927–2001),godfather of bizarre magic. This is a list
- Boy his" true name ", Ged, and takes him as an apprentice. In this world,a, magician ,who knows someone's true name has control over that person, so one's true
- The continent by PICO Della Miranda and Johannes Reaching. The most important, magician ,of the Renaissance was Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (1486–1535),who widely
- Protestant Episcopal clergyman (d. 1897) *1841 – William Davenport, American, magician , ( d. 1877) *1844 – G. Stanley Hall, American psychologist (d. 1924) *1851 –
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