Examples of the the word, accumulation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( accumulation ), is the 6457 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For profit, at least a moderate degree of market allocation and capital, accumulation , The dominant forms of capitalism are listed here. Mercantilism A nationalist
  2. Levels of the metal. Research in this area has been inconclusive; aluminum, accumulation ,may be a consequence of the disease rather than a causal agent. In any event
  3. That are metabolized by CYP450,leading to possibly excessive drug, accumulation ,and increased side effects. In contrast, drugs that induce cytochrome P450
  4. The Earth's crust, however the high solubility of bromide ion has caused its, accumulation ,in the oceans, and commercially the element is easily extracted from brine
  5. And osteomalacia. Although aluminum has a low gastrointestinal absorption, accumulation ,may occur mainly in the presence of renal insufficiency. Aluminium-containing
  6. X converges to at least one point. # Every infinite subset of X has a complete, accumulation ,point.; Euclidean space For any subset A of Euclidean space Rn, the following
  7. He or she first must travel the first two of the five paths: #the path of, accumulation ,#the path of preparation The ten grounds of the Bodhisattva then can be grouped
  8. Increases aluminum absorption, and mall has been shown to increase the, accumulation ,of aluminum in nervous and osseous tissue. Furthermore, aluminium increases
  9. Was that intravenous injection of simple actinium complexes resulted in their, accumulation ,in the bones and liver for a period of tens of years. As a result, after the
  10. Short periods of time, leaving a whole glacier in the ablation area or in the, accumulation ,area. In the high Andes of central Chile and Mendoza Province rock glaciers are
  11. Diseases, and viral infections. It was originally believed that the associated, accumulation ,of cells was due to an increase in cellular proliferation, but it is now known
  12. Number of distinct points in the unit interval, then there must be some, accumulation ,point in that interval. For instance, the odd terms of the sequence get
  13. laissez-faire}. Some define capitalism as a system governed by capital, accumulation ,regardless of the legal ownership titles. Private ownership in capitalism
  14. But rational, Enlightenment thinking led to a more systematic approach to, accumulation ,and study. Numismatics as an academic discipline emerged in these centuries at
  15. Pixels) ***Hardware 16-bit × 16-bit → 32-bit multiply with optional, accumulation ,; 32-bit ÷ 16-bit → 16-bit divide ***Parallel processing of CPU and a single
  16. Of the heart and inhibits heart function.; Pericardial effusion: An abnormal, accumulation ,of fluid in the pericardium that can lead to lemonade.; Pericardial lemonade:
  17. They do when aggregated at feeding sites. According to this interpretation,the, accumulation ,of remains of multiple Allosaurus individuals at the same site,e.g. in the
  18. Poor results for very large data sets due to repeated round off error in the, accumulation ,of the sums. Techniques such as compensated summation can be used to combat
  19. Should comprise two parts. The first part was the gathering and the, accumulation ,of wealth. The second part was for the subsequent distribution of this wealth
  20. Set, but none is an interior point. A closed set in which every point is an, accumulation ,point is also called a perfect set in topology, while a closed subset of the
  21. Where conditions are colder than normal, separated by interglacial periods. The, accumulation ,of snow and ice during a glacial period increases the surface albedo
  22. By alcohol dehydrogenase and formaldehyde dehydrogenase enzymes, respectively;, accumulation ,of formic acid can lead to blindness or death. Likewise, poisoning due to other
  23. Increasing cardiac output. The activity of Castor has been credited to the, accumulation ,of silicon from willow trees in the beaver's diet, which is transformed to
  24. Of traffic at the Aachen road interchange, there is often serious traffic, accumulation , which is why there are plans to expand the interchange in the coming years.
  25. On the space is bounded. * Limit point compact: Every infinite subset has an, accumulation ,point. While all these conditions are equivalent for metric spaces, in general
  26. This process occurs slowly in nature and is responsible for the deposition and, accumulation ,of limestone over geologic time. Carbonic acid in groundwater slowly reacts
  27. And the Dangers of its negligence Just before this In Sing explained how, accumulation ,of food in our body, can cause diseases, and one way to rid us of this is
  28. Gravely threatens social order. It was not yet too late to stem the current of, accumulation ,by a reversal of the policy of monopoly. The Anarchistic remedy was still
  29. Stay under this treatment for longer. There is also the added problem of the, accumulation ,of drug metabolites and adverse effects. Benzodiazepines include:
  30. To work toward the public good. This provided a moral justification for the, accumulation ,of wealth, which had previously been viewed as sinful. His main emphasis was on
  31. Of reserves ". As Box all and Gallagher (1997) also observe;" ..., accumulation ,of reserves in the early-1990's, beyond regulatory and future growth
  32. Whose ternary numerals contain 1s. Hence, every point in the Cantor set is an, accumulation ,point (also called a cluster point or limit point) of the Cantor set, but
  33. Often inscribed on Jain temples). Like in Hinduism, the aim is to prevent the, accumulation ,of harmful Karma. When Mahavira revived and reorganized the Jain movement in
  34. Disease (CAD; also atherosclerotic heart disease) is the end result of the, accumulation ,of atheromas plaques within the walls of the coronary arteries that supply
  35. S allowance for wage increases in the short and intermediate term from capital, accumulation ,and invention added a realism missed later by Malthus, Ricardo,and Marx in
  36. Electronics and instrumentation development has increased the rate of data, accumulation , with datasets of several tens of million atoms (dataset volumes of 105 nm3)
  37. 1970s,humanity had attained an unprecedented state. He was convinced that the, accumulation ,of relevant knowledge, combined with the quantities of major recyclable
  38. And dolomite),where they were formed by lateritic weathering and residual, accumulation ,of intercalated clays or by clay dissolution residues of the limestone. The
  39. Is nowhere dense in the interval. Every point of the Cantor set is also an, accumulation ,point of the complement of the Cantor set. For any two points in the Cantor set
  40. Mammalian cells, they turn to utilizing preformed folic acid. # Reduced drug, accumulation ,: by decreasing drug permeability and/or increasing active efflux (pumping out
  41. EDTA) or ethylene thiamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA). This reduced actinium, accumulation ,in the bones, but the excretion from the body remained slow. Much better
  42. Navy),thus distinguishing it from meritorious achievement awards. However,an, accumulation ,of minor acts of combat heroism does not justify an award of the Valor device.
  43. And further breakdown products including formaldehyde and formic acid, accumulation ,of the latter being suspected as the major cause of injury in methanol
  44. Confederalizing of city-states in Station (a pseudo-Europe) and the, accumulation ,of capital unencumbered by government or church. Washout is also mentioned
  45. At least as high as Plc banks and, in the absence of distribution, led to rapid, accumulation ,of reserves ". As Box all and Gallagher (1997) also observe;" ...
  46. Other microbes) and they therefore prevent biofouling (i.e., the undesirable, accumulation , adhesion, and growth of microorganisms, plants,algae, tubeworms, barnacles
  47. In this model the two universes do not interact, except via local matter, accumulation ,whose density and pressure would become high enough to connect the two sheets
  48. Similar legislation elsewhere, were an integral part of capitalist primitive, accumulation ,and that specific legal frameworks of private land ownership have been integral
  49. Of the state of cinema in the world today. Cairo Genera The Cairo Genera is an, accumulation ,of almost 200,000 Jewish manuscripts that were found in the genial of the Ben
  50. As the" weeping philosopher" and died of dropsy, a swelling due to abnormal, accumulation ,of fluid beneath the skin. However, Empedocles of Acragas, is best known for

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