Examples of the the word, accusation , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Draper of sympathizing with the communist party, and although Draper denied the, accusation , McCullough demanded that Sullivan’s lead sponsor, the Ford Motor Company
  2. Less common are well-documented cases with enough evidence to support the, accusation , Almost all accusation s are disputed to some degree, although the evidence in
  3. Though Suetonius, in his work Lives of the Twelve Caesars, describes Antony's, accusation ,as political slander. To make a successful entry into the upper echelons of the
  4. Was outside the jurisdiction of the Frankish bishops. As we hear no further, accusation ,on the Easter question—not even in those brought against his successor at
  5. Receiving stolen goods, pimping,divination and magic. He finishes with this, accusation ,:" Finally, we have sufficiently investigated and explored how unworthily this
  6. Near Tripoli, c. 158 CE, before Claudius Maximus, proconsul of Africa. The, accusation ,itself seems to have been ridiculous, and the spirited and triumphant defense
  7. Greek term can mean either" ( inflection) for something caused" or" for an, accusation ,". The intended meaning was likely the first, which would be translated as
  8. Matter. The censorship considered the work too" British-American" ( an, accusation ,tantamount, at that time, to a charge of treason),and it was only through the
  9. Are two recent examples of the use of the word 'cabal ': the first came in an, accusation ,by former United States Secretary of State Colin Powell's chief of staff
  10. Instruments or ensembles such as an organ, or a choir. Blood libel (also blood, accusation ,) is a false accusation or claim that religious minorities, usually Jews
  11. Strikes in the critical military industries or profiteering. In essence,the, accusation ,was that the accused committed treason against the" benevolent and righteous "
  12. Adopted against the Jews on account of the ritual murder libel, and to prevent, accusation ,of Arabs on similar charges" ( The Apostolic See and the Jews, Documents:
  13. Beginning of the book Erich Maria Remarque says" This book is to be neither an, accusation ,nor a confession, and least of all an adventure, for death is not an adventure
  14. Again on suspicion of High Treason in the assassination of Doll fuss. This, accusation ,was dropped, but he was sentenced to six months for conspiracy. In 1934
  15. According to Bernard Lewis: Nineteenth century The Damascus affair was an, accusation ,of ritual murder and a blood libel against Jews in Damascus in 1840. On
  16. Had been asked to resign by the president's chief of staff, Andrew Card. The, accusation ,came at the same time as the settlement of an agreement between Iran, the IAEA
  17. Pride.: The judgement is the Lord's.: When by falsification: The foe makes, accusation ,: It's His to make awards. Expulsions Expulsion of Jews from England King
  18. In a forest near the city, his blood being carefully collected in vessels. The, accusation ,of drawing off the blood (without murder) was not made until the beginning of
  19. Had actually been drawn there by Fisher himself. Camp was able to refute the, accusation ,by simply showing the original artwork. In 1954,when Camp was applying for a
  20. The time, Wilfrid, who was present at a feast when some drunken monks made the, accusation , Wilfred did not respond to the accusation , but a monk present relayed the
  21. Ashish marches against Saul, but David is excused from the war on the, accusation ,of the Philistine nobles that his loyalty to their cause cannot be trusted.
  22. Syrian wrote polemics against Jews in the 4th century, including the repeated, accusation ,that Satan dwells among them as a partner. These writings were directed at
  23. It would not be hard for them to manipulate the Emperor. This is exactly the, accusation ,put forth by the ancient sources. However, these same sources admit that the
  24. Accuser of Quintilian Virus, the son of Claudia Punch. In consequence of the, accusation ,of Claudia Punch, and of some offense which he had given to Caligula, he was
  25. A miracle alone decided the charge against the Jews. According to the, accusation , the Jews had suspended a child (whose body was found in the Later river) by
  26. Filled with rage against them, rob them of their possessions without any formal, accusation , without confession, and without legal trial and conviction, contrary to the
  27. Himmler's speech. According to Fest in his biography of Speer," Goldhagen's, accusation ,certainly would have been more convincing" In Inside the Third Reich
  28. That“ Many facts of such religious extremism were proven in courts. ” The, accusation ,included traditional antisemitic canards, such as“ the whole democratic world
  29. Crimen could have signified any one of the following:" charge, indictment, accusation , ; crime, fault,offense ". The word may derive from the Latin Cerner -" to
  30. Of tax evasion for spending her Nobel Prize money outside the country. The, accusation ,followed the defeat of a US-sponsored United Nations Security Council
  31. The 1946 Piece pogrom against Holocaust survivors in Poland was sparked by an, accusation ,of blood libel. *King Faisal of Saudi Arabia (r. 1964–1975) made accusation s
  32. Most sacred truths. I will pass over as utterly contemptible the oft-repeated, accusation ,that skeptics shut out evidence because they will not be governed by the
  33. A Catholic monk named Father Thomas and his servant were murdered. The, accusation ,of ritual murder was brought against members of the Jewish community of
  34. Murray believed that Disraeli had caricatured him and abused his confidence–an, accusation ,denied at the time, and by the official biography, although subsequent
  35. Person placed under the supervision of a nobleman * Criminal charge, a formal, accusation ,made before a court by a prosecuting authority * Charge (bugle call),a bugle
  36. Holy Spirit from the Father" and the Son ", but only" through the Son ",an, accusation ,strongly rejected by Rome, but repeated in Charlemagne's commissioned work the
  37. Turning Alfonso against El Cid,Alfonso's own animosity towards El Cid, and an, accusation ,of pocketing some tribute from Seville. At first, he went to Barcelona
  38. The Damascus affair that took place in 1840 was an incident in which the, accusation ,of ritual murder was brought against members of the Jewish community of
  39. A low point when the press accused Jackson's wife Rachel of bigamy. Though the, accusation ,was true, as were the most personal attacks leveled against him during the campaign
  40. Were outside the hall, he would have Loki's head, but Loki only repeats the, accusation , When Bragi's wife Inn attempts to calm Bragg, Loki accuses her of embracing
  41. Naturalism, or atheism. For example, Phillip E. Johnson makes this, accusation ,of atheism with reference to Charles Hodge's book What Is Darwinism?. However
  42. 1290 (only after ransoming some 3,000 among the most wealthy of them),on the, accusation ,of usury and undermining loyalty to the dynasty. Expulsion of Jews from Spain
  43. Not allowed to return until 1655. In 1171,Blogs was the site of a blood libel, accusation ,against its Jewish community that led to 31 Jews (by some accounts 40) being
  44. Is viewed as being anti-Muslim, though Shiv Saints officially reject this, accusation , When explaining his views on Hindu, he has conflated Islam with violence
  45. Three Jews who, close to death, conduct a trial against God, under the, accusation ,that He has been oppressive of the Jewish people. Night has been translated
  46. Such as an organ, or a choir. Blood libel (also blood accusation ) is a false, accusation ,or claim that religious minorities, usually Jews, murder children to use their
  47. When some drunken monks made the accusation . Wilfred did not respond to the, accusation , but a monk present relayed the episode to Bede, who replied within a few days
  48. The figure of over 5,000 years that was commonly accepted by theologians. The, accusation ,occurred in front of the bishop of Hex ham of the time, Wilfrid, who was present
  49. Murder was then and there committed against the Jews in consequence of the, accusation ,is evident from the manner in which the Nuremberg" Memorbuch" and the
  50. With heavily ballasted bodywork before being weighed at scrutinizing. The, accusation ,was denied by Brabham's management. No formal protest was made against the

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