Examples of the the word, whip , in a Sentence Context

The word ( whip ), is the 6454 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. French transliteration of the Russian word кнут (knot),which simply means ", whip ,". Russian original Some claim it was a Tatar invention and was introduced into
  2. Most explain his betrayal. He dismissed her, whereupon she struck him with the, whip , broke it on her knee, and hurled the pieces at him. She later regretted her
  3. 5.3 % of the London-wide vote. However, in August 2010 he resigned the party, whip ,and became an independent. European Elections The BNP has taken part in
  4. To tell him it was a spoof — we just said,'Oh, great! '. He never heard the, whip ,cracks; we put those in later. We got so lucky with his serious interpretation
  5. On a parapet, surveying the French army with a telescope, muttering," I could, whip ,them, but it would take 10,000 men, and as this is the only army England has
  6. Also wrote in his book that: (t)he conditioning of petty criminals with the, whip , or some more scientific procedure, followed by a short stay in hospital, would
  7. Most atheists see in gods and devils, heaven and hell; reward and punishment,a, whip ,to lash the people into obedience, meekness and contentment. " Many people
  8. To roam the country despite a harsh reception from some listeners, who would, whip ,and beat them to drive them away. The worship of Friends in the form of silent
  9. Suspended from the House of Commons for 10 days and removed from the party, whip , *Cash for Influence (2009). Details of covertly recorded discussions with 4
  10. Horse-breeding farm in Georgia. She was hot-tempered. No one was permitted to, whip ,a horse or a slave, but she felt that a lick sometimes did her boys no
  11. Elements react differently at different frequencies of light as they, whip ,in and out of view, causing Alioth to have very strange spectral lines that
  12. Will strongly signify her role as dominatrix, such as bearing a flogger, whip ,or riding crop, in conventional representation. Practicing professional
  13. Are also a number of Hungarian loanwords in Slovak. Examples include: *"wicker, whip ,": Slovak Korea (the standard name for" whip " is Bic and Korea, itself
  14. Wristbands, kneepads (mandatory in some clubs),spurs, face mask, and a, whip , The only piece of equipment required by the United States Polo Association (
  15. Kicks allowed along with four kinds of punches allowed:. #fouetté (literally ", whip ,", roundhouse kick making contact with the toe—hard rubber-toed shoes are worn
  16. KD). In this case, KD=1997. A knot () is a heavy scourge-like multiple, whip , usually made of a bunch of rawhide thongs attached to a long handle, sometimes
  17. When it came to the control of the game of baseball the team owners held the, whip ,hand. After the so-called" Brotherhood Strike" of 1890 and the failure of the
  18. For as long as we remain on the defensive, so long will Sinn Féin have the, whip ,hand. We must take the offensive and beat Sinn Féin at its own tactics ... If a
  19. Economic crisis. In the Autumn, Siobhain McDonald, a MP and junior government, whip , who during her time in office had never voted against the government, spoke of
  20. Then from the females in return of whip ping them with a pony-tail shaped, whip ,made out of fresh willow branches and splashing them with water, by the
  21. Claimed that it was her own. A number of BNP councillors later resigned the, whip ,after Councillor Nina Brown claimed that BNP Security had misled her into
  22. Women are less than shallow," and" Are you going to women? Do not forget the, whip , " Whether this amounts to misogyny, whether his polemic statements
  23. Species include the leopard snake (locally known as Chandra),the Balkan, whip ,snake (locally called Dendrogallia),the dice snake (called Peroxide in
  24. Film, slide projections and even Gerard Malaga in an S&M outfit cracking a, whip , The Exploding Plastic Inevitable in 1966 was the culmination of this area of
  25. Has become a thriving hobby for some aficionados of the franchise. Jones ', whip ,was the third most popular film weapon, as shown by a 2008 poll held by 20th
  26. The word to Varangians and derive it from the Swedish nutpick, a kind of, whip ,with knots. Still others maintain it is of generic Germanic origin, not
  27. The HF bands in portable modes, usually carrying the radios in backpacks, with, whip , antennas. Some Orders prefer to construct their equipment from kits or Homebrew
  28. To Conservative conferences. Conservative backbench MSP Brian Montana has the, whip ,withdrawn for briefing against his leader to the Scotland on Sunday newspaper.
  29. But about a half hour after. I have often laid and heard the crack of the, whip , and the screams of the slave. Of the servants that stayed on at Tara, Scarlett
  30. The cabinet He was a Parliamentary Private Secretary from 1981 and an assistant, whip ,from 1983. He was made Under-Secretary of State for Social Security in 1985 and
  31. To punish his children, beating them when they disobeyed him. He used a, whip ,only on Emma, the most rebellious of them. Her mother provided scarce comfort
  32. Of kicks, and four kinds of punches for Savage de rue: #fouetté (literally ", whip ,", roundhouse kick making contact with the toe),high (figure),medium (
  33. Internal divisions were generated. One major collateral casualty was the party, whip ,Paul McLean who resigned and quit the Senate in disgust at what he perceived as
  34. Quarterwave) – the forward gain of an antenna compared to a quarter wavelength, whip , Rarely used, except in some marketing material. 0 DBQ = −0.85 dBi Other
  35. Dale Earnhardt in a song called Gasoline ft. Jim Jones in which he says" I, whip , whip  it real hard like Dale Earnhardt on a racetrack. " * Jay-Z mentions
  36. Of a physical punishment (such as a severe spanking) applied with a leather, whip , martinet, etc. Leather fetishism is the name popularly used to describe a
  37. Can be" commanded" or" saved" at present. If there is no use for a buggy, whip ,then the item is economically worthless in trade or in use, regardless of the
  38. It as an allegory of social evolution where workers, driven by" the invisible, whip ,of hunger ", seek freedom from their wealthy masters. Wagner did have
  39. Musicians to write campaigning new songs to argue the case against the bomb and, whip ,up support along the way. Suddenly many of those in skiffle groups playing
  40. In Ebbs Vale in Monmouth shire, left vacant by Bevan's death. He had the Labor, whip ,withdrawn in March 1961 after rebelling against the Labor leadership over air
  41. Shortly before he stepped down, with the idea that Cheese would take the party, whip ,and sit as a working peer, but the actor quipped that he" realized this
  42. Earnhardt in a song called Gasoline ft. Jim Jones in which he says" I whip , whip , whip  it real hard like Dale Earnhardt on a racetrack. " * Jay-Z mentions Dale
  43. Controlled radio stations after the invasion was officially announced to, whip ,up enthusiasm for the military operation among the German population. The theme
  44. Style as he wished, which included a heavy dose of effervescent jive, such as ", whip ,that thing, Miss Little" and" Mr. Johnny Odds, Aw,do that clarinet, boy! "
  45. The exception to Crystal Skull where the bag was worn over the jacket. * The, whip ,was a bull whip crafted by David Morgan for the first three films. The whip s for
  46. Examples include: *"wicker whip ": Slovak Korea (the standard name for ", whip ," is Bic and Korea, itself originating from Turkish urban, usually means only
  47. Enemy infantry unit is the enemy radio operator (in the past identified by the, whip ,aerial of the backpack radio unit such as the British Army's Clansman system)
  48. Concentrate all cavalry, move out in force against Stuart's command, and, whip , it. " Meade reported the comments to Grant, who replied" Did Sheridan say that
  49. To Maj. John Season, brother of the Confederate secretary of war," Sir, we did, whip ,them at Gettysburg, and it will be seen for the next six months that that army
  50. As a shepherd god. The symbolism of the flail is more uncertain with shepherds, whip , fly-whisk, or association with the god Anxiety of the ninth Nome of Lower

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