Examples of the the word, exile , in a Sentence Context

The word ( exile ), is the 6474 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And freeing the ex-citizens who were slaves, or pardoning those who were in, exile , Maize was like a boarding school for Alexander and the children of Macedonian
  2. And robed once more in the imperial purple, received his son in state. Life in, exile ,Alexios attempted to organize a resistance to the new regime from Adrianople
  3. Is announced, causing a diplomatic rift between the Polish government in, exile ,in London from the Soviet Union, which denies responsibility. * 1943 – The
  4. Return from exile Claudius ordered Agrippina and Li villa to return from, exile , Li villa returned to her husband, while Agrippina was reunited with her
  5. With having adultery with Seneca the Younger. Seneca was later called back from, exile ,to be a tutor to Nero. When Agrippina returned from exile , Messalina realized
  6. Empire and its influential general Flavius Genius. Genius had spent a brief, exile ,among the Huns in 433,and the troops Attila provided against the Goths and
  7. Augustus officially disowned him. Costumes Agrippa was murdered at his place of, exile ,either shortly before or after the death of Augustus. On 19 August AD 14
  8. Emperor Androids I Comments (c. 1183),and thus he spent several years in, exile ,in Muslim courts, including that of Saladin. His younger brother Isaac was
  9. Called back from exile to be a tutor to Nero. When Agrippina returned from, exile , Messaging realized that Agrippina’s son was a threat to her son’s position and
  10. 6th and 5th centuries BCE. He said that it served to assure the Israelites in, exile ,that despite the destruction of Jerusalem, the Temple and the Davidic kingship
  11. 1947 and 1952) and the 28 poems composed in prison, forced-labor camp, and, exile , also provide crucial material for understanding Solzhenitsyn's intellectual
  12. Nero to Octavia and Agrippina arranged to have Seneca the Younger return from, exile ,to tutor the future emperor. Claudius chose to adopt Nero because of his Julian
  13. Among such people, although he found it only in death. This understanding of, exile ,suggests the deeper, metaphysical implications of the term. It relates to the
  14. 1953 after the expiry of Solzhenitsyn's sentence, he was sent to internal, exile ,for life at Top-tier in the northeastern region of Kazakhstan, very close to
  15. Melanics. It is thought that Antaeus travelled widely during his years in, exile , including at least one visit to Egypt. His older brother, Antimenidas, appears
  16. Who also was made bishop of Constantinople. Constantius used his power to, exile ,bishops adhering to the Nicene creed, especially Athanasius of Alexandria, who
  17. Short story" The right hand. " It was during this decade of imprisonment and, exile ,that Solzhenitsyn abandoned Marxism and developed the philosophical and
  18. He had witnessed first hand in Switzerland and New England during his western, exile , He" praised 'the sensible and sure process of grassroots democracy, in which
  19. He managed to convince the king that his mother was out to steal his throne and, exile ,him from Portugal. As a result, Afonso took control of the throne and his
  20. Antaeus. The Seleucid forces defeated Antaeus at Chechen and forced him into, exile ,in the mountains. However, these Judea rebels ultimately decided that it was
  21. Were effectively under Union control, with Confederate state governments in, exile , The Union states Twenty-three states remained loyal to the Union: California
  22. Cut off from the outside world. Room, as the narrator, describes what, exile ,meant to them all: Some, like Lambert, are exile s in double measure since they
  23. Long parted lovers and family members greet each other. For some citizens, exile ,was a feeling more difficult to pin down. They simply desired a reunion with
  24. Gained recognition from the Confederacy. The rebel government soon went into, exile ,and never controlled Kentucky. After Virginia's
  25. Father Germanic us, became the new Roman Emperor. Reign of Claudius Return from, exile ,Claudius ordered Agrippina and Li villa to return from exile . Li villa returned
  26. You, Alcaeus, more full-throated: :Singing with your gold quill of ships, exile ,: :And war, hardship on land, hardship at sea. Scholars, fragments and sources
  27. Of the deceased. The inhabitants passively endure their increasing feelings of, exile ,and separation; despondent, they waste away emotionally as well as physically.
  28. But they do not have the luxury of being in their own homes. The feeling of, exile ,produces many changes in attitudes and behaviors. At first, people indulge in
  29. That Pittances subsequently betrayed them; Antaeus and his brothers fled into, exile ,where the poet later wrote a drinking song in celebration of the news of the
  30. Of Amphitryon, Alcmene married Rhadamanthys, son of Zeus, and lived with him in, exile ,at Scalene in Boeotia. It is said that after Heracles was apotheosized, Hyllus
  31. An airplane across the English Channel. *1917 – Lenin returns to Petrograd from, exile ,in Switzerland. *1919 – Gandhi organizes a day of" prayer and fasting" in
  32. Prison After Khrushchev's Secret Speech in 1956 Solzhenitsyn was freed from, exile ,and exonerated. After his return to European Russia, Solzhenitsyn was, while
  33. Of illusions and of light, man feels a stranger. His is an irremediable, exile , " The ravages of the plague in Oran vividly convey the absurdist position that
  34. And, following the suppression of the 1871 Paris Commune, the execution and, exile ,of many commands to penal colonies, favored individualist political
  35. End of the novel, after the epidemic is over, when the depth of the feelings of, exile ,and deprivation is clear from the overwhelming joy with which long parted
  36. He became king, taking full revenge on his brother. His rival was sentenced to, exile ,in Castile, and stripped of all the lands and fiefdoms donated by their father.
  37. And Calvin was exile d from Italy in early 49. Calvin was called back from, exile ,after Agrippina had died. Towards the end of 54,Agrippina would order the
  38. Punish forces militarily by seizing Mazar-i-Sharif in 1998. Dos tum went into, exile , According to a 55-page report by the UN, the Taliban, while trying to
  39. Of the early third century BCE, wrote that Moses" in remembrance of the, exile ,of his people, instituted for them a misanthropic and inhospitable way of life.
  40. The plan, only the influence of his mother Galley Placid convinced him to, exile , rather than kill, Honoria. He also wrote to Attila strenuously denying the
  41. The High Council of State (HE),invited Mohamed Boudin to return from, exile ,to become its chairman, but he was assassinated on 29 June 1992. The political
  42. Considerably for his support of Solzhenitsyn and was eventually forced into, exile ,himself. In the West On 12 February 1974,Solzhenitsyn was arrested and
  43. Their sorrow that Tchaikovsky had to spend the last years of his life in, exile , Posthumously, he was awarded the Lenin Prize in 1990,one of the highest state
  44. When the gates of Oran were closed. In another sense, the entire town feels in, exile , since it is completely cut off from the outside world. Room, as the narrator
  45. Crimes involved either imposition of fines, beatings,facial mutilation, or, exile , depending on the severity of the offense. Serious crimes such as murder and
  46. Last victims, but puts up a heroic struggle before dying. Themes The theme of, exile ,and separation is embodied in two characters, Rieux and Lambert, both of whom
  47. Camp culture, prisoner uprisings and revolts, and the practice of internal, exile , The Gulag Archipelagos rich and varied authorial voice, its unique weaving
  48. Torn apart under the competing ambitions of its rulers: Lepidus was driven into, exile , and Antony committed suicide following his defeat at the Battle of Action by
  49. King Pedro of Castile and his half-brother Henry of Trastamara led to the, exile ,of many Castilian nobles to Portugal. These immigrants immediately created a
  50. Those who violate anarcho-capitalist property relations, while others believe, exile ,or forced restitution are sufficient. Bruce L. Benson notes that, in the

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