Examples of the the word, diesel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( diesel ), is the 6267 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Historic nomenclature indicating" TD" refers to" Turbo Diesel ", not a, diesel ,hatchback or touring model (524td,525td) † † typically includes sport seats
  2. Sections). The train, which operated on an expedited schedule, was pulled by, diesel ,locomotives, and used new, streamlined,stainless steel rolling stock. Starting
  3. Passenger Train' ( APT),and development of a conventional high speed, diesel ,train, the 'High Speed Train' ( HST). The APT project was abandoned, but the
  4. Formed by incomplete combustion of carbon-containing fuels such as wood, coal, diesel , fat, tobacco,and incense. Different types of combustion yield different
  5. This syn gas can then be converted into transportation fuels like gasoline and, diesel ,through the Fischer-Tropsch process. This technology is currently used by the
  6. The prototype HST, the British Rail Class 252,reached a world speed record for, diesel ,trains of 143.2 mph, while the main fleet entered service limited to a service
  7. Auxiliary generators are usually run from propane, natural gas, or sometimes, diesel , An hour of charging usually provides a day of operation. Modern residential
  8. In the periphery of the metropolitan area. (modern but usually driven by, diesel ,or natural gas) There are 193 rail stations. Most of them have connecting bus
  9. With Honda to build cars and motorbikes * Atlas-Imperial, a historic American, diesel ,engine builder * Atlas Media Corporation, a non-fiction entertainment company
  10. Can do harm if ingested or inhaled. Microparticles of carbon are produced in, diesel ,engine exhaust fumes, and may accumulate in the lungs. In these examples, the
  11. By a heat sink such as a solid surface or flame trap. For most fuels, such as, diesel ,oil, coal or wood, pyrolysis occurs before combustion. In incomplete combustion
  12. Transported at temperatures around 150 degrees Celsius (300 °F). Sometimes, diesel ,oil or kerosene are mixed in before shipping to retain liquidity; upon delivery
  13. Value of ammonia is 22.5 MJ/kg (9690 BTU/lb) which is about half that of, diesel , In a normal engine, in which the water vapor is not condensed, the calorific
  14. Locomotives (e.g. the Pearlie) have power bogies similar to those on, diesel ,and electric locomotives. Tramway Modern Tram bogies are much simpler in design
  15. This included the withdrawal of steam traction and its replacement by, diesel ,(and some electric) locomotives. Not all the modernization would be
  16. Features, the most notable being the twin-turbocharged direct injection, diesel ,engine. It was first raced in the 2006 12 Hours of Sebring as a race-test in
  17. As narrow gauge but the majority are standard gauge. Most deploy both steam and, diesel ,locomotives for haulage. The majority of heritage railways are operated as
  18. Fuels, such as methane (natural gas),petroleum distillates (gasoline, diesel , kerosene, propane ), but also of coal and wood, will yield carbon dioxide and
  19. Car was developed with a Diesel engine due to ACO regimentation that favor, diesel ,engine). As well as winning the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 2006 making history
  20. Messages. Propulsion The most common power source since the 1920s has been the, diesel ,engine. Early buses, known as trolleybus, were powered by electricity supplied
  21. Liquefaction Coal can also be converted into liquid fuels such as gasoline or, diesel ,by several processes. In the direct liquefaction processes, the coal
  22. District was established. Public transit in British Columbia consists mainly of, diesel ,buses, although Vancouver is also serviced by a fleet of trolleybuses. Several
  23. Fast ferries are made of aluminum and powered by modern and efficient, diesel ,engines, while conventional ferries have a steel hull and are powered by heavy
  24. Less and less suitable for use in gasoline. They form instead the major part of, diesel ,and aviation fuel. Diesel fuels are characterized by their cetane number
  25. Potential as well. Alaska's economy depends heavily on increasingly expensive, diesel ,fuel for heating, transportation,electric power and light. Though wind and
  26. A truck trailer refrigerator operating from the waste heat of a tractor's, diesel ,exhaust was demonstrated by NRG Solutions, Inc. NRG developed a hydronic
  27. Dieselisation occurred that eliminated steam locomotion in 1968,in favor of, diesel ,and electric power. Passengers replaced freight as the main source of business
  28. The forefront of sports car racing, claiming a historic win in the first ever, diesel ,sports car at 12 Hours of Sebring (the car was developed with a Diesel engine
  29. On compressed natural gas, Besides being served by a fleet of natural-gas and, diesel ,buses, the Athens metropolitan area is also served by trolleybuses — or
  30. And once famous British bakery and tea-room chain * Anglo Belgian Corporation, diesel ,engine manufacturer * Audit Bureau of Circulations, publication circulation
  31. Again ceased to be profitable. The mid-1950s saw the rapid introduction of, diesel ,and electric rolling stock, but the expected transfer back from road to rail did
  32. 118i and 120i (all 2,0L gas-powered),just like the 325d and 330d (both 3,0L, diesel , ) share the same motor block while adjusting engine power through setup and
  33. Passenger cars built between 1916 and 1931 and is powered by first-generation, diesel ,locomotives. Steam train In 1998,the CPR repatriated one of its former
  34. Coach height is maintained by air valves. Locomotives; Diesel and electric Most, diesel ,locomotives and electric locomotives are carried on bogies (trucks - US).
  35. Of 1,137. All the 366 trolleybuses are equipped to enable them to run on, diesel ,in case of power failure. Which serve 48 stations, Further extensions are
  36. From the other components in crude oil (such as naphtha, gasoline and, diesel ,) by the process of fractional distillation, usually under vacuum conditions. A
  37. Abu Air, parallel to the tram line. The commuter line's locomotives operate on, diesel , as opposed to the overhead-electric tram. Alexandria plays host to two
  38. Outside of Canada. Canada's vehicles consumed a total of gasoline and of, diesel , Internationally, Canada has road links with both the lower 48 US states and
  39. To provide a lower temperature at the same pressure would be advantageous. A, diesel ,engine operates under even more extreme conditions, with compression ratios of
  40. In civil services generally incorporate a wood stove, or heat and power from, diesel ,fuel or bottled gas, regardless of their other heating mechanisms. Electric
  41. Research, include certain foods, infectious disease, heavy metals, solvents, diesel , exhaust,PCBs, phthalates and phenols used in plastic products, pesticides
  42. Rowing, paddling,setting pole and so on. ) *** internal combustion (gasoline, diesel , heavy fuel oil) Track-driven propulsion An early uncommon means of boat
  43. Particulate trap, a filter used to handle particulate emissions from, diesel ,engines * Critical race theory, a school of thought about racism * The Current
  44. Far as Puerto Montt and is electrified as far as the city of Temuco, from where, diesel ,locomotives are used. Due to lack of budget and care, the 389 km Temuco to
  45. Gave contracts primarily to British suppliers, who had limited experience of, diesel ,locomotive manufacture, and rushed commissioning based on an expectation of
  46. Use it. Refrigerators and air conditioners operating from the waste heat of a, diesel ,engine exhaust, heater flue or solar collector are entering use. These use the
  47. 2009,the Department for Transport also launched its own ROCCO to order 202 new, diesel ,train carriages for the Thames Valley area, around Bristol and on longer
  48. Is carrying him encounters a split rail, resulting in the destruction of its, diesel ,engine. His demands lead to a coal-burning steam engine being attached to his
  49. Along Costa Blanca. As of 2010,electric tram-trains run up to Senior, and, diesel , trains go further to Denial. The city has regular ferry services to the Balearic
  50. A manufacturer of small railroad locomotives ** Polar Atlas, historic Swedish, diesel ,maker, later part of Atlas Coco * Atlas Drop Forge Company, a parts subsidiary

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