Examples of the the word, beaver , in a Sentence Context

The word ( beaver ), is the 9447 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Prohibition on the consumption of meat on Fridays during Lent did not apply to, beaver ,meat. The legal basis for the decision probably rests with the Summat Theological
  2. Beaver but has not historically had guardian and New Zealand has guardian but no, beaver , Recent concerns point to domestic animals as a significant vector of guardian
  3. Two dice at the beginning of each turn. A variant of the doubling cube ", beaver ," is the" raccoon. " Players who doubled their opponent, seeing the opponent
  4. For any other animal (however, muskrats have been seen living inside, beaver ,lodges with the beaver s who made them). A very small amount of the lodge is
  5. Mainland has naturalists highly concerned. In contrast, areas with introduced, beaver ,were associated with increased populations of native pure fish (Galaxies
  6. And the major source of water contamination is by other humans. Norway has many, beaver ,but has not historically had guardian and New Zealand has guardian but no beaver .
  7. The downed trees might think that the beaver s were doing just the opposite. The, beaver ,works as a keystone species in an ecosystem by creating wetlands that are used
  8. This tended to wear off the outer guard hairs. In culture In wider culture,the, beaver ,is famed for its industriousness. The English verb" to beaver " means to work
  9. Beaver have transformed Alhambra Creek from a trickle into multiple dams and, beaver ,ponds, which in turn, led to the return of steel head trout and river otter in
  10. They are known for their alarm signal: when startled or frightened, a swimming, beaver ,will rapidly dive while forcefully slapping the water with its broad tail
  11. Culture, the beaver is famed for its industriousness. The English verb" to, beaver ," means to work hard and constantly. As a national emblem The importance of the
  12. Pacific Railway Police Service and Canadian Pacific Railway crest bears the, beaver ,on their crest or coat of arms. Others who have used the beaver in their
  13. Mascot of the 1976 Summer Olympics held in Montreal with the name" Amid" ( ", beaver ," in Ojibwa). The beaver is also the symbol of many units and organizations
  14. Outside San Francisco, in downtown Martinez, California,a male and female, beaver ,arrived in Alhambra Creek in 2006. The Martinez beaver s built a dam 30 feet
  15. Is the" raccoon. " Players who doubled their opponent, seeing the opponent, beaver ,the cube, may in turn then double the stakes once again (" raccoon" ) as part
  16. Hindlegs to manipulate some objects but revert to four limbs when moving (the, beaver ,may also move bipedally if transporting wood for their dams). Bears will fight
  17. Crest bears the beaver on their crest or coat of arms. Others who have used the, beaver ,in their company or organizational symbol or as their mascot include: In
  18. To preserve themselves from hunters, which is not possible because the, beaver ,'s testicles are inside its body. European beaver s (Castor fiber) were
  19. Above and below water. This serves as a warning to beaver s in the area. Once a, beaver ,has sounded the alarm, nearby beaver s will dive and may not reemerge for some
  20. May at one time have been as many as 90 million. Habitat The habitat of the, beaver ,is the riparian zone, inclusive of stream bed. The actions of beaver s for
  21. Against predators, and to float food and building material. The North American, beaver ,population was once more than 60 million, but as of 1988 was 6–12 million. This
  22. That relocating the beaver s may be" a waste of time ", as there are records of, beaver ,recolonizing North Pond in Lincoln Park in 1994,2003,2004,2008 and 2009. As
  23. Jethro was the only baby he knew born with a full set of teeth" just like a, beaver , " Jethro appears in 272 episodes; he is not in the third- or second-to-last
  24. Pleistocene formations of Britain and Siberia, occur remains of a giant extinct, beaver , Trogontherium Cuvier, representing a genus by itself. Beavers have webbed
  25. Tail. They have poor eyesight, but keen senses of hearing, smell,and touch. A, beaver ,'s teeth grow continuously so that they will not be worn down by chewing on
  26. To hybridize the two species, with one breeding between a male North American, beaver ,and a female European resulting in one stillborn kit. These factors make
  27. Their fore-paws and timber between their teeth. Because of this, destroying a, beaver ,dam without removing the beaver s is difficult, especially if the dam is
  28. The early European exploration and trade of Canada was based on the quest for, beaver , The most valuable part of the beaver is its inner fur whose many minute barbs
  29. Native peoples and early settlers also ate this animal's meat. The current, beaver ,population has been estimated to be 10 to 15 million; one estimate claims that
  30. Done heuristically,i.e. by exhaustive search (examples to be found at Busy, beaver ,), trial and error, cleverness,insight, application of inductive reasoning
  31. Denmark (West Jutland) and Bulgaria and are spreading to new locations. The, beaver ,became extinct in Great Britain in the sixteenth century: Giraldo Cambrensis
  32. Genus, Castor. Genetic research has shown the European and North American, beaver ,populations to be distinct species and that hybridization is unlikely. Beavers
  33. semiaquatic rodent. In computer science In computability theory, a busy, beaver ,(from the colloquial expression for" industrious person" ) is a Turing
  34. Of Canada was based on the quest for beaver . The most valuable part of the, beaver ,is its inner fur whose many minute barbs make it excellent for felting
  35. So that the pond's water level could not become excessive. Now protected,the, beaver ,have transformed Alhambra Creek from a trickle into multiple dams and beaver
  36. Barbs make it excellent for felting, especially for hats. In Canada a 'made, beaver ,' or castor gas that an Indian had worn or slept on was more valuable than a
  37. Olympics held in Montreal with the name" Amid" (" beaver " in Ojibwa). The, beaver ,is also the symbol of many units and organizations within the Canadian Forces
  38. Has been credited to the accumulation of silicon from willow trees in the, beaver ,'s diet, which is transformed to salicylic acid and has an action very similar
  39. In 1849 (the so-called" Three-Penny Beaver" ). As a national symbol,the, beaver ,was chosen to be the mascot of the 1976 Summer Olympics held in Montreal with
  40. Excreted into streams by grazing cattle have been shown to be reduced by, beaver ,ponds, where the bacteria are trapped in bottom sediments. Urban beaver s After
  41. Enters service. Individual aircraft Sources: FAS. Org,B-2 Spirit (Pace) The, beaver ,(genus Castor) is a primarily nocturnal, large,semiaquatic rodent. Castor
  42. Pond in Lincoln Park in 1994,2003,2004,2008 and 2009. As of fall 2009 a new, beaver ,lodge has appeared on North Pond's northwest bank. Outside San Francisco, in
  43. Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta which once held the largest concentration of, beaver ,in North America. As an introduced non-native species In the 1940s, beaver s
  44. The bacteria are trapped in bottom sediments. Urban beaver s After 200 years,a, beaver ,has returned to New York City, making its home along the Bronx River, having
  45. To trees in the area. In March 2009,they hired an exterminator to remove a, beaver ,family using live traps, and accidentally killed the mother when she got caught
  46. Bishop of Quebec, the Roman Catholic Church ruled that the beaver was a fish (, beaver ,flesh was a part of the indigenous peoples' diet, prior to the Europeans '
  47. Biosphere Reserve, Chile. Social behavior Family life The basic social units of, beaver ,social organization are families consisting of an adult male and adult female
  48. Called" Worth a Dam ". Resolution included installing a pipe through the, beaver ,dam so that the pond's water level could not become excessive. Now protected
  49. Raised by the Bishop of Quebec, the Roman Catholic Church ruled that the, beaver ,was a fish ( beaver flesh was a part of the indigenous peoples' diet, prior to
  50. Suspended solids, total nitrogen, phosphates,carbon and silicates. The term ‘, beaver ,fever’ is a misnomer coined by the American press in the 1970s,following

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